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27 августа 2018

Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
117,6 кг 0 кг 37,6 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   Добавить Комментарий Потеряно 0,1 кг за Неделю

26 августа 2018

25 августа 2018

24 августа 2018

#365daysonketo day 51// total failure days: 12
Right, it has been exactly 10 days since my last post. I shall take it as a sign that blogging isn’t really my thing?👀
As its 4.35 I am super awake I thought I will fill the gaps.
I think yesterday was the first day when I actually acknowledged some signs of #bingeeating & #emotionaleating. Thought of stopping by the fridge and just putting anything in my mouth crossed my mind several times during this time.
Drastic help to understand where these brilliant ideas are coming from is #intermittentfasting. When I limit my food for certain time I get to have this funny dialogue with myself where the food loving side starts convincing to eat at least just a little bit. Why not if its on allowance list right? My answer now is “No!”
After all my long research and read I realized that if you want to see impressive results in a quite “short” time you have to implement some strict rules: Following clean #keto, counting your macros and calorie intake even though some people tell you that it’s not necessary. It is!
Its very easy to slip from #cleanketo to “just add more butter, cream cheese and your dish includes more fat than carbs and you are going to be good” 🤦🏼‍♀️- don’t even try to tell me that you’ve never done this unless you’ve started strict in the beginning.
I am so not hungry most of the times that from time I do prolong my fast from 16h to 18h just because I don’t feel like eating anything.
Trying to get my head around the idea of doing strict #keto on #allinclusiveholiday which is three days!🙄

22 августа 2018

marcqpan-Изменение Веса

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