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So my husband is getting on my nerves. I have always asked for his input before I tried anything, I always ask if he wants to participate telling him I'll cook anything he wants. He says he is "all on board" doing the keto woe with me, so I cook and try to make things he'll like too. The other day we took his car and there were a stack of McDonalds bags in his back seat! This definitely shows me that he's doing the opposite of what he says. It's sad on 2 fronts, 1. he feels he has to lie to me and 2. he's only cheating himself. I tried talking to him, telling him he doesn't have to hide it in his car, but he just shuts down. I told him, all you have to say is don't make anything for me I ate. Eating the McDonalds and what I cook is really not good. I know you can't force someone to take care of themselves, I know I can only provide, he's got to make the choice. It just makes me sad.

1173 ккал Жир: 99,12г | Белк: 50,07г | Углев: 17,88г.   Завтрак: Keto Muffin, Coffee (Brewed From Grounds), Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream. Обед: Boar's Head Mortadella, Hormel Natural Choice Original Uncured Pepperoni, Havarti Cheese. Ужин: Tartar Sauce, Cucumber (Peeled), Steamed or Poached Salmon. Перекус/Другое: Lindt Excellence Extra Fine Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa, Fat Bomb. подробнее ...
2727 ккал Упражнение: Ходьба по Магазинам - 1 час, Ходьба (Медленная) - 3 км/ч - 30 минуты, Отдыхать - 14 часа и 30 минуты, Спать - 8 часа. подробнее ...

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Maybe he just can't leap off the cliff. Maybe for him, just a progression of small changes. For instance, with my hubs first we changed from whole milk to almond milk, then from the sugary cereals he likes to oatmeal with blueberries. I took him off sugar completely once and he too was sneaking. Lot's of little trips to the store, but eventually fessed up. 
16 янв 18 написано членом: Minimizeme
It can be really hard to eat a keto lifestyle when you're busy and need something quick. Meal prepping helps - also knowing what you can order from fast food joints in a pinch. For instance a baconator no bun from Wendy's is a quick fix. 
16 янв 18 написано членом: jpstormcrow
Even if it was misguided, it sounds to me like he was trying not to bring the temptation of foods that aren’t on your diet home. I’m not downplaying any struggles this incident might bring into your relationship or the implications on your respective diets, but perhaps bear in mind that he probably did it out of a place of genuine love and support. People often do wrong things for all the right reasons. Really sorry if this is butting in, that’s not my intent and I wish you the best in everything! 
16 янв 18 написано членом: Janae W
I do understand Sis, and it's frustrating, continue on your journey and pray for him, I pray that after he see that your loosing, that he will jump on the band wagon, and also tell him, if he eat McDonald, tell him to order any sandwich without the bun, and no fries, just a garden salad with ranch dressing, there's still ways you and eat out and enjoy it on our WOE, so Sis don't get mad or fuss (I know you don't) at him, show him (Let God Show Him Through You) what to order when he eats out, I'm praying for success for the both of you.  
16 янв 18 написано членом: Retta Smith
Sometimes you just have to choose your own path , and walk the journey, but we are here for you !!! 
16 янв 18 написано членом: DO N OK
Keep moving forward. Maybe if you keep making the healthy foods and he sees you succeeding and maybe sees some success for himself, he'll learn not to have the McDonald's. It's taken me a long time of trying and failing because I've had no support and now my husband finally wants to eat healthy also, so we're on the same page. It used to be that everyone would complain if I made healthy meals, and I still get complaints from the kids, but my hubby knows we're trying to do what's best for us so he eats what I make. I know my hubby has the occasional McDonald's or other fast food fix, but I have to take that as him doing that to himself and if I want to help him maybe I can stock the pantry or fridge with some more things that he can maybe pack or grab quickly. I hope your hubby jumps on board with you, and remember we've all struggled to get on the wagon. 
16 янв 18 написано членом: mars2kids
Read some of your journal and I was partially impressed, you'll come to a cross road and your making excuses about what other people think or I can't commit at home.remember this...When you feel like quitting..remember why you started! one place or the other start exercising, keep eating right and for God's sake don't worry what other people may be thinking in your mind. You go for it and you'll be glad you did. 
16 янв 18 написано членом: murphthesurf
At least he didn't bring it into the house to get you off track. I agree that he will come to it when he is ready. You can only lead by example. Those foods are addictive, so it may be a long road for him. 
16 янв 18 написано членом: erikahollister
it's true...I've lost weight on Atkins twice in my life and every time everybody starts getting on board when they see my success...it's the biggest convincer to get on board! Better than anything you can say to him...so just keep doing you!!! And keep in mind that your success will help him some day soon :)  
16 янв 18 написано членом: Sharons Victory
Thanks everyone for your input, I appreciate different perspectives. I love the guy a lot, I have for many years. I do NOT nag him about stuff, his life is tied to mine, but it is his life. I will keep going and dragging him with me!! 
16 янв 18 написано членом: maeday42
My husband gets on my nerves too LOL - Results, and lead by example are the best way to show him - Start getting a little attitude when it comes to eating and cook what you want for your food and cook some for him - If he doesn't eat it , tough!!!! I'm kidding , but if do the shopping, put good things in the basket and he will have to eat them with you - If you look at all of these posts, show some of the food pictures to him and ask what he thinks - There is a million goremay sheffs on this site - Go together shopping also - Get him involved directly - You know he's on board when he looks at you and his head turns and he asks, did you get some new clothes or did you do something to your hair? He'll say something's changed and you look very good and you are happier - And you'll say , I am doing this lifestyle change, I have lost some weight and getting healthy is my goal and you can do it this too . Do it out of selfishness, grandkids, spouse, kids, friends , etc. Weightloss can be measured different ways - Your waist size is a great way to measure, when you don't huff and puff as much as you used to when you walk, when your body doesn't ache as much , when you just feel happier, when your spouse or friends notices changes ; these are all really exciting!!!!! As far as fast food places go they are not evil if you know what to eat - On Atkins lifestyle for me , Mcdonalds egg mcmuffin and sausage if you don't eat muffin (ATkins) or the eggwhite sandwich (the same), Hardees low carb bowl - all protein - , Arbys is excellent without the fries (wrap won't kill you but the turkey gyro or other gyro is excellent - The roast beef at Arbys is excellent , forget the bun - These are Atkins but if it's not your way of eating , you can still do the same thing - paneta bread company is also great - Share with him what's going on, get him involved and do the journey together - It is very rewarding for both - WE BELIEVE IN YOU AND YOUR JOURNEY !!!!!!!!!! Go Green, When not if , and You got this !!!!!!!!! -  
16 янв 18 написано членом: johnwentzville
Just keep going and as you melt down he will want to join in. You are the strong one. 
16 янв 18 написано членом: KathyLoses
I know how you feel my family agreed to help me to lose weight per the doctor. Not happening yet & they all get on my nerves too. 
16 янв 18 написано членом: jax12sdg
Keep up with your diet and measure your weight loss. When you lose enough(around 15-20 pounds) , it will show in your looks . I am sure , that would motivate your husband to make a healthy choice . In other way its a challenge on you to reduce and motivate your husband . Win win deal!! 
18 янв 18 написано членом: divya_kulk


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