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21 марта 2016

Good morning fatsecret friends. I managed another loss this past week. Wasn't really expecting it with the large drop last week, plus stress and TOM. But hey, I'll never complain about a loss.

I'm trying to remember how this past week has went (lol). I know I got to the gym three times but I didn't get any kettlebell time in. My sister had an appointment with a neurologist last week and my mom took us to Red Lobster for lunch after. I did well keeping my calories within daily limits. That was Wednesday. After that I was busy preparing a presentation for class (which I presented Thursday and knocked out of the park) and getting my clinical prep work ready for the weekend. I was in clinical Saturday and Sunday. It went well. I've learned that I struggle a lot with taking my work home with me. I like to get home and worry about my patients. Wish I could check up on them. My patient was nearly in tears when my shift was over yesterday, the staff told me she was asking for me all night Saturday after I left.

I never feel like cooking on clinical weekends. I come home just exhausted. Saturday night my husband insisted we go to Texas Roadhouse which would have been fine had I not eaten three dinner rolls. We waited for like three hours, and I was exhausted and starved. The food was delicious though. Sunday night husband and kids wanted to order subs. I let them go ahead and do that and I just had some eggs and fresh fruit. A lower calorie day to balance out Saturday.

Rough weight loss weeks lie ahead, that's for sure. This week my kiddo's are on spring break so getting to the gym will be a little more difficult. My youngest is supposed to stay at his grandmas tonight so I'll pass on my workout this morning and go tomorrow instead while he's gone. Sunday is Easter which shouldn't pose much of a problem; it's home cooked food so all I have to worry about is portion control.... and avoiding that candy! The weekend after, april 2nd/3rd, is my last clinical weekend... ever. Saturday we are having a pizza party for the staff there and Saturday night my father in law is taking me out to dinner for my birthday (the fifth). Sunday is my last day and I've had plans since the beginning to go out for drinks with my clinical group. I supposed I should weigh in Sunday morning rather than the Monday after lol. Then the weekend after that my husband will be taking me out for my birthday.

So yeah, lots of opportunities to mess up lay ahead but I'm not too worried about it because I'm in control of those choices. Besides, how can you be upset when people want to celebrate you? I've had a lot of practice eating out and still losing weight, I know what to chose.

I have been with this clinical group for the last year, we deserve to go out and celebrate, I'm not giving that up. It's blowing my mind that I only have one more weekend. A big part of me is going to miss this so much when it's gone. I have grown so much, and a lot of the support that I had through this was from my group.

Anywho, one day at a time right. Today I need to get some grocery shopping done and go to work this evening. I have a test on Thursday to start preparing for.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
87,9 кг 41,8 кг 0 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (5 комментарий) Потеряно 0,5 кг за Неделю

14 марта 2016

Just a hair over ninety-one pounds down total, and just over twenty-five pounds since January 4th. Funny how the scale always seems to move in chunks for me. I've been messing around with these tenth of a pound losses for a couple weeks now, finally seeing something substantial.

Most recently my goals were focused on my reduced calorie intake (1500), exercise sessions and keeping my CHO intake under 150, preferably around 100g/day. For the most part I have done really well. Saturday we ended up ordering from a Mexican restaurant and I had a quesadilla w/ rice so that blew those carbs out of the water but all-in-all no harm, no foul. I wanted to focus on eating out less but I think I still ate out twice this past week. It has been very difficult as I'm juggling my class schedule, my clinical schedule, and my work schedule. (On top of gym time, study time, and caring for two kiddos and a husband). During the work week I'm lucky if I'm home one evening, usually I don't see my kiddos much at all, kisses before bed and up and on the bus. It has been an exhausting sacrifice to get through nursing school, but it's almost over!

I was very successful at weight loss before nursing school. I worked and I focusing on diet and exercise. Those were my two big priorities, my only jobs, and I kicked some serious ass. Once I started school it was a roller coaster. I flirted with the same 25-30 pounds, on then off, then on again. I believe I am finally to a place where I'm learning how to handle all of the stress and responsibility without returning to my old go-to of stress eating. Old habits die hard, really really hard. For me it was almost a year and a half of good solid weight loss; I thought I had kicked those habits for good. It started with a pack of candy from the vending machine at class, to pizza and chocolate pudding at lunch during clinical. I am still successful though, because I am constantly continuing to learn from my experiences and striving to improve. The number on the scale does not accurately paint a picture of all we have learned, our struggles or our successes.

There is more than one way to lose a pound. Some people are really successful on LCHF, that's awesome, more power to you. Some people believe a vegetarian diet is a healthier weight loss option, that's great and I wish you a lot of success. Some are HIIT and others enjoy walking, a calorie burned is a calorie burned. There is no right or wrong way to do this. I have focused on portion control, calorie control, increasing high quality foods. I ate a quesadilla, pancakes, and fried chicken this past week, and I eat bread every day. (where's my millions, oprah?)

Having lost 110+ pounds in the past on my WOE does not make me feel entitled to troll journals telling other individuals what they need to do differently. It does not make me feel better than anyone who is starting at the weight I once was, nor does it make me feel like I know everything about weight loss. We need to remember where we came from and offer the same open minded support we once hoped to receive.

Fatsecret has become a tad negative and this is very disheartening as it has, for the last two years, been my safe place. It seems less supportive and more competitive. Still a lot of good people out there, we just have to be louder than the negative voices.

Hope all of my buddies are off to a great start this week.

Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
88,4 кг 41,4 кг 0 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (26 комментарий) Потеряно 1,5 кг за Неделю

08 марта 2016

Another kettlebell workout this morning. Last week's session left me moaning and groaning for days! The first one is usually the worst so I'm hoping that by Thursday I'll be ready for another round as twice a week would be ideal. I get my cardio at the gym on M,W,F, but I use high resistance to work the muscles too. All is well in the activity department.

I'm doing alright with diet. I did really well last week but then I ended up eating out Friday and Saturday night. Although I was still within my calorie ranges it didn't seem to help my cause. This week my goals to improve on the intake are no dining out (well, maybe subway), and watching the carbohydrates/calories a little more closely. I'm looking for a solid loss for next week's weigh in.

It has been a stressful beginning to the week. I haven't really had a day off in what seems like forever. I worked last night and ended up having to train a new girl. It was okay; she's kind of ... aloof, and I don't know how reliable she will be in the long run. Today my plan was to cram for an exam I have tonight, haven't had as much study time as I would have liked (my own fault). But now I've been called in to work for a few hours this afternoon. After which I will have to run to pick up my kiddos, then run to get to class. *Sigh*. No rest for the wicked. Tomorrow is supposed to be my day off, although I won't have the opportunity to catch up on sleep by any means. Fingers crossed that it will remain a day off and I can at least make it to the grocery store and gym.

The good news is that I'm feeling very confident after this past clinical weekend. I can't give many details but I was able to showcase my knowledge and put it into action. I feel like I really made a difference in improving someones situation. I passed meds and gave a couple breathing treatments. It was a good weekend for me. Nursing is extremely rewarding to me, and I'm still coasting off that high.

I hope everyone is off to a good start this week. Again, thank you for all the support and positive comments on my weigh in. You guys are the best!

Gotta run :)

07 марта 2016

Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
89,9 кг 39,8 кг 0 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (8 комментарий) Потеряно 0,3 кг за Неделю

06 марта 2016

Annabelle3117-Изменение Веса

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