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The last 2 days haven't been great. Well, I was sick starting about 7 or 8 days ago. I started with chills, very low fever, coughing, etc. I called to cancel my PT appointment without 24 hours notice. They told me that was fine the first time otherwise they have to charge me. So I had an appointment today. They sent me an email to remind me. I planned my whole morning knowing I had a 1pm appointment. Went to the pharmacy, and the grocery store, stopped to pick up a form AARP needs me to fill out for my tax appointment. I left a message for the window washer to set up an appointment, left a message for the owner of my lawn care service asking him to call me after 2 or tomorrow. Went to check my calendar to see if PT was at 1 or 1:15. It was 11!! I had missed it! I called them and the office manager said she tried to call me this morning. She called my cell phone, I told her that is only for texts, you have to call me on my land line, but I got the email on the weekend. She said "I called to tell you Molly is sick so we are cancelling all her appointments". Long story to say I don't have to pay for missing an appointment! And I'm sorry Molly is sick but if she has what I have to expect 2 weeks before she is better. Now it's after 3 and I'm still waiting for the calls from the window washer and the lawn care service. I have a huge yard. Over 1/3 acre and it's all weeds. This time of year after lots of rain it's time to start weed whacking. 2 guys come every 2 weeks for an hour and they can't take care of my whole yard in that time. There is an area fenced in off the deck for Bobby to " go potty". Otherwise the HOA doesn't allow fences. The weeds are so high, right now it's miner's lettuce growing. I can't find what I need to in order to pick up after Bobby. It's like an Easter egg hunt. Anyway, I figured the guys did weed whacking back there on Friday. They didn't, they were back there with a lawn mower that didn't touch the weeds in Bobby's area. I was so frustrated yezterday when I saw that. So I got out my weed whacker even though I had sworn this year I wasn't going to spend hours weed whacking. Well, I got my gardening gloves, a mask and goggles. Went out back, plugged in the darn thing after untangling the electric cord. Then I checked to made sure there was enough string and there was. Put the orange cap back on the spool and turned on the whacker. Immediately the orange cap flew off and across the deck and the spool broke with line all tangled. It was broken so I couldn't do anything! So 2 more weeks of Easter egg hunting. It took me awhile to calm down but then I knew the PT Molly would not want me doing that anyway. Trying to stay calm and I'll feel better once the lawn care owner calls me and tells me when he can come over so I can show him what needs to be done before the house goes on the market and to remind the guys (there are always new guys) that I don't want weeds mowed with a lawn mower, they grow back quickly and always weed whack Bobby's area until summer when there is nothing but dust. Sorry for rambling! This is when I stress eat. I bought a loaf French bread at the grocery store but resisted ice cream and chips. Oh, and I cancelled the rest of my physical therapy appointments until I get back from Oregon next month. I have too much going on to risk missing appointments

20 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Aww Fritzy I’m sorry. 
18 мар 24 написано членом: Mistybenner
Wow what a mess I feel so sorry for you having to put up with that. I think I would look for another company to do the work. Hope you feel better and you can relax a little while on vacation.  
18 мар 24 написано членом: Golfgirl60
Thanks Misty! I'm just venting for myself.No one in my family wants to hear and neither friends. It actually helps me figure out that when I have so much going on that's why I am not eating right. I'm trying to get so much done in about 3 weeks so K am not thinking "I should make a stir fry with brussels sprouts". I just have some French bread. Not good but at least I understand. 
18 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks Golfgirl- I like theory lawn care service. The young man who owns it also owns the local nursery. The guys are fine after they talk to me once or twice and I show them the lot line and tell them what's important tl me that they do first. This time of year I do get stressec about the weed whacking. The HOA has rules about "weed abatement" because some people would never do anything. So they have a deadline every year when everything must be cut down to no more tban 4 inches or something.. The service knows it but my yard is so big and I get out there myself anddo lots of work. It takes me so much linger than any of the guys but I get the weeds down to the ground. The owner knows that I'll bug him every year when the deadline is close, usually mid June. But they do go out and make sure all the homes service won't get a mean letter and a fine from the HOA. My next home will have a tiny low maintenance lot. 
18 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
The, not theory!  
18 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Very stressful time! I hope things calm down soon and are back to normal.  
18 мар 24 написано членом: -MorticiaAddams
Thanks Morticia! The window washer called so he's confirmed. He does a good job. My car is packed with stuff to take to the thrift store tomorrow. I feel good as I can cross thing off my list! 
18 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Omgosh! So much happening right now! I know when things get hectic I tend to get anxiety...Plus you don't feel well...all that adds up and makes life hard. You have so much going on right now. I feel so bad for you 🩷🩷 I hope things smooth out for you soon!🩷 
18 мар 24 написано членом: Diana 1234
Thanks Diana! I'm actually feeling better, just nose congestion. Just used Afrin so it will help. I think what upset me the most is breaking the weed whacker. I've worn out 2 or 3 over the years but I don't want to buy a new one. And jt was my fault it broke. More to do today. 
19 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Wow, crazy story with the weedwhacker! I have been there, it takes a long time before it is funny, but I enjoyed your story, I hope you and Molly are both feeling better. 
19 мар 24 написано членом: Sidnay123
Sounds like you’re figuring out how to handle all the craziness! Not feeling well doesn’t help when you’re trying to get all of life’s challenges under control. Keep moving forward!  
19 мар 24 написано членом: Broccolibabe
Wow!😲 This story was a lot, but it seems that you handled yourself well in the midst of the craziness. This story helped me to know that no matter how crazy life gets, we can stay focused and not turn to food for comfort. Thank you for sharing.😊 
19 мар 24 написано членом: kgooden1
Funny, not funny but that is exactly why I bought a condo 
19 мар 24 написано членом: Kenna Morton
Thanks Sidnay! Since I pay nearly $200 a month for yard service I feel like I shouldn't have to do anything, but this time of year, after a winter of rain I get anxious about the weeds. I actually like weed whacking - better than housework. But with my knee I know I can really hurt it worse just by pivoting outside or stepping on a rock or something. 
19 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks Btroccolibabe - I actually feel I am doing better with a project, and moving is a project, rather than just laying down, resting my knee etc and nothing else for weeks on end. I'm feeling better and am really trying to do the physical therapy home exercises twice a day since they do seem to help with knee pain. 
19 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks Kgooden1! The entry was very therapeutic for me to write and I'm surprised anyone took the time to read it. I seem to be able to focus on all I need to do as far as getting the house ready to sell and finding a new house, but the eating isn't going so good. I've been craving sour dough bread and twice now I've bought a loaf of Truckee Sourdough Company's bread. Gotta stop that and figure out how to eat when I don't want to cook! 
19 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks Kenna! The first place I ever bought was a condo when I was in my 30's. I'm thinking about it now, but I read in one of the listings that the seller would give a credit to put in carpet because the HOA isn't allowing hard floors on units because of noise to the lower units. Reminds me why I am not crazy about HOAs because I don't want any carpet if possible! But I also lived in a lower unit so I understand the noise issue. 
19 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Mine is a two-story end unit with only one neighbor. I hear NOTHING from her and she hears nothing from mine. I pay HOA fees but Gardner, pool, termite inspections, roof, outside plumbing are not my responsibility. 
19 мар 24 написано членом: Kenna Morton
You have a ton going on Fritzy! Moving can be very stressful. Take time to sit down, breathe and have a nice cool glass of water. 
19 мар 24 написано членом: BadJujugurl


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