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06 августа 2010

Finally! A new low for me. Under 185 and a long time coming. I have been trying by best to ignore the worst plateau I coulde imagine. A month of very little movement in my weight. I knew that one day I would hit my goal, but I was unsure how I would ever break through the 185 mark. It feels awesome, but I am still a little wary of tomorrow. ; )

However, that being said, I did buy new undies this week, a size smaller. I put on a pair of my "skinny jeans" that I got out of my "wrong size closet". OMG. It looked like an elephant had moved out of the backside. So... I back to my "wrong size closet" and get a smaller pair. Woo hoooo they fit perfectly!! As if that was not enough, later in the day I changed into a jumper that I bought several years ago that I have never been able to wear because it was too small through the middle and behind. Oh happy day!!

So on I go. Lots to do and running out of time. I have recently taken on a couple of challenging projects that are pretty time consuming. Three actually. Two websites and a grant writing project that will turn into a full time job. It just fell into my lap so I couldn't say no to it. I will miss my life as lady of leisure.

I have a three day family reunion this weekend, followed by a week of temp work for a company I used to work for, and then a trip to help my daughter out for about a month. Pressure building up to git-r-done!

My focus will remain on healthy eating and lifestyle. Another good note, hubby is beginning to think about his own health and how foods affect it. ; ) You would hae to know the man to understand how big that one is! Anyway we had a good discussion about it last night. I bet it was lasted at least 3 minutes! Like I said... beginning....

03 августа 2010

I have long felt that more nutrition should be taught in schools and nutrition should be the absolute deciding factor in what is feed to our school children in the school lunch programs. Imaging our schools using the school lunch program as a lifelong learning experience for our children that would promote a healthier lifestyle for a huge portion of our nation.

I think the school lunch program needs a thorough makeover. All menus should be based solely on healthy nutrition. The program should be broadened to a nutrition learning experience for the students. (Imagine using learning experience in our schools, is that too far out?)

Lets see our tax dollars at work. Feeding our kids RIGHT, teaching our kids, and lowering healthcard costs in the process. WoW .... talk about some bang for our bucks! Helloooooooo.

Sorry for the rant. It is just what is on my mind this morning. ; )

01 августа 2010

The problem is that most fitness and nutrition books are based on some little piece of obscure nonsense that it is difficult to reccommend one. If you are really looking to eat healthy, do some research online about nutrition. The basics are so simple that they are often ignored.

If you go to the government sites, medical sites you will see that the all say the same things and make the same recommendations that your doctor would. Eat a balanced diet, foods from every food group. Each food group offers something that is required for your body to run in a healthy and efficient manner. Get moving! Use your muscles. Now that is over simplified but the basics.

Now a step further, macronutrients and micronutrients. Macro... protein, fats, carbs. All are necessary for your body to function. The percentages can vary. Protein 15-25%, Fats up to 30%, and Carbohydrates the balance. Protein in small amounts throughout the day. Fats, a little more complicated. Three types, saturated, polyunsaturated and mono-unsaturated. And trans fatty acids. Limit saturated fats (animal-meat and dairy) and eat more poly- and mono-unsaturated (vegetable) fats. Avoid trans fats. As far as carbs go, avoid overprocessed like white flour and empty calories like sugar. Eat plenty of whole grains, legumes and lentils. Eat fruits and vegetables of all kinds. The wider the variety the better. Avoid most packaged foods and restaurants. Notice only avoid them. That is not to say never use packaged foods or eat in restaurants.

Rather, try to use more fresh foods and foods that you prepare, they will be healthier because you control what goes into them. Learn to cook. If it can be purchased already prepared, you can prepare it cheaper, make it healthier and it will taste much better without the chemicals.

Restaurants are fine but you will enjoy them more the less you go, remember that almost all restaurants over portion their foods. (Funny, as I write this, I just realized they never serve enough vegetables. May 3 to 4 times the meat that you should be consuming, but not near enough vegetables. It is possible but very difficult to get a really healthy meal in a restaurant.)

Now the tricky part. The micro-nutrients. Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients required to keep you body fired up. The govenment as established minimum daily requirements for most. Remember, those are MINIMUMS. You should get as many of them from foods as possible. It is very difficult to get as much as you need of all of them through a "typical" American diet. Many doctors will recommend taking a multi-vitamin supplement. The requirements of some vary by age. The list is long and the advantages of each vary widely. With some research you can learn all you need to know.

