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I have a really bad attitude. I just don't give a S**T. I don't know where to go from here. I feel like I do well during the week and then, BAM, here comes the weekend. I'll keep going but I just don't understand why. I guess I should take my own advise and STAY STRONG! Have a great week everyone!
69,9 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 5,9 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 1,8 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

1095 ккал Жир: 60,90г | Белк: 40,13г | Углев: 101,97г.   Завтрак: Coffee (Brewed From Grounds), Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin, Duncan Hines Moist Deluxe Cake Mix - Spice. Обед: Kroger CARBmaster White Chocolate Raspberry Yogurt, Celery, Cucumber (with Peel). Ужин: Jolly Time Blastobutter Popcorn, Milk (Nonfat). Перекус/Другое: Nestle Chocolate Chips, Fisher Chopped Walnuts, Almonds, Sargento String Cheese Mozzarella Cheese Snacks. подробнее ...
Набралось 0,5 кг за Неделю

30 Сторонников    Поддержка   

I know how you feel!!! I was there yesterday, I just didnt want to be back on a restrictive diet that told me I couldnt eat this or that, I didnt care that I was fat, but then I remembered how far I had come. I remembered that I am worth it, my family deserves to have me around to annoy them for a few more years. You are worth it, stay strong, keep pushing forward!! Sending you love!!  
26 мар 18 написано членом: Klynn82
I am there with you. I mean, I don't look bad for 60, 170 pounds isn't too huge, I like eating what I want to eat. Then I remember that my feet hurt if I try to walk very far, that my clothes look terrible because they are covering some big piles of fat, and that I eat really badly. I thinke we have to hit it hard during the week and PLAN to go overboard for the weekend. I think I have that syndrome where if I tell myself to do something, I won't! So maybe telling myself to splurge over the weekend will make me not do it. Hang in there! You are doing great! 13 pounds down! 
26 мар 18 написано членом: abbadabba
Maybe look at staying under your RDI all week as much as you know you’re going to go over it on the weekend? 🤷🏻‍♀️I average out my days using the Diet Calendar feature and try to keep it at 100% of my RDI or a bit lower for the month so I will post a loss for the month. 🙋🏻 
26 мар 18 написано членом: smprowett
Maybe you should rename Saturday and Sunday. you can use Blamflday and Flamday instead.  
26 мар 18 написано членом: utahnomo
Yeah, weekends are hard - especially when the grandkids come over & we end up buying cookies & stuff we don't normally buy. It's like crack or something. Just gotta reset, today is a new day & all that jazz. It may be boring to say it (stay strong, stick with the plan), but it's also true. 
26 мар 18 написано членом: Toni Bourlon
Very hard to diet if you don't give a s**t. Looking at your food diary, I see that you eat a lot of processed food and you don't record everything you eat. I find recording everything, even the bad stuff, is key to losing weight as it helps to see where you're going wrong. A diet consisting mainly of processed food is bad and contributes to diabetes. See if you can learn to cook your own food from fresh ingredients. It will taste better and will be much better for you. 
26 мар 18 написано членом: Doobrie
Thank you all for the support. I know I'm having a few bad days and I will get over it but it still sucks. Doobrie,no I don't record everything because I'm ashamed to admit what I eat and drink over the weekend. That's the problem. I know I'm doing it but I just can't seem to stop. I cook "real" food during the week but I get lazy on the weekends. I just need a major attitude adjustment. Hang in there everyone. I'll get through this and so will all of you. 
26 мар 18 написано членом: mickfan1
We are all here for your support. You have to give a )@$()&) about yourself because that is truly what matters. Have little snacks prepared so that you don't stand at the frig or pantry and look like a deer in the headlights... Tough route to go but if you can do it 71.4285714285% of the time, then you have the other 28.57148571% to take care. Looks better in numbers!!  
26 мар 18 написано членом: clay pot baker
