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I saw my doctor last week, first time this year. First thing he said was "you've colored your hair!" I didn't think he ever even noticed how I looked. But I did try to grow out my hair thinking I was nearly 100% gray. I thought "I feel so old, I might as well look it". My last visit to the doctor was during that grow out stage. I only did it for about 3 or 4 months and then hated it so much I went back to coloring it to my original dark brown color. Salt and pepper is not a good look on me. It looks good on most men and even some women, but not me. For the first time since I've been going to him he suggested I work with weights to some exempt to try to strengthen muscles. He said it's important as we age - I bet he noticed when I was nearly all gray that I was nearly 68! Anyway, in the past when I've talked to about how much protein I need for keep my muscles strong he'd say things like don't worry about it so much, most humans can get enough protein from the plants they eat (he's vegan of course) and once he said unless I am going to start cutting down trees, that getting 40 to 60 grams of protein is plenty. I had just started going to a gym right before the first Covid shutdown. I was starting to like it, but then stopped going. The gym I went to accepted Silver Sneakers which is available from my Medicare supplemental plan. I will call the gym to see if they still accept it, I wasn't on Medicare yet went I joined previously. It is about a half hour drive to get there and with gas over $5 a gallon I hadn't thought about joining again much.

My plan/goal/hope is to move to Oregon around April when the new house is supposed to be completed. I was thinking I could really try to lose weight before the move so my new neighbors won't know me as an obese senior citizen. I also read that I will need to get a new driver's license within 30 days of moving there. I got a new Calfornia driver's license in June and went in because I wanted the "real" ID. So I had a new picture taken and I didn't lie about my weight this time. I also didn't have make up on. Horrible picture. So the new house and need for a new driver's license should really be motivating! Just waiting for the motivation to kick in. I was doing okay before I went to the grocery store the other day, stressed out because I went in for lab work and they didn't have my appointment in their records and I didn't want to wait while they went through the 10 people who were waiting. Stress grocery shopping is as bad as stress eating. I bought a package of Hawaiian dinners rolls, a package of ciabatta rolls (which I love heated up and then drenched in butter), and a package of rye bread. I have to stop doing that! Once the motivation kicks in and I only shop from a grocery shopping list I should be okay. And once the bread and rolls are gone.

