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I've decided to put my house up for sale the day I leave for Oregon. I'll be gone for most of 6 days. The cats will be here, I'll keep them in the master bedroom. Someone will come in at 6:30 or so am and pm to feed them, scoop the litter box and give the insulin shot. So real estate agents can look at the house. The cats will hide whenever anyone comes inside. So now i have so much to do to get the house ready to sell. Things are scheduled now but need to schedule the window washer after the porch is painted. Also need to have the carpet in 3 bedrooms cleaned. And I'll need to find a place to hide all the pet stuff, dog beds, cat furniture, pet carriers, etc. If I price the house right maybe I'll get an offer while I'm gone! Crossing my fingers. My realtor told me she had buyers in my neighborhood who put an all cash, full price offer on a house the day it was listed. There were 7 offers and her buyers didn't get the house! All cash! Of course my house isn't on the lake like that house and there usually aren't bidding wars for the homes in the woods!

I've been doing too much. Have been going up and down the garage stairs, at least 15 times so far today. My physical therapist agreed with me when i said I rest my knee most of the time but spend about 15-20 minutes each hour up and doing things around the house. I don't think I've rested for 20 minutes total today. Keep thinking of something I want to put in the car for the thrift store or something else I can throw away. Asked my brother in law if he wanted a bag and a half of charcoal so he came over and got that. It's funny, I spend most of the time doing very little but I seem to feel better when I've got a project to work on. Now I need to ice my knee and try not to use the stairs until tomorrow.

Eating is not good again. Bought a container of fruit slices candy for the first time in my life! Nothing else bad in the house. Making a chuck roast later today or tomorrow. Will cook it in the crock pot over night probably.

