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Well, it's been five days since I've checked in! Been eating leftovers every day since Easter. There's a little ham left, but my husband is tired of it, so I'm making Chinese Casserole today. There's nothing really Chinese-y about it, except that it is supposed to have soy sauce in it (but my husband doesn't like that, so I substitute with Worcestershire) and you serve it with Chinese Rice Noodles on top.

My weight has remained pretty steady over this holiday period. My exercise has suffered. I did get in 1 mile of walking day before yesterday, but every other day has been less than 1/2 mile. The price monitoring job has dried up -- too many people have discovered it and now the minute the jobs come up for reservation, the reservation window closes - within the same MINUTE. Thankfully, GOD is my source, and He can provide for our financial needs through many other avenues, which I'm sure He will lead us to soon.

Suffered greatly from pollen allergies for over a week. Finally feeling better! The pollen is still bad, but not AS bad as it has been. Many of the trees are full green now, so tree pollen should let up soon.

Made the hard decision to NOT plant string beans this year. Several of the pots fell apart last year, and all of the soil became depleted. The expense to replace the pots and get all new potting soil just isn't justified by the couple "messes" of beans we would get in return. I sure miss having them growing on my front deck, though. They gave me such joy and happiness to watch their progress each day! Sniff, sniff.

Need to order a new solar cover for the pool before we can open it, which we'd like to do the 2nd week of May. Seems kind of redundant since I got the community pool membership this year; but I've read that you can't just leave a pool closed through the summer months. Thankfully, we have plenty of chemicals and filters left over from last year, so we won't have that expense. Every time I see the grandkids, they say, "When are you opening the pool?" This is the first week that the weather is getting really warm. 78 today and tomorrow, and 87 and 86 on Sunday and Monday!

ok, that's all I'll report for now. This is already getting too long!

25 Сторонников    Поддержка   

My g-babies love the pool, we're opening ours Sunday :) 
22 апр 22 написано членом: But_first_coffee
Debbie, I hope you are still planting something, even if beans hav to go. This has been the worst year I have seen for English peas. Something keeps them chewed down to a couple of inches, so I'm giving up on them. Going to plant pole beans there instead. I'm having trouble losing and gaining the same few pounds! 
22 апр 22 написано членом: Texasgranny6
Best compost is coffee grounds and eggshells... Just put/bury it in a corner of the yard for later in the year. No need to replenish the soil! 
22 апр 22 написано членом: Pegster8
Best easy fix for allergies is nasal saline rinses to the nose (1 TB salt in a quart of water) (any way you want to rinse, just tap water and salt, a la Netty pot, or a cup, or the pharmacy irrigation tools) and Cetirizine daily for about 3 weeks, which is the usual time a pollen is out. 
22 апр 22 написано членом: Pegster8
You don't need to buy new potting soil. My plants eat my trash. The best is eggshells, fruit peels and coffee. You don't even need to compost it. I dig it right next to all the plants (or under if the plant is in a pot and easy to lift), and that's it! Do it in the spring and you're done! 
23 апр 22 написано членом: immort777
Glad the pollen is easing off for you. Trees had quite a load around here but finishing up now. 
23 апр 22 написано членом: TomLong
Pegster8. That is what deceased hubby used when he was alive. He was quite the gardener. Coffee grounds and egg shells. He had a composter. 
23 апр 22 написано членом: sugarplum_
You are the first person other than my mother who I've seen referring to "messes" of green beans! Is that a southern thing? Dad used to grow so many he'd bring them in the house in drywall buckets and we'd snap and blanch and bag them all day. Great memories! 
23 апр 22 написано членом: writingwyo
Watch "Robbie & Gary Gardening Easy" on YouTube to build your own soil for free by burying most of your kitchen waste and yard waste. I'm not good at gardening but things are going to get so tough we all need to start growing whatever we can. It's worth watching YouTube "Alaska Prepper" for some of the facts about what's happening out there or "City Prepper" for a sensible plan. Talk about "messes".  
24 апр 22 написано членом: Snowwhite100
@writingwyo, yes, I think that "messes" of beans is a southern thing. I'm from California and I had never heard the term until I moved to Virginia. As far as composting the soil here - we live on a 10-acre ant hill! There are ants ALL over the property. Because we live in a rural area, we don't use a garbage disposal, so all the "garbage" (food waste) has to be taken outside and dumped. On the corner of our property, we have an old fire tower. It is home to probably 35 huge hawks. As soon as my husband puts out the garbage, the hawks are all over it and stay until it is all gone.  
27 апр 22 написано членом: Debbie Cousins


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