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First the positive things in my life. I've only had a glass of wine twice and only 2 desserts or sugary sweets in 50 days. Last year I did that for 5 months. But I haven't lost any weight in that time. I eat too much bread and high carbs. At my age, and low muscle mass, I can't lose unless I am super strict. But I still count it a victory to have almost no alcohol and sweets. I still do intermittent fasting 7 days a week and average about 16 hours a day. Another positive thing in my life, as of the first of the year, I am getting out more. My local county Senior Center is only ½ mile from my house. They have an exercise class 3 times a week mostly in a chair, which is great for me. I don't make it each time but desire to go as much as possible. There are usually a couple of other once-a-week classes going on like beginning line dancing, therapy dancing, or crafts. Line-dancing at 82 isn't too bad, is it? They have once-a-month pot-luck lunches plus a field trip day. I went to each once now, and want to be more involved. I'm not interested in their crafts, bingo, games, or sing-alongs but might be if anything happens to my husband. Their exercise class is up to about 50 people now. I know getting to know a few ladies, and also just getting out is good for me. My husband doesn't like it and punishes me by throwing more of my things out in the trash. He did go with me to the potluck there, and also to another Senior Center lunch farther away twice. He has asked me to give him a list of where he can get food if he needs to fend for himself, so we went to 2 other Senior Centers where they have lunch, and they also deliver if you can't get out. I try to think positively about why he would think I wouldn't be able to keep shopping and cooking like if my back goes out again, or if I have a heart attack or stroke. I have been having more trouble with my heart for about a month or 6 weeks. My husband is still pretty strong most of the day but he needs oxygen most of the day now, as his heart slowly gets worse. It's very positive that 4 weeks ago I found a new church only 3 miles from my house that I like and have gone every Sunday since then plus a Valentine's dinner last night. I didn't know it had changed "hands" and is now non-denominational, and I like the pastor and people. I love having things close to home and am driving another lady. It is time for me to develop a "support" system. I am very friendly but don't make close friends easily (or at all). Another positive thing is that my husband has not hit me again since that awful time on August 17th. But he does continue to threaten me. The worst of it has been mostly about 3 or 4 years now. Today we were talking to his nephew on the phone who said he was gun shopping. My husband told him he had bought a 45 with only a 2” barrel for up-close shooting. His nephew asked if he had a holster and he said yes. I have no idea when or where my husband purchased his gun but it has to be within the time frame that he has been threatening me. I don't know if I should be sharing with you because of course, this means he is even more dangerous. But at 82 years of age, my very bad back, and $530. a month of Social Security (and now more heart trouble) I have no plans on leaving. There is nowhere I want to go, and nothing I want to do. I am pretty up and down emotionally and actually had 2 “melt-downs” this last month. One towards him, wailing that I can't do or be any better than I am. The other time was just to myself, saying the same thing. I've been better for a week or two and am handling the daily tensions and anger headed my way. But I admit I may be headed toward burnout. I throw myself on the mercy of the Lord to sustain me. Thank you, Lord. It's still hard for me to write here on FS since someone said they know me personally, and that I probably write too much. I hate to complain but as I told my husband, I can't do or be any better. There isn't any more of me.

22 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Snowwhite, I'm so glad you are getting out more! Your Sr. center and church sound wonderful! I know I'm not saying anything that hasnt been said before, but you can't keep dealing with his abuse. Please talk to your doctor about this, it can't be helping your heart. If you have a decent relationship with his nephew or other family members who can speak to your husband, you may want to mention your concerns about his behavior toward you and this supposed gun. Is it possible your husband has dementia? Abuse can be a sign/symptom. Are you able to speak with his Dr.? Take care of yourself, and please stay safe. This has been going on too long. It seems to be your normal, it's not normal. It's not okay. Please reach out to someone local who can help. ❤️ 
20 фев 24 написано членом: BadJujugurl
BadJuju has shared lots of wisdom here. Your life can be better. Nobody deserves abuse. 