29 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Good Luck on your journey! 
19 авг 23 написано членом: DO N OK
I think living in Oregon would be nice. Seems like lots of people move there. My latest driver's license picture was horrible too.  
19 авг 23 написано членом: -MorticiaAddams
Thanks DO N OK!  
20 авг 23 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks Morticia. I just want to get away from the severe fire risk area I live in. Especially with 2 major insurance companies no longer writing homeowner's policies in California. Although after seeing the fire in Hawaii it's becoming for fires to happen anywhere. And with a rare Pacific Ocean hurricane this week I hope they don't become common on the west coast 
20 авг 23 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Becoming common for fires 
20 авг 23 написано членом: Fritzy 22
2 things...I didn't know we are about same age..I thought you were much younger...2nd, didn't know you went gray. Sorry you didn't like it..I am ok with mine most of the time... I look forward to seeing your new home in Oregon. I hope you will post pictures when it's done! Love reading your posts and glad you are on top of your health!🩷👍 
20 авг 23 написано членом: Diana 1234
Try sectioning the bread into smaller packages (i use ziplock bags) and then freezing them! I take them out a day before and let them defrost on my counter. Helps me not eat everything at once 
20 авг 23 написано членом: SoftLife2022
There are some aisles i cannot go down period at the store. Ice cream, candy, chips. Can you try and take a break from bread? Store bought bread is often full of not healthy things anyway. Tell yourself every morning that today is the day you are going to take care of yourself. When im at home i get up, brush teeth put hair up and get sweats on get harness on dogs and out the door. I often dont want to but just the routine (and seeing my dogs get excited to go helps) often gets me out the door. Most of the time hubs comes with me and he pushes me when i dont want to go but on the rare occasion i go alone thats what helps. Making a list for the store and literally not looking around should be helpful and do not buy butter. If you use it to drench your rolls thats not conducive to looking amazing in Oregon right? You have enough time to entirely change your health by then!!!!! I a rooting for you. You can do this most definitely. If you can move across the state, sell and pack up your house this is also doable. 
20 авг 23 написано членом: Yearofhealth2023
If you're looking to substitute store bought rolls with a healthier choice, you can bake with Carbquik, and use less butter. It's even keto-friendly. 
20 авг 23 написано членом: s linerud
We are darn near the same age and same size with similar issues. Looming retirement for one. I also need new drivers license picture. My last one I weighed 220 pounds and had no hair due to chemotherapy bi now weight 178 but hair still not so great. I live in Kansas. I added you to my “following” list. Have a good week! I’m rooting for you. Carlene 
20 авг 23 написано членом: cjgriffith1
Thanks Diana! I thought you were about a decade younger than me. My profile picture is from when I first successfully lost weight, about 50 pounds after joining FS . I've gained it back and don't have pictures taken of me at this weight. My hair was originally dark brown and I've been coloring hit for over 30 years. My sideburns when they grow out are a pretty white. I thought if all my hair is that color I might like it. But my hair really started looking bad with lots of gray and then the dark color got really dull after spending many morning weeds hacking back in May and June. Before my last trip yo visit my niece in Washington I wanted to look !one myself again and didn't want to scare the baby! Hopefully FS will eventually !eh me post pictures again at some point. I stopped trying. I'm not on top of my health unless you mean that I know all the mistakes I make! 
20 авг 23 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks SoftLife! I've actually done what you suggest with bread and rolls. It usually doesn't work. I obsess about them until it is all gone! 
20 авг 23 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks YearofHealth. All good suggestions. Once my motivation kicks in I usually do good. I hadn't bought ciabatta rolls in at least 3 years and have no plans to buy them anytime soon. I usually have one or two loaves of bread in the freezer. I like toast for breakfast and I sometimes make half sandwich, peanut butter, tuna, grilled cheese or egg salad. So normally I'll have one slice of bread a day at the most.You have done an amazing job and are truly motivating! 
20 авг 23 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks Linerud. I've heard of carbquick but never tried it. I don't follow a low carb diet. Bread is something I try to avoid as much as possible. Although I know this journal entry shows how badly I can fail at that! 
20 авг 23 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thank cj. Carlene, I'm rooting for you to. I retired at 56 and immediately gained 30'pounds and just kept adding more 
20 авг 23 написано членом: Fritzy 22
thank you for commenting on my journal post the other day. I certainly appreciate it & YOU! Sometimes I'm not sure anyone out there reads what I say and I understand they are on their own journal and may not have time to comment. I am 69 and also have had issues with bread & butter cravings. I can not limit once I start. Even when I buy the no sugar bread I overeat it. I have been good for past couple days and my new attitude is to "Build" on each day toward the next and hope that keeps me going! I also stress shop & eat. It is an addiction and I know IT but still it is so difficult to stop. I'm in Florida and we have our share of hurricanes I am so sorry to hear about the one going up your way. I've heard that is very unusual. And Yes I hope our weather is not progressively getting worse. Take care, stay safe & keep in touch :-) Joyce  
21 авг 23 написано членом: JMA312
Thanks Joyce. If only bread were a health food! When I'm doing well and really motivated I am okay with just a little bread once in awhile. For about a year I would toast just 1/4 bagel and add a tablespoon of reduced fat cream cheese and I was fine with that. Now I'm just not sure how I'm going to eat. I'm supposed to be on an anti inflammatory diet so maybe I'll try harder to do that. Just keep posting and adding followers. It seems that if I support a post, it will show up in the notifications of those who follow me. I think. 
21 авг 23 написано членом: Fritzy 22


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