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Schedule change for me in my week. Am going to the gym tomorrow instead of today. I had forgotten about a food day at work tomorrow so will need to meet my commitment on that. Will do something @ home tonight for exercise.

Am in a better mood today even if the clouds are really dark and low with lightening, so far the rain is north of the city, though predicted here.

Decided I'm eating too much meat this week. I think it's causing heartburn and I'm getting hungry too quick so what is left is heading for the freezer after work. Back to eating mostly vegetarian today. Packed a lentil, grain, and greens dish for lunch today and fruit for snacks.

935 ккал Жир: 17,57г | Белк: 28,93г | Углев: 128,92г.   Завтрак: kale smoothie, Flaxseed Seeds, Whole Foods Market Nutritional Yeast, Kretschmer Wheat Germ. Обед: Cuties Clementines, spiced lentils and spinach, kotashima red rice. Перекус/Другое: Apples, Mediterranean Snacks Lentil Crackers, Canadian Club Whiskey. подробнее ...

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Send us some of your rain WFN - we haven't been getting enough in our neck of the woods this Spring! We had some on the past weekend but generally, it's too dry! Water bill is very high because of watering the grass .. hubby was not impressed! 
04 июн 15 написано членом: JennBuck61
BTW WFN - I have the opposite problem re: eating... I was eating way too much veggies and not enough meat so I am getting my meat on again! LOL. 
04 июн 15 написано членом: JennBuck61
Protein always makes me feel full, as most people and you get hungry from it? You are maintaining your weight wonderfully so you are doing everything right. 
04 июн 15 написано членом: snezica
I get icky if I eat too much meat, also . Too many years without, my tummy doesn't like it. I like eggs though and they seem gentler on me. 
04 июн 15 написано членом: nicholaix
I thought going without meat & carbs would KILL me,but I am finding,in the last 3 days on my EATING CLEAN that I feel more ALIVE than I ever have! :D I'm soooo lovin' this :) I know I've said it before but I am so appreciative to you Snow for your posts & pic's that obtain what you eat.Your lovely salads! :) If I hadn't of been inspired by them to challenge myself to eating them as THE main dish of my meals I may never have found the determination to jump into the applications of my researches. Since June 1 which is when I jumped in, I have lost 4 lbs in 3 days! Sure,its probably water weight but I'll take it as it spurs me on to real weight loss! :D 
04 июн 15 написано членом: myawethinTICself
My body does better on complementary proteins from whole grains and legumes than meat. I get plenty of protein, the FS food diary doesn't count it correctly for combinations of plant based proteins, my protein when eating no meat is about double what it shows. When I did low carb with mostly meat and low carb veggies I was always hungry and always had a stomach ache and heartburn. Just meat and veggies, I'm hungry in less than an hour, hunting for something. If I eat a meal like I'm having for lunch lentils, veggies, whole grain rice, I'm good for hours and no stomach ache. Also less calories and fat. I think the stomach aches may be from too much fat for my system.  
04 июн 15 написано членом: wholefoodnut
This goes to prove ... everyone needs to find their ish! There is no single solution for anyone so it pays to spend the time to find the unique formula that will bring you health and wellness! I love that I am learning so much from all perspectives - it allows me to experiment and find my own ISH! Love this site! 
04 июн 15 написано членом: JennBuck61
So true Jenn!! As you know, I support whatever works for that person. LC, LCHF, the IF, what ever it is that fits you and works for you and fits into the rest of your life. I spent a long time doing the yo-yo thing on low carb. I'd lose, feel awful the entire time so I couldn't follow through with the stages and would gain it back plus. The first time I lost 30# (I had gained after incapacitated due to a 4 disc cervical fusion) gained that back, did it repeatedly because I lost after that each time I would gain back more until I was almost at 200 lbs. I was facing a knee replacement if I did not lose weight due to the added stress on my already fragile knee (steel rod through it from a horse accident in 1986). I had to figure out a way to lose the weight and not go through the health damaging yo-yo's and not have that knee replacement. Along this journey I've learned so much both about myself and how to face the demons that have haunted me and have caused me to gain this weight. This site has helped me do that. I have learned what works for me as far as food, that I need exercise for life, I need to keep logging to maintain, I need my friends on here who understand, and I need a plan I personally can live with and be flexible enough to live my life and enjoy my life. It is not one that doesn't allow me to be flexible. My friends and family do not live according to my plan; to enjoy many activities with them I have to have the flexibility in my overall plan to deviate from what I do at home and still stay within my plan. My crazy eclectic plan works for me and my life. FYI no knee replacement looming and off all pain meds. Doc has now given me a target maximum exercise heart rate for exercise even with asthma for someone 15 years younger than my 65 years.  
04 июн 15 написано членом: wholefoodnut
Gosh WFN - you said it all so perfectly! I simply love your story of your journey!! It is an inspiration to me personally. I am learning what works for me too - don't know exactly where I will end up but I sure hope its close to where you are! :) 
04 июн 15 написано членом: JennBuck61
Jenn, do what you need to do to reach goal on your journey. I have actually lost 62 pounds,  
04 июн 15 написано членом: wholefoodnut
Jenn, your make me feel good =but it's my struggle over what finally has worked for me over a many year struggle of losses and big gains over many years. This site made me evaluate that cycle and change it. I think logging is the key.....What works for you works, probably not for me.........  
04 июн 15 написано членом: wholefoodnut
62 lbs is a great achievement! :) so proud of you! 
04 июн 15 написано членом: JennBuck61
That's the way of the world.  
04 июн 15 написано членом: wholefoodnut
Nichol, I get that. I know you are doing low carb. I support you 200 Nichol, I know you are trying your best to follow low carb. thProud of you doing what you need to do to get it to work for you...... 5 
04 июн 15 написано членом: wholefoodnut
I found that when I relied on lentils etc for protien my fiber intake was way high like 40+ grams and woman shouldn't have more than 25g , gave me a gurgly stomach so I had to switch to getting it mainly from meat, does anyone else find that? Just interested as I would rather eat more lenils and beans. 
05 июн 15 написано членом: pinkmoo
pinkmoo, I think 25 is a minimum. The more fiber the better from what I have read. Your system adapts to the gas issue. I have more issues with meat than I do with legumes.  
05 июн 15 написано членом: wholefoodnut
From what I read 15g was minimum and maximum was 25g for women and 30g for men. Apparently if you have too much you can go to the loo too much, or worse get blocked up, like really blocked, so I got worried but if a lot of fiber isn't doing you any harm I can relax a little and let it be higher. Thanks 
05 июн 15 написано членом: pinkmoo
I think one key for the fibre issue is drink lots of water to ensure you do not get blocked. I also agree with what WFN said about your system adapting - at first very gassy, then it gets resolved! 
05 июн 15 написано членом: JennBuck61
Pinkmoo, 23 grams is a minimum for women and there is no maximum, however, I found many recommendation to get at least 30 gms. It is recommended to add fiber gradually so your body adapts and as Jenn said drink lots of water. The average an American eats is 15 gms which is less than the RDI. That info is from multiple web sites. You can end up with problems if you suddenly add a lot of fiber to your diet.  
05 июн 15 написано членом: wholefoodnut
I had issues with a vegetarian diet and too much fiber as well. I found about 30 to be comfortable. Much above that slowed down the system so to speak. 
05 июн 15 написано членом: nicholaix


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