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20 апреля 2015

20 апреля 2015

Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
122,1 кг 0 кг 38,2 кг Плохо
   Добавить Комментарий Набралось 1,1 кг за Неделю

19 февраля 2015

Thursday it is and I am still recouping from this illness. I've been into work a couple times but haven't seen a client in over a week because I don't want to share whatever this horrid thing is. My nose is sore and chapped. My lips are chapped. My ears are plugged and quite frankly I'm really ready to be done with this. I've been ok I think at eating. Hungrier than usual but still eating well. It was tough there for a bit with our company because the house was full of junk food. DH's brother is great for frozen pizzas, oreo cookies, and the like. The last full day he was here my resolve was starting to slip. I even ate 2 oreos. But no one would let me eat the last piece of pizza so I guess I did okay.

I haven't weighed yet this week. Will do so tomorrow or the next day. I'm really trying not to be too focused on the number but that is difficult for me. The newest "healthy" rage is a thing called THRIVE? Of course everyone is raving about it. As usual I'm tempted as I am with every diet craze. But $100 a month? Yea, I don't think so. But if anyone has tried it I'd be curious to hear your experience.

We had a great visit with DH's brother. Our youngest came up too for one night so it was really nice. With few family around I often forget that we really do have family and that I am not really "alone."

Well this is gonna be short and sweet. Hoping I can go to work for at least a little while tomorrow!! Take care!

14 февраля 2015

Happy Valentines Day to all my FatSecret Sweethearts!!!

My DH insisted I open my gift yesterday afternoon before he left for work, he was anxious to see my reaction. A lovely card, two beautiful pairs of earrings and a really cool moose print showing just the top of his nose, eyes, head and rack!!! It's already hung in a place of honor. So lovely.

Unfortunately I've been sick, sick, sick this week. Started to come on Tuesday evening. I guess its a headcold of some sort but 4 days into this and it is still kicking my butt. DH came home early last night not feeling well himself. Timing is not good as his brother is visiting and due to spend Sunday through Wednesday with us. Maybe DH will wake up feeling 100% better? I hope so because I feel about 25%.

He came home rather rattled. He had called the house twice and I didn't answer. Well I was asleep. He called my cell and I have it set to do not disturb at night so that texts, emails, and random phone calls don't wake me up. I don't know if he called the landline or not but the phone is three rooms away from me and I was OUT. Needless to say I guess all sorts of horrible things were running through his head as he drove home, not feeling well himself. Guess I better figure out a way to let his phone call come through in case of an emergency. I don't leave the landline phone by my bedside because the charge tends to run down. Ugh.

Not a whole lot going on around here other than a very red nose, causing the kleenex stock to rise dramatically due to consumption, and I can't taste a darn thing. I guess that could be an advantage because I'm not eating for "taste" right now. The weird thing is, even if you can't taste anything one still gets hungry. Eating certainly isn't as much fun with no taste though.

I can see by my weigh in the scale is continuing to decline. That is a good thing, especially since I am not dieting. I am truly hoping I have finally stumbled into a lifestyle choice that will suit me for many years to come. Low-fat Vegan. No dairy, no meat, no oil/butter. Starchivore am I. Of course I tend to be a tad on the OCD side so being okay with a periodic exception is important for me to consider without making myself psychotic. What I like is that I am NOT on a diet. What I like is I do NOT count calories. I eat when I am hungry, until I am full. I've always had a BIG appetite and have felt embarrassed and guilty about it. No more!! No starvation. No deprivation. Simply different choices, a different way to cook, a different way to eat. It's only been a few short weeks so it is still new to me. Time will tell.

Well enough for today. Hoping you all have a sweet day, recognizing where love lives near and around you. Take care!!
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
111,9 кг 5,7 кг 27,9 кг 100%
   (6 комментарий) Потеряно 1,0 кг за Неделю

06 февраля 2015

So glad to wake up to Friday. It would be even better if it was at the end of the day ... been a long busy week for me and I'm tired!! I've been madly trying to catch up on paperwork and of course I still have more to do so I think maybe I have put in a few extra hours this week. Such is life.

We are having the strangest winter. Rain, rain, and more rain. I'm beginning to think this is Seattle instead of Northern Idaho. The skiers and snowboarders are not happy. There is even talk of closing Schweitzer, our local ski resort, early. The dirt roads are a mess, potholed to the max and as I travel up to our home we have a mixture of slush, ice, and mud. Very springlike but much earlier than I've ever seen since I've lived here. We even have weight restrictions up on most roads.

Eating has been going well. I did indulged in a few bites of buffalo nachos at the Superbowl party ... but for the most part stuck to my WOE. I didn't even drink one beer!!! Okay, one sip of DH's beer but that was it. I don't know what has come over me!! I've been rewarded though with another dip in the scale. I also have stopped weighing every day. I was getting very discouraged. I'm always in such a hurry. My head knows that it is better to find a WOE I can continue with all the time so I still think this is a wise approach but my heart wants that smaller body back and I want it NOW!!! I think the best thing is about this WOE is that I can eat. Dinner last night consisted of three baked sweet potatoes. Yup. You read that right. I ate 3 baked sweet potatoes!!! No butter, nothing on them ... but sweet potatoes are so delicious all by themselves. Another dinner this week was a huge baked potato slathered in a spaghetti sauce DH made over the weekend. My comfort food needs are very easily met with this approach. My desire to randomly snack seems to be decreasing. I do notice I'm hungry more often and I try to pack my bag accordingly so that I can eat when I am hungry. And ... really trying to focus on water. The rule of thumb is to drink in ounces, half your body weight. That is an arduous task when you weigh over 200 lbs!!! I don't think I'm getting there but I'm working on it. The next hurdle will be to switch out my coffee for hot lemon water. I like the lemon water but I don't know if I really want to give up my coffee. We shall see.

In other news ... well gee ... I'm not sure I have other news. Everyday is a new opportunity for me to practice my mindfulness, being in THIS moment, and being kind to myself. Oh I finished DH's blanket I'd been knitting. I picked this thick yarn and it turned out marvelously. Silly but I thought ... if he does leave me sooner rather than later this blanket he used will bring me comfort when he is gone. Morose? Perhaps. Does DH know I was thinking that as I knitted? Nope. Strange the things we do.

Well that's about it. I think I can only wax poetic on the weekends. For now ... this is me ... putting one foot in front of the other, ever mindful of what I am grateful for and how much I have rather than what I feel I've been cheated of, lack, or still want. Have a fabulous Friday and take good care of yourselves.
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
113,0 кг 4,5 кг 29,1 кг 100%
   (5 комментарий) Потеряно 1,4 кг за Неделю

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