I felt like that when I first joined FatSecret but then I thought - if I don't record everything, I'm cheating. And who am I cheating? Myself - lol! No-one looks at what you're eating on here unless you ask for advice (which I presumed you did since you said "I don't know where to go from here") or you've been doing so well they might take a peep to get inspiration. I can't emphasise enough how it will help you. We're all here to support you and you'll be amazed just how much support you can get if you just reach out. I'm sure I wouldn't have lost 40 pounds without this site and the amazing people on it. I spent years and years thinking I couldn't lose weight. Well, I'm 65 and I can! (Not today though as we went out for a yummy meal and I'm just about to record my sins) 😊 
26 мар 18 написано членом: Doobrie
The emotional part of this journey is such a struggle. Weekends can be rough for me too, but I set an outline for myself that is helping. #1 Don't beat myself up, just love myself enough to be honest and log everything that goes into my mouth. #2 Keep it under what I burn (so under 2000ish calories). If we are going out for dinner I'll eat lite and save my calories for wine or cocktails (hehe). #3 keep the over indulging days to less than two a week. I'm working on choices that will be sustainable for the rest of my life. I'll never be happy if I go back to the way I was eating, so the only way is to move forward. I hope you find ways to balance your weekends!  
26 мар 18 написано членом: dhatura
Consider doing some intermittent fasting on the weekends. If you limit yourself to one meal a day on the weekend with no snacking you should be able to get a handle on it. Having a bad attitude can work to your advantage if you learn to harness it and use it in your favor! Good luck and stay strong.  
26 мар 18 написано членом: @philrmcknight
be encouraged. don't give up! 
26 мар 18 написано членом: marshakanady
Woa there Mick 😯 We all go through lulls and seeming backslides. Don’t forget about body recompositioning. It seems to happen every 5% weight loss. Plan for it. Also, I just learned (again) that aspartame especially, & other fake sugars, engage your craving hormone, an imbalance in serotonin and leptin. Any sugar like fructose, glucose and dairy sugars do too! Monstrous 👹 Hang in there, it’s going to get bumpy but plan for it and get back to it when you derail. 
26 мар 18 написано членом: JulsRuls
Now Now Now, My You don't have the market cornered when it comes to feeling disappointed..every single one of us has felt this way many times over but to vent is healthy, that's one of the great things about FS and nobody wil think your nuts for doing so..hahaha on the flip side to quite all together, that would make you a failure to yourself and nobody wants to admit to defeat.listen it's not a Diet ok cause you'll lose everytime..it's your new WOE and mix it up and l guarantee in time you'll find your strengths/weakness..every body will lose weight some longer than others but when you find your meal plans that work for you it will all click and l don't know if your excersizing but that helps to move things along.So l assume you're in this for the long haul, good and what drives everyone batty especially if their eating all the right stuff but dam l have this craving for a chocolate chip icecream..hahaha don't beat yourself up go have it l say and this long line of people beside me..it was pure joy now go back to your woe and carry..l can't, You can't,They can't say never because never means we all fail and anyone who says different step around them. So long story short..just eat,drink and be happy with your woe and good times will happen some sooner some later but it will happen even for you.😀 
26 мар 18 написано членом: murphthesurf
I have a friend that is feeling that way after her Dr visit today! I am trying to encourage her to get this app and join us. I know that all your encouragements are helping me. So just hang in and do the best you can. Thanks for all your help too! Nan 
26 мар 18 написано членом: rannanmc
It's the menopause! After 50 plus years, most of them weight watching in some way or another, we are seriously entitled to not give a shit sometime. :-) 
26 мар 18 написано членом: TtinaBee
I'm with Doobrie. Processed foods often lack nutrition. They also have ingredients you don't suspect and don't want. Fresh, unadulterated foods satisfy. Best wishes! 
27 мар 18 написано членом: moogiemynes
Don’t give up. Today is a new day!!! 
27 мар 18 написано членом: casper baby


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