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23 июля 2016

23 июля 2016

Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
97,3 кг 3,8 кг 6,6 кг 100%
   (1 комментарий) Потеряно 4,4 кг за Неделю

22 июля 2016

Good evening my Troops what A day took lawyers wife for procedure in city , very hot day , I programmed her phone with my number and said call when ready to pick her up at door , so I drop her at door , drive 3 blocks I found parking it was 97 degrees no wind , I knew I had hours to wait , so I see like 1 hundred people a block away I brought 6 frozen and 2 cold 17 ounce waters I did not eat huge mistake , so get her 1/2 hr early for appointment , I had 10 bucks in quarters for meter I put $5 and added as I got more water and walked to crowd I thought summer concert was I mistaken lol , I got solicited by 15 people to buy drugs lol , then all these people walking into this building looked like ants in my yard I walk near there about 10 approach me for money I said no . they were very city people then people start asking me if I would pee in a cup , I said to me ???? what the heck lol of all people I met in my 56 years no one ask me to give them my urine , I spotted a man in like red vest I walk to him and say what is wrong with these people ? , he knew I was not city smart , and said dude you in wrong neck of town I said explain about urine and the crowds he said drug addicts and methadone clinic and they do heroin and need clean urine to stay in program I said here gave him a ice cold water he said walk other way its safe there so I turned my butt around and walked and walked for 3 hours kept stopping at car for waters I drank like a gallon I found a small patch of grass and a tree after legs could not walk take off shirt start doing pilates huge mistake with lung damage I after 13 min could not breathe lol I put head under a fountain to cool off , luckily she called went to car got her home safe , and drove to boston market I felt ill from no food and heat , so I order 1/2 chicken a side salad nothing like their veggies and said skip the corn bread I peeled skin from chicken and ate that and salad and drank another quart of water then drove to store grocery shop , when arriving home I litterly limped in house and make tuna for dinner cant eat I need body to cool down thank God I got A/C , I was so used to gym 2 to 3 hrs a day no biggy let me tell u walking in heat and I walk slow kicked my butt I feel crippled , thank God I don't live in city I appreciate cows and corn fields more I got huge feeling big weight loss tomorrow I never sweated soo much in my life , lol that was day - I dont like 100 degree weather I am exhausted couch and tv till I got to bed he he

22 июля 2016

Good morning my comrades , another beautiful day I am now off ptsd meds I got put on last week whoo hooo flushed them , dr agreed I did 100% turn around ,I am grateful
OK now to the diet talk ,I ate yesterday from 5 pm till midnight I consumed 3 cans tuna ,3 chicken patties ,a pickle , alot of yellow squash , about 4 or 5 protein shakes and and 45 calorie bread (someone bought it for me I not eat bread but I think I had omg this is embarrassing but I think 10 slices cant wait till its gone and consumed more calories since I joined and drank 13 bottles water , I think it was medication we shall see . How ever I will not be able to go to gym for next 3 days , Today got to drive my lawyers wife into city like 50 minute ride for a back procedure , I got to clean house , church , help a friend , and other things so this will be a test since LOU the gym rat wont be burning any calories for 3 days . Hopefully my appetite will , go down from stopping the meds I accually think I ate over 3000 calories im usually 1200 to 2k but I managed to lose .8 pounds in this eating like crazy lol , well all have nice day and be safe my friends ohh one more thing I looked threw site which I never did I joined a challenge to I dont remember name but drink 8 ounces of water no sugar 30 min exercise a day and no red meat . For me the only change will be stopping red meat so I said give it a go , ok got to dress for hospital and long ride to pick up bettyanne 10-4
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
98,0 кг 3,2 кг 7,3 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (5 комментарий) Потеряно 2,5 кг за Неделю

21 июля 2016

jwrabbit123-Изменение Веса

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