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I finally got in to see the 2nd orthopedist for another opinion about my knee. His office had postponed it twice. I'm really glad I went. My real estate agent referred me to him. It was about the opposite of what the first orthopedist said as soon as he walked in to the room after reviewing the MRI "I recommend total knee replacement". That is something I didn't want to even think about. The knee issue is new. It started on October 30th, so it's been 5 months. But during the time the issue has gotten better. Originally I couldn't put any weight on the knee for about a week. Then I could, I could walk with maybe a little limp but I got throbbing knee pain. Then that pain went away and has been just an ache. For awhile it was constant and now I rarely notice pain except at night. Why go through that awful surgery with a lengthy recovery and not being able to drive for at least 6 weeks when I hardly hurt? The new orthopedist told me a piece of bone and some cartiledge had broken off and there was a meniscus tear. He asked when it started and how I am feeling. I told him everything and said I am getting ready to put my house up for sale so I've been going up and down the garage and porch steps probably 20 times a day at least and have been on my feet for most of the day for about 2 weeks. He told me I'm not going to make the damage that has been done any worse by anything I do. I could get a new injury but to just go ahead and live my life. He did give me a cortisone shot and said that should get rid of most of the pain. If things do get worse and the pain continues he could go an arthoscopic procedure to clear things out and trim the meniscus. But it may not be necessary. He said knee replacement would be a last resort. I asked if I could walk my dog since the physical therapist said not to. He said to live my life as normal but did say it's best to avoid dirt trails where the ground is uneven and I could step on rocks, etc. He also said spending time off my feet can help as well. I asked why I couldn't put weight on my knee to begin with and then I could. He said the resting I did helped and the inflammation got better. What a relief to get that 2nd opinion!

My eating habits are still terrible. Getting the house ready to sell means I do not want to clean the stove! It's so much work getting the heavy grates off and cleaning it. So I am not using the stove. I admit to eating junk, not confessing more than that. But I hope to bring some healthy food on my road trip to Oregon in 2 weeks and likely will not eat too bad while there as long as I don't bring junk to keep in the room.

Taking Bobby to the vet this morning and then maybe even take him for a walk when we get home! He will be excited.

I spent Easter at my niece's house, about an hour's drive. Stopped at the cemetery first to put some flowers on my parents' graves. Bobby was excited to go to my niece's house. They have 2 dogs, smaller than Bobby and my sister was there with her 2 little dogs that Bobby knows well. He had so much fun with 4 dogs. Much more fun than at home where there are just 3 cats and him.