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I love roast made in a crockpot. So tender. I hope your house sells soon. I wish your new house had worked out.  
16 мар 24 написано членом: -MorticiaAddams
Thanks Morticia! I'm trying get the garage freezer cleaned out. I had a huge roast from Costco a couple months ago and cut it in half. I marinated it with red wine before freezing so now it's time to cook it! Usually I eat heavier meals in the winter but it seems like spring here now! I think things will turn out for the best as far as moving. Just have to wait and see. 
16 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
You are doing to much slow down let your brother in law help out. I stored the pet supplies in the garage when we put our house on the market it was fine with the realtor. Our home had multiple offers the first day and sold quickly. Take care of yourself you have a lot of work ahead of you moving. Pot roast does sound really good.  
16 мар 24 написано членом: Golfgirl60
Thanks Golfgirl! How long ago did you sell your house? In 2021 houses were getting multiple offer on day one. It's different now. My brother in law wouldn't come over to help me move things around. He's busy enough doing everything my sister has him doing. I had called my sister to see if she wanted things and she sent him over to pick up a couple things. I'm just happy they will keep my dog while I go to Oregon! I have been trying to be ready to move since 2021 and keep finding more and more stuff I don't vreally need. I did less today than yesterday when I got in over 10,000 steps just around the house and yard. Today it at 7700 steps. Normally, with my knee it's around 4000-5000 steps. But i did do all the physical therapy exercises today, twice and remembered to ice the knee twice. I put the pot roast on high for 4 hours and now I'm going to cook it on low until morning. 
16 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
We sold in November of 2021 and took an offer for $100,000.00 over asking price. In 2016 we sold another home and had the same outcome, listed sold that week took an offer of 129,000.00 over asking price it was located on a golf course in a gated community. No more moving for us we are now in our forever home in Washington state, no state taxes and the do not tax SS Benefits. Happy here we found an ADA compliant home, for when we get old (I am 73) not old yet. Best wishes on selling your home with the new realtor plan should be easier to get buyers as the commissions will not be locked in at the rate of 6% both the seller and buyer can negotiate with the agent to get the best deal for them. I worked in the yard and garden today and got 13,482 steps today. 
17 мар 24 написано членом: Golfgirl60
Thanks Golfgirl! You must have sold in much higher end neighborhoods or homes than mine. In 2021 the house across the street from me & similar with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths listed and were accepting offers on the first weekend. I know they got 4 or 5 offers and sold maybe $10k over the asking price. I am also in a gated community with a golf course and the homes on the golf course or on the lake or a view of the lake sell higher than other locations. The market is soft now, I doubt it will sell for as much as it would have in 2021 
17 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Golfgirl, real estate commissions are still 6% here although I was able to negotiate. The buyer doesn't pay. I've read that may be changing but it hasn't yet, not here anyway. Neither California or Oregon tax Social Security. Last year I also looked at a new mobile home community in Washington but finally decided on the Oregon coast. Oregon doesn't have sales tax do that's something nice. I usually make a roast once or twice a year. Growing up it was always Sunday dinner 
17 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Oh my goodness. You are doing it. Good for you!  
17 мар 24 написано членом: liv001
Thanks Liv! I hate the idea of having to show my house, previously i had already moved out when selling a home. So I figured since I will be gone for nearly a week and Bobby will be at my sister's house it seems like the time to list it. Of course I'm counting on finding a place close to where I was going to buy. If I can't find something there I may look in the Mendocino, Ca area - i have a real estate agent there. I could even look close to my niece in Washington. I sometimes think "what am I doing?" then try not to think too much. 
17 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Good luck and hang in there. So much stress but change is good! 
17 мар 24 написано членом: abbadabba
Wow! You have been busy! I think it will be good to list house so they can show it while you are gone. Then you don't have to worry about finding somewhere to go every time they need to show it. I'm assuming you are giving up current new home and looking for something different. Did you put a deposit down? Hopefully you can get it back if that's the case. I wish you the best of luck with finding something! 🩷🩷 
17 мар 24 написано членом: Diana 1234
Pace yourself! Houses around here are still selling like hotcakes. I wish you the best on your sale and relocation.  
17 мар 24 написано членом: Laurie62707
Thanks Abba - sometimes to avoid stressing too much I do much better with a project like this to work on. Otherwise it would be overwhelming. But it's stopped me worrying so much about my knee! 
17 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks Diana! I put a deposit on the new house. I haven't backed out of that yet. My realtor says that if I find another house I want to buy the escrow company can transfer the deposit to the new place. I've never done a concurrent close on a house before. Basically the house I sell and the house I buy close at the same time. I am hoping to price it good enough to get an offer while I am gone. I'm sure the realtor will want to list for 60 or 90 days to make it worthwhile. This is the best time of year to sell. Soon the irises will be in bloom. One of the 3 homes the realtor in Oregon sent me to review and I liked, one is showing pending sale as of this morning. But by the time I go on my trip there will be others available. 
17 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks Laurie! I told myself I would do less today. Go up and down the garage stairs no more than 4 or 5 times. I'm sure it's been over a dozen times but probably less than yesterday. Houses here aren't selling like hotcakes but they are selling if priced right. A few days ago there were only 18 homes for sale in the gated community I live in (with 1800 homes). So they normally sell fast. Today there are 28 available. But there aren't many with 4 bedrooms which would be great for a family. Especially with the master bedroom on the other side of the house from the other 3 bedrooms. I'm thinking it will work out. 
17 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thank you for leaving a comment on my Post today :-) it helps knowing there is support out there :-) I don't get many comments but thats ok. I am doing this for ME and it helps ME just putting my thoughts down in the journal. If I make a conscious effort everyday I will "keep on keeping on" :-) Take care & good luck with your house :-) 
18 мар 24 написано членом: JMA312
Thanks JMA! You are doing better than me right now! Right now I get excited about moving then wake in the middle of the night asking myself what I am doing! Why don't you contact support for FS? I can't believe you don't even get those little clicks of support unless you are only visible to people who follow you.  
18 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
I just read your bio. You sound like me and that reminds me of the fairytale story, "When she's good she's very good, but when she's bad she's horrid!" Best of luck to you in your move and selling your home. I've done it many times, it's a lot of work! Pace yourself :) 
18 мар 24 написано членом: Windy Day
Thanks Windy! I remember thinking that when I wrote my profile. "There was a little curl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead..." I wasn't horrid as a little girl but had my moments as a teenager! But it's me now. Every very good or very bad. I haven't updated my profile for 2 years but it still applies. Although the extend "bad" time hasn't happened for a couple of years.  
18 мар 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22


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