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19 сентября 2019

I've been working on a meal plan for the past week or two. It would be so much easier if I could keep it as simple as my fiance does. Meat, carbs, and veggies. Cook it separately, toss it in a container, freeze it, and you have a month's worth of food ready. I can't do that simple. Everything I eat has to be baby friendly, not too bland, not lacking in variety, but also not to complex. I need to keep net carbs low. I can't have eggs for breakfast. Even if bananas weren't high carb I can't even touch them. I have to be extra cautious if I add in nuts because of family allergies. Oranges and grapefruit require caution as well. Anti inflammatory is a requirement at this point. High protein is a must. I can't work in a fourth meal, but I might be able to sneak in a snack or two. In addition to all of that it needs to be relatively light and easy on my stomach. And it all has to be kept somewhat cheap. It's all these small parameters that screw me up.
So I've been going around and around trying to figure it out. My biggest downfall has been breakfast. I want something at least somewhat breakfasty. But I can't figure out anything within that that really seems like breakfast. Past that it's the calories. I can barely eat a 300 calorie meal right now without feeling like I'm gonna explode. It's so much food! It's a lot of meat. I have a list of foods printed off with calories, carbs, protein, fat, and fiber count. Everything will be weighed out and portioned. It's a lot of tedious work.
I have until tomorrow to figure it out and make a grocery list between naps, cleaning, the random eruptions of screaming, the meltdowns of a teething child, feeding him, etc. I still can't get the calorie count up to 1900. I can live with it being slightly under. But in order to get over 1500 it requires going a little over budget. And that's with 1-2 added snacks and a protein shake. Neither of which will be available for a while. I guess 1500 is better than the average 700 I had been able to swing lately.
This time better than last, next time even better. Every little bit of progress is still a step forward. And in order to get where I need and want to be I have to have forward thinking. No more excuses. No skipping meals to save money or time. This is it! Mommas get this shit together.

17 сентября 2019

I worked my ass off today. Little man had an appointment this morning and got to make some friends. He was in a much better mood today than he has been all week. So I got to go out back and do squats, lift weights, do lots of stretching, and walking, and running, and more lifting... Aka I dug up and moved a ton of bricks, trimmed some trees, ran around the yard, pulled a bunch of weeds, and walked about a mile. It was actually a lot of fun! It helped me get more calories in and drink slightly more water. Always good when I can stomach eating more than 250 calories in one sitting.
Tomorrow I'm going to sweep, sweep, and sweep some more. And while the adorable demon is asleep I'll keep working on macros, make a menu for the next few weeks, and then a shopping list. Hopefully there won't be anymore big falls or er visits for the tiny dude this week. I'm screwed once he actually starts walking. I swear everything will be out the window and we'll restart again.

15 сентября 2019

Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
87,2 кг 1,2 кг 26,0 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   Добавить Комментарий Потеряно 1,1 кг за Неделю

09 сентября 2019

07 сентября 2019

This will likely be my only entry. I am 10 months post partum. I haven't pumped in over 3 months. I thought I'd lose weight after I stopped. I've gained weight. My appetite has plummeted, water intake has become increasingly difficult as my son becomes more interested in how straws function. Yesterday I was 400 calories under. Most days it's probably about 500-600. So despite being more active I'm just gaining weight. This has, in turn, screwed up my hormones a bit.
My goals for this week are to get back on track with water intake and to put together a fairly simple macro diet plan. 3 meals a day, maybe a snack for after he's in bed. In addition I want to work out a solidish work out plan, which will consist entirely of yard work, because I can't juggle an actual work out, yard work, cooking, cleaning, and a baby.
Long term I'd like to have a consistent diet plan worked out, a freezer full of quick, healthy options, a consistent workout plan, get my weight back down to a healthy point, and then work on tone. I have a long ways to go. But I want to set a good example for my kid. And I want to be able to wake up in the morning feeling like I actually slept. Consistency is key!
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
88,5 кг 0 кг 27,2 кг Достаточно Хорошо
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