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22 марта 2019

Hi FS family,

Well, only 49 till graduate school graduation!!! Woot Woot, Still working on getting consistent with working out or heart raising activity daily! Haven't mastered it yet but I will. I already signed up for my first obstacle race down in Southern California in July so I have to kick it into high gear with my running.

I am soooo done with school, I have spent the last 6.5 years chained to a computer every available moment, and it's been really tough sometimes to tell my kids' sorry hun mom can't go play basketball with you today. But we all have survived now if I can shore up the details of my final project all will be right with the world.

With all the inconsistency of sleeping, eating, and exercise I have fluctuated back and forth by 6 lbs over the last few months but at least I am NOT gaining weekly. When my schedule levels out after May 5th I will probably weigh in every month. I prefer NSV over numbers!

Hope everyone is doing well and if ya'll could put some good vibes out into the universe that some great job offers in the health and fitness industry come my way over the next couple of months I would really appreciate it!!!

Regards in health,


07 февраля 2019

Great Morning to everyone!

Brrr, it was down to 29 degrees last night here in Central California for this area that is cold!! I went to the gym yesterday an got in an hour of warm-up, resistance training, then cool-down, it felt so amazing to be there! I did feel a bit uncomfortable at one point I was working my adductors (inside of thigh) and these two younger ladies kept staring at me and then talking in each other's ear, my natural human reaction was to want to look at them and ask what the problem was but... then I stepped out from my ego for a moment. Why? Why did I presume that they were talking first of all about me and secondly even if they were why assume it was negative, so instead I looked smiled and kept right on with my lifting and they smiled back and kept right on with their workout.

We are so conditioned to go to the negative feelings and self-talk inside our own head, I've realized over the last couple of years how pervasive negativity is in our society today, and have made a conscious effort to limit my reactions when negative thoughts dance in my head, I do my best to step back and try to find what I am feeling. Most negativity is brought on by fear and low self-esteem, so I challenge everyone to stop and assess what is really going on when negative self-talk, feelings or thoughts come and change your reaction!

We are all worthy of self-care and love and success in every area which chose to pursue it! Continue to have an amazing day and be kind.

05 февраля 2019

Good Morning My Fellow Journey Friends,

So, I have not been in contact with my older brother for many years, however, we recently reconnected and he challenged me to lose weight, get into shape, and apply to be a contestant on the Titan show. I have accepted his challenge and have begun my journey I gained 8.4 lbs since November but... to be completely legit I was expecting somewhere in that range, plain and simple I ate the wrong foods and did NOT move.

So I am back in the journey and loving it, I need all the support I can get to those who are following me please feel free to check in with me and help me hold myself accountable for 60 mins of heart raising activity every day! And just words of encouragement and YOUR inspirational stories will help and I am more then willing to do the same for you if you so desire! With that said I am NOT easily offended but... personal put-downs are UNWELCOMED!!

Let's keep it positive and upbeat, encourage each other through positive motivation and kindness. As I have discovered in the health & Fitness industry there are many out there wanting to feel better and just need a little kindness, positive motivation and inspiration to push them through to the next accomplishment. Some have little to no support at home and just need a gentle positive reminder that they are the only reason they need and it's okay to want to be healthy, thinner or sexier! Their reasons are their own and that's okay!! Remember the words you leave someone on here or say to someone can make all the difference in the world, isn't it an awesome feeling to know you can help positively influence someone's life?? People have told me I made a difference in their lives in a positive way and it feels AweSoMe!!

Everyone have an amazing day!

03 января 2019

Happy New Year FS Crew!!

Hope all had a relaxing Christmas & New Year! Very sad events in my world this year earlier in the summer my kids' pediatrician had a freak accident fell off his roof and died. Then on Christmas morning, my down the street neighbor a police officer was murdered in the line of duty. I was so shocked by these two men's passings' however, it just reinforced for me that life can be gone in a moment. Live life, don't leave things unsaid between you and those you care for but especially love! Be kind to yourself and others!

Ok so eating and exercising is the entity in my life that is like a newborn baby, needs constant attention and care! But I am feeling more confident weekly and tweaking my plan as necessary and so far my weight has held steady, I am not pushing too hard because I am at the end of earning my masters' degree and my focus is on finishing up strong (magna cum laude) and doing my best to continue to get into shape. I am trying to make sure I get in an hour of heart raise activity every day and do my best to get proper amounts of sleep. And although my weight is not fluctuating even with the holidays I do feel like it is shifting.

I am feeling a little nervous but filled with excitement as well as I will soon be the assistant coach for my son's basketball team. My one child has asked me to coach since he was first in flag football but with I have been in school for the last 6 years completely online and time issues have always held me back from saying yes, well this time I said yes but only an assistant coach for now! I get worried sometimes that other kids might say something to my son because I am clearly overweight but when this starts to happen I have been working on bringing out my positive self-talk. Which is yes I am still overweight, however, I am going down in clothes sizing, I do not get winded tying my shoes anymore, and I am no longer in the morbidly obese category! In May I will be graduating and it will be 1 year since I started being consistent with a new lifestyle, as a mom of 4, school, house keep up, relationship maintenance, getting prepared to back into the workforce after graduation, and getting in workouts I feel I am doing good! I do not get winded going up the stairs, and I can still out hustle my kids on the basketball court in a game, so... I am proud of myself. Wishing you all a great rest of the week!

In peace & health

20 декабря 2018

Hello FS Crew,

Wow, it is a mere four days until my children completely lose their minds, have difficulty falling asleep, and we start a new tradition to our family of going to the movies on Christmas day!! I have been in overdrive attempting to accomplish all that must be accomplished over the next four month so that I can hopefully open up my business after Master's graduation in May. I am excited and completely freaked out, so these days I have doubled down on my eating plan and once again am attempting to track daily my food intake here on F.S.

I hope everyone has their plan in place for this holiday run over 12 days, I am not waiting until Jan 1st to make my resolutions and this year my resolutions will have nothing to do with weight loss. I am setting my goals first off for an extremely healthy and happy 2019, then I will sign up for 3 obstacle course races over the year, be more kind to myself with regular exercise, more sleep and more quality time with my children.

My wish for my F.S family is that you all enjoy or create an amazing holiday season for yourself, remember the only thing that absolutely cannot be changed is death, love yourself more every day, have more kindness towards yourself and humanity and know you have a safe place here at F.S to go to for support and understanding.

Focus on YOU and your journey, embrace it and look forward to all the accomplishments you will achieve along the way and know not all accomplishments are found on the scale or in numbers!

Happy Holidays to all

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