20 фев 24 написано членом: AncientHippie
20 фев 24 написано членом: JoyAlways
Snowhite honey I've continued to pray for you and your hubby since Aug and I'm so happy he hasn't hot you anymore even though the emotional abuse can be just as bad or it was for me anyway actually many times the emotional abuse was worse because it stuck with me alot longer than a bruise or broken bone. but I do understand your point and situation sweetie,I'm glad your getting out more and going to church and making friends it will help you more than you realize right now,the support system will be a good thing for you. And God is always there with you,I know your a Christian as I am and you rely on God as you should for everything you need and even for needs of your hubby...I grew up in and out of a pentecostal church myself and divorce was something that we don't believe in ... Even though I spent years with my ex boyfriend and ex husband beating me up and almost killing me I stayed until I could not take it no more and then filed for divorce and God sent me my hubby now of 10yrs and its been a blessing ... I am hoping that he forgets where the gun is and if you happen to find it maybe while cleaning take any shells out if it and hide it yourself somewhere he would hide it that way you can say he must have put it there. I'm also going to pray that God removes the gun from the home... You deserve so much better and don't need to be worried about a gun... But I'm still here sweetie no judges and I will be here for you anytime you want to talk or text me. my number is (812)722-8506 that way you can message me and talk about anything you want I don't judge you or anyone I understand how you feel sweetie. Just want to give you me to talk/ text when you want to totally up to you and if I can do anything or help you in any way just let me know...love to see your updates I been praying for you guys and wandering how you are doing....take care and love you my wonderful friend... 
20 фев 24 написано членом: SaraRiley
And before anyone comes at me saying stuff. I am not condoning anything her hubby does and I wish she could be in a safe place and out of the emotional abuse more than anything I pray for that but I also pray for God to remove the anger from her hubby and keep her safe... I have been in her same situation before and with no money to leave to make it on unless I wanted to be homeless...to tell you the truth I been praying for God to fix her hubby's anger and issues so he can treat her like she deserves to be treated.... I want her to be safe and in a better place but I understand how she stays and why she stays...I am not going to say anything to her like judging her or anything like that..I want to be here as a friend and support system myself.... 
20 фев 24 написано членом: SaraRiley
Snow, I'm so glad to hear all your good news, getting out and doing things with other people is fantastic. As for that gun, perhaps you can search for it when he's sleeping, remove the bullets and put it back where you found it. Also, there's probably a box of bullets somewhere around, so do the same thing, take the bullets and leave the box. Get those bullets out of the house, dig a deep hole and bury them or drop them off at the police station or something. I'm holding you in my heart each and every day my friend. And you just keep on sharing whatever you need to with us, if someone here knows who you are, then I hope they'll watch over you. 💚💜💛 
20 фев 24 написано членом: shirfleur 1
I am very concerned about your situation. You are still being abused. I'm glad that you are reaching out to others.  
20 фев 24 написано членом: -MorticiaAddams
I am so glad you are getting out in the community and even better at church! You need to be social and God's house is always a good place to be safe and seek His guidance. Bless you Snow!🩷🙏🙏 
20 фев 24 написано членом: Diana 1234
It is so good to hear from you. It is great that you are getting out more and creating a support network for yourself. I hope you can confide in your pastor as soon as you feel comfortable with him. His support can be invaluable. Stay strong and continue to build a life that doesn't include your husband. Take care and stay safe. Hugs!! 
20 фев 24 написано членом: rhontique
Maybe you'll find a boyfriend or potential future roommate. also- not trying to be a jerk (which is what everyone says when preparing to sound like a jerk) but did you say you are a hoarder? when you say he throws out more of your things, it made me think you've said that before. I don't condone anything he does because you know I hate him, but I'm wondering if it was you who had tons and tons of clothes and maybe sewing projects or something? 
20 фев 24 написано членом: davidsprincess
I'm glad your meeting new people Snowwhite100 and I'm glad that you love your new church. My prayers are always with you.  
23 фев 24 написано членом: buenitabishop


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