There is also nutritional some really good nutritional software that you can use to track even the micronutrients. I use a very nice one that was not too expensive. That is where I log all of my food and activity. It is the nutrition side of the software that I find most useful in not only tracking what I eat, but in making the right choises as I plan meals.

I apoligize for the length of this post, but that is the truth about nutrition in a nutshell. ; )

01 августа 2010

grrrrrrrrrrr! This is my third start on this journal entry. I must be errantly hitting some shortcut to move to a different page on IE. It is making me nuts!!! I think that may have been why I slowed down both in journaling and on the forums.

When I journal, I am pretty much does putting down thoughts as they come. At my age, they go about as fast as they come. So once I have typed out my thought I have a hard time recalling them to do it all over again. Aging - a beautiful process! lol

What I can recall from my earlier attempts at a journal entry is that I have reassessed my plan and goals after a striking 1.2 pound loss for July. That made for a very long month. I am so ready for a new month.

My plan for the month is to get back to basics. Where I started in May. For eating only. I refuse to go back to that level of inactivity. I really love being more active and enjoying some of the things that I used to. For activity, I will limit my time somewhat. I want to get in about 6 hours per week.

The bare bones basics of my eating plan.

1. PLAN AHEAD! One or two days of healthy meals and snacks. Focus on quality! Put the healthy foods in the plan first. Add a treat only when the plan allows, and make it worth it. Stay with the plan, but be flexible. Plan lower calorie meals for days preceding and following family reunion and monthly potluck. Use in season fruits and vegies to the max!!! Limit eating out.

2. Journal daily. Focus on mood and activites. Follow friends on FatSecret to gain motivation and ideas. Be more supportive to buddies.

3. Maintain a good activity level. Morning walks with dog to warm up.(20 minute daily) Elliptical, including warm up and cool down. (40 minutes at heart rate of 110 to 125 for 6 days) Light weights and calisthentics. (20 minutes for 5 days) Fit in other activities for fun rather than fat burn: dancing, bowling, gardening. Find new fun activities.

4. Back to weightloss basics. RELEARN portions by weighing and measuring. Lots of water. 3 small meals, 2 or 3 snacks. Have breakfast within first hour of waking. Avoid late night snacks.

5. Weigh daily only to watch trend. Take measurements weekly. Pay attention to fit of clothes.

6. Reward every 3 pound loss. Non-food, of course!

27 июля 2010

Continuing on. I am into my second week of really pushing my level of exercise, duration and intensity. I know that I am hitting my current max. And, hitting it twice a day. Phew! I cannot believe it is me pushing so hard. When it comes to exercise, I haven't exactly been a poster child. Actually, I am trying to increase both my intensity and duration. I forget to have a plan before I get on the elliptical. I am going to have to write out a plan and tape it up so I know what I am aiming at and know when I have gotten there. I get so into the push once I get started. This morning for instance, I was going to take it easy and go for time instead of speed. Started great. Nice and slow for the first 3 minutes. Step it up a notch for another minutes. Stepped it up again to finish out the first 15 minutes. Next thing you know, I start going for it with all I am worth. Watching the distance, time, speed I go back and forth trying to push for the next mile, the next five minutes, increasing my speed. And I was going to take it easy and go for a longer time? lol. I think I will have to cover up the readouts, get on the elliptical with one specific goal and stick to it. Ok, I have talked myself into it, I am going to write out a plan and tape it up.

I am looking for new ways to stay motivated. I have given up on the scale for the time being and switched to measurements. Got out the tape measure yesterday and to my surprise the news was not near as bad as I expected! I have never watched the inches, only the pounds. It will be fun seeing how this works.

I can look at my body in the mirror and acutally count cans of Crisco hanging from it. The 2 causing the most problems being the two on my inner thighs. Clankety clank, clankety clank! Very irritating.

To reach my weight goal of 135, I still have something like 53 pounds to lose which would be the same as 17 3-pound cans of crisco. Now, when I count what I actually see hanging there, I just don't see 17 cans. It gives me hope that I will be very happy in the 150 to 160 weight range.

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