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read some journal entries today and felt motivated to actually do something active... so I popped little man in his bike seat and went for a bike ride... up and down hill for a good 40 mins with a quick stop at a park till we were being challaged by an ugly duck.... so I threw sticks at it and we ran away lol!! then a pit bull chased us briefly ... then more of those ugly red headed ducks... maybe it was some sort of goose... I dunno but they are mean.... that is the last time I leave the house without a knife! ... I also didn't take into consideration that it's as hot as the Devils ballsack outside so now me and little man are home drinking water, cranked a/c, and laying on the couch under the fan ..... I'm pooped........ maybe we should wake up earlier and go before the air turns to lava...

side note.... father's day is on sunday!!! even though mother's day was basically forgotten and I got my own gift. ( sweet insulated water bottle ) I still got him some cool stuff.... an electric shaver for his head, a wall beer opener that looks like a mustache ... and a misfit shine activity tracker .... I guess my sister, her husband, both their kids and both my parents have one and they are all friends on its app and trying to get healthy togther... so my sister wanted me to join in too.. so I got one for me and one for husband.... next month maybe I'll get two for the kids...

anyhoo... husband saw I was feeling down and lost some motivation with the diet so he is joining me.... and so far he is bitching uncontrollably about the keto flu and how he doesn't know what to eat even though I have a posted guidline and showed him the dietdoctor.com so he can pick out foods he likes.... I don't think he's gonna last to be honest. I hope he does cause he is waaaay more self-conscious than I ever was at my heaviest ...and its weird cause he's in ok shape and only has 15 pounds to lose, plus hes pretty good looking if i do say so myself.... but whatever ... you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink...... so that's my update... started logging my food again, feeling better about it and doing better because of it..... I've now re lost a few pounds and back to roughly 207....

wishing all the best to everyone

here is the kind is duck

578 ккал Жир: 48,44г | Белк: 24,03г | Углев: 11,67г.   Завтрак: Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream, Coffee (Brewed From Grounds), Strawberries, Bacon, Egg, Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter. Обед: Harris Teeter Deluxe Mixed Nuts. подробнее ...

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Devil's what!?! OMG. LOL. :D Have a good one.  
17 июн 16 написано членом: jparlett
Ha ha ha ha!! sorry... normally I monitor what I say on here... I actually speak worse than the offspring of a sailor and a trucker in person lol 
17 июн 16 написано членом: 8hunter6
LOL @ hunter!  
17 июн 16 написано членом: millerm40
Ha ha, those ducks or geese were probably defending their nests. Geese seem to be more aggressive and will hiss and chase you; when I've encountered ducks the males usually try to direct my attention to going away from the nest, kind of leading me.  
17 июн 16 написано членом: trackin64
Lol ya I was next to a pond, I'm sure there was a nest .. there are ponds all over my neighborhood so there's always some sort of animal around. not used to these ducks though... I like the white ones with long legs.... I should really learn the wildlife in the area cause I sounds like a dumbass lol 
17 июн 16 написано членом: 8hunter6
My God! Those freakin nasty ducks with the red fungus facial growth ARE the devils ballsack. We had a bunch of those fcukrs livin in the pond in front of the apartment in FL. Looked just like that bastard you posted. Couple of them were bigger than my 2yo son. Chased him all over the place. Put me on the run a couple times... Taken me years for the nightmares... #evilduck 
17 июн 16 написано членом: jimmiepop
PS - What happened to the naughty librarian? 
17 июн 16 написано членом: jimmiepop
ducks are so cute :D 
17 июн 16 написано членом: Panigale1199
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA JIMMY!! ya I'm in south carolina so same general area of the world.... I saw that look in its eye .. it was slowly walking to me and making direct eye contact so I knew it was gonna try and get me... I had my 19 month old with me and the duck was bigger than him... so I got it to back off a little a d hurried to my big, tossed the kid in his seat and ran away... then there was a flock of them on the street further up challenging cars lol so I biked up on someone's lawn to keep away...................... glasses, well you'll be happy to know i just ordered two new pairs that should be in next week lol!!  
17 июн 16 написано членом: 8hunter6
Lol pan usually I'd agree but these are ugly mofos 
17 июн 16 написано членом: 8hunter6
We have gigantic Canada geese here in Minnesota and they will cross main roads and stop all the cars as they take their sweet time crossing...and they will also chase us when bicycling. I have never seen one like your photo though...more creepy, I think! 
17 июн 16 написано членом: HCB
Lol I like canadian geese. .. probably cause they are canadian ... but ya they have zero sense of urgency when in traffic ha ha ha ha ....... ya those red head ducks were pretty freaky ... they look like they got in a bad fight  
17 июн 16 написано членом: 8hunter6
Speaking of the geese in traffic.. You are so right! I was getting on a jug handle to get onto a bridge. This mama goose with her bittie babies! So close to the road I was so afraid for them. Hope they stayed in the grassy area. THey didnt seem bothered by the cars passing 
17 июн 16 написано членом: Panigale1199
That's no Swan in that picture. lol You should get your hubby to set up an account on here, he might find it helpful to have access to all the drama that goes on. lol  
17 июн 16 написано членом: 1point21gigawatts
Lol they seriously don't care who you are or where you are going ... they just carry on lol 
17 июн 16 написано членом: 8hunter6
phil technically he has an account on here but he never uses it and didn't tell me his user name. for all I know he talks to me in here... I have no clue.  
17 июн 16 написано членом: 8hunter6
Hunter, when I lived in West Palm Beach we had a bunch of these that hung around the canal on the edge of the property...One morning I was leaving for work and there were two of them on the stoop, having sexual congress 0_0. Needless to say, I was stuck there till they got done...it took a while #scaredforlife 
17 июн 16 написано членом: debrafrederick
Those ARE some nasty-looking ducks! We have nice little mallards here, and Canada Geese that slowly walk the family across the road at the lake park. The speed limit is 15 all the way around the man-made lake I think solely for the birds' sake. 
17 июн 16 написано членом: trackin64
I'm used to sweet mallards and the occasional loon.. always run from white geese..... but here?? I don't know the wildlife. I know not to swim in ponds cause of gators and snapping turtles but otherwise I don't know much. ..... deb, I suppose I was right to run away then lol!!!! ..... suzy, I'm in south carolina u.s.a. and I just went far down the street lol 
17 июн 16 написано членом: 8hunter6
Good luck on the exercise and diet. Wow, gators and mean turtles! I bet the little one liked the lake and park. Good luck with the food and diet! 
17 июн 16 написано членом: warrenwinter


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