36 Сторонников    Поддержка   

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So happy for you about the knee! It's hard to eat right when you are selling a house. So happy to hear about Bobby's nice day too. I'm excited to find out what you find out from your trip.  
03 апр 24 написано членом: -MorticiaAddams
This is the right doctor! If you are going to consider getting it cleaned out at some point, I would even think about traveling back and staying with your sister a few days. 
03 апр 24 написано членом: Katsolo
Thanks Morticia! I just have to get through the rest of this week and next week before leaving for a week. I have to get the house ready for the photographer and my realtor wants me to move the microwave cart and microwave out of site plus some other things including all the pet beds and furniture. I use the microwave a lot. The grocery store does have some salads that are ready to eat and other food. I just hope I get an offer while I'm gone, maybe more than one! 
03 апр 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks Kat! Once I move to Oregon I will need to get new insurance. Medicare will be the same but not the supplement which covers everything or nearly everything Medicare doesn't covet. But it really shows how important it is to get 2nd, even 3rd opinions! 
03 апр 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
something that helps me stay on track is meal prepping for the week. I only mess the kitchen one day, but have healthy, homemade meals for the week. Good luck on the sale of your house!  
03 апр 24 написано членом: Kay621
Great news Fritzy. Must be such a relief!! 😁👍🏻🙏🏻❤️ 
03 апр 24 написано членом: wifey9707
Thanks Kay! I used to cook on the weekend for the work week, but stopped once I retired. I do like to freeze leftovers and have add me in the freezer now. Once I get back from Oregon, hopefully things will be better 
03 апр 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks Wifey! It is a huge relief! And it makes more sense to me to not do such a tough surgery when i have very little pain.  
03 апр 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Wow! I’m so glad you got another Drs opinion! What a difference in diagnosis. It sounds like the pain is somewhat manageable right now which is good as it helps with all you have to do. As for eating badly, well it’s hard when you have so much going on. Just try to do your best and recoup when you are able. I’m excited to see what you end up getting. Best of luck!💜💜💜💜💜 
04 апр 24 написано членом: Diana 1234
Thanks Diana! It seems odd to me that my PCP and 2 orthopedists all said the same thing about the MRI, torn meniscus and floating cartilage but there was such a drastic difference in what the orthopedists said to do about it. I realize at some point I'll probably have to have something done but for now I can deal with this. The knee still aches some but last night I didn't need to take Ibuprofen, first time since this all started. I am going to be able to rest today, I had a house cleaner scheduled but we changed it to Monday, the day before the house will be photographed. Lots to do Monday, even though there is very little furniture I still have things to move into closets or the garage. 
04 апр 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Maybe you can move the microwave to a spot you can plug it in?? The premade salad idea sounds good. Glad you got good news on the knee. That's one less thing to stress about during your transition to Oregon. Good luck on selling your house & finding a new one! 
04 апр 24 написано членом: SherryeB
Feel better! FYI, no matter what your eating habits are like, you probably have at least one good habit! You could name a good habit you have, maybe, if you are aware enough to know what it is, and if you’re not sure, ask someone who knows what you eat lol. After you name that good habit, keeping it and letting that positivity help you create other good habits, might help. 
04 апр 24 написано членом: LaineAndTheDog98
Thanks SherryeB, I was going to put the microwave in one of the walk in closets, but no plugs in there. I will hide it somewhere for the pictures but use it often. I will probably put it in the garage while on my trip to Oregon,but after that I will put it on the kitchen counter and the realtor will just have to live with it. My knee is actually aching quite a bit this morning as well as my foot which I wrapped in an ace bandage. I'm trying to take it easy today since I have no appointments but I keep thinking of something I want to move! 
04 апр 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks Laine! Actually, when it comes to eating I'm either very good or very bad. Can't think of a good habit I'm sticking to right now. But I rarely have a period of eating so poorly anymore. Hopefully, this ends soon! 
04 апр 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Great news! 
04 апр 24 написано членом: shirfleur 1
Do you make too many sharp changes—even if those changes are reasonable, but the pace of them compared to before, is not? 
04 апр 24 написано членом: LaineAndTheDog98
*And *anything*, even something small, is at least on track for a good habit. For example, even if you eat junk food every single day, but eat healthy except for a small amount of it daily, you are doing better than many people. Or maybe you need to kick junk food but at least don’t drink calories. Or maybe you don’t eat sweets even if you eat junk. Or maybe you eat poorly, but rarely or never emotionally eat. Or maybe you never eat out. Maybe you cook not-so-healthy things but at least cook from scratch and not convenient ingredients. Or maybe you don’t eat meat, even if your vegetarian diet is poor. Or maybe you drink calories, but close to moderation, and not drinking caloric drinks like water lol. Even habits like the ones I mentioned, as in slightly poor habits, but better than some people, can turn into good habits!!! Those may or may not be *your* specific sort-of-good habits, but I’m sure you have some. 
04 апр 24 написано членом: LaineAndTheDog98
Try PRP injections from Regenerix. No insurance but worked for me. Also if the pain is inside or outside the knee, I am wearing an 'off-loading knee brace' to help heal the knee. Replacement is definately a last resort, but some Oroth doctors make a living doing it. best regards,  
04 апр 24 написано членом: nealost
Thanks Shir! 
04 апр 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
All the best resisting urges to move things! I'll admit to eating multiple entire pumpkin pies in November and cheesecakes in December. (Had maybe been too extreme low carb for too long.)  
04 апр 24 написано членом: Craigysgafn


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