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Most of you know that I entered a HealthyWage challenge back in December, betting on myself that I will lose 60 pounds in six months. I’m happy to report that the challenge has given me the motivation I needed to get back on track and to STAY on track every day.

For about a month I had found myself in the situation where no matter what I was doing, the weight was just not coming off very quickly, even though I was using tried and true methods that had worked very well for me in the past. As a direct result of this, and in answer to my prayers for a solution, God lead me to go on an extended fast to reset my metabolism and to break satan’s stronghold in my stomach.

I’m now on Day #9 of that process (I will probably go 14 days or 21 days – still open to God’s leading in that department), and I’m happy to report that things are going amazingly well! God spared me the caffeine-withdrawal headaches that often accompany fasting, even though I had a full 2-liters of Diet Coke the day before I started. I feel great and have had no hunger or weakness during the fasting period.

I’ve come up with a plan that is helping me to get a lot more exercise than I was getting previously. I’m on my 5th book about Fasting, and each time I get to a new chapter or subheading, I get up and do one item on the list I made of 5-minute jobs around the house. This is an answer to my prayer that I would become more active AND to my prayers that I would become a better housekeeper.

I have not posted anything about this up until now, because I know that people have a lot of different opinions about fasting, and a lot of people are just unknowledgeable about the benefits and safety of the process. I didn’t want to be discouraged by any of people’s negative comments (I still don’t), and I thought the best way to avoid that was to just not say what I was doing. A lot of people have messaged me privately expressing concern or asking what I was doing to lose the weight so quickly, and I’ve told messaged them privately.

But, after 9 days of silence, I really miss posting about my progress and connecting with my FS friends. I hope you will all be supportive of my INFORMED decision to continue my fast.

I know that as soon as I break the fast, I will immediately put back on up to 5 pounds in water weight and food in my digestive tract. I’m prepared for that. When the extended fast is over, I am going to be switching to OMAD twice a week, but I’m doing it in such a way that I will be getting in a 24-hour fast on those days (eating my last meal at 2pm on one day, and not eating again until 3pm the following day).

Thanks for all your love, care and support, and thanks for reading this lengthy post!

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That2 great Debbie! I wanted to do it too a while back but you need a credit or debit card and I do not have either. 
21 мар 21 написано членом: morganstuart
I'm glad you are ok. I knew something was up when you haven't posted anything but weight updates. I figured you would share on your own time when you felt comfortable. Fasting has been a very controversial topics across gender lines. If women do it it's an eating disorder but when a silicone valley man does it they're 'optimizing' their life 🙄. You're doing it prayerfully and after much consideration, I hope you don't get any negative feedback. 
21 мар 21 написано членом: Eidetiker
Congratulations Debbie! It isn't easy to restart once you go off WOE, but it sounds like you are determined in this fast. Best wishes for great results! 
21 мар 21 написано членом: Texasgranny6
Hi Debbie! I think fasting is very healthy! The Lord Jesus did it for 40 days and nights, and there are many examples in God's Word where people would fast and pray! It gives your body a break. Where in the world did society comes up with 3 meals a day? lol...pretty silly. I know I don't need that much food! Fasting is the only thing (for me) that will take the weight off fast.  
21 мар 21 написано членом: lauriesouza
Love the 5 minute challenges you suggest. It is amazing what you can accomplish in 5 minutes. I think I will give it a try too. I have not been brave enough to fast, but thank you for telling us how it is going with you. God Bless 
21 мар 21 написано членом: Sidnay123
I would never judge anyone. If I ask a question it will be on a brainstorming level. To see what is missing, what have been tried or could help. I say what someone else has said. Let God lead you and listen to your body. It is a fact that this journey is not a one size fits all. You can do this thing. We are here for each other. 
21 мар 21 написано членом: ladytanker
Not speaking out of judgment, only out of concern - the tone of your last month or so worth of journal posts is not like your usual self, and I just worry that the focus on losing the weight to meet your goal and earn your reward is distracting from your health. I do recognize that there are healthy ways to fast, but if my patients presented to me with clinical signs of dehydration despite adequate water intake in the face of a fast, I would be concerned. Granted, my patients are animals, but the physiology is very similar. Please just be sure you are listening to your body and focusing on your health. The wager is not more important than you. ❤️ 
21 мар 21 написано членом: she_loves
Well, I have good veins due to my weight-lifting days and my circulation is pretty-awesome too. However, I do feel that if something goes wrong, while fasting, like it did with me and the issues you encountered, it's something else that is not right in one's body/system. It could be low-blood pressure, low-sugar, or many other things that only doctors and blood/urine tests and other types of tests can only find out for us. It wasn't fun for me anymore like when I was younger. I had no problems at all. I'm scared to do something wrong to myself by fasting again. The most I fast now is while I'm asleep at night. I break the fast when I get up in the morning and eat something and drink my coffee. It's weird that you could get dehydrated while continuing your normal intake of h2o. Were you exerting yourself too while fasting? I was still body-building while fasting so, I would still do Rock Star, sugar-free, energy drinks, protein shakes, bananas (sometimes for substance) and always h2o. That's why I couldn't believe why my urine was the color it came out, back then. I always have h2o w/me no matter what. It was scary.  
21 мар 21 написано членом: Slow Meta
Thank you for your concern @she_loves and @Eidetiker. Yes, I am VERY motivated by the HealthyWage challenge, but it has forced me to be even MORE concerned a bout my body and my health. I have sought the Lord's guidance and know that this is His will for my life at this time. @lauriesouza, yes, there are MANY references in the Bible to fasting. The 40-day ones were supernatural (without food OR water, but we should never go more than 3 days without water). Plenty of other fasts mentioned, though, 21-day, 10-day, and many of unspecified length. @Slow Meta, if I were you, I wouldn't try fasting either (except from dinner to breakfast). I'm sure that was a very scary time for you! @Sidnay123, the 5-minute jobs have been revolutionary. Because the books I've been reading have so many sub-points which are in bold, I end up getting out of my chair at least every five minutes and doing a job. Usually, the only time I get up is to pee. @morganstewart, the challenge wager can be paid in monthly installments or all up-front. If you would really like to do it, I wonder if you could buy a pre-paid VISA card. I think it would have to have the three digits on the back to be accepted. If you DO decide to do a HealthyWage challenge, be sure to use my link and you will get $100 added to your prize money: https://hwage.co/2376135/. @ladytanker, thank you for being non-judgmental. We're all on the same journey here - but we each have different ways of getting there. @Texasgranny, thank you for your support! 
22 мар 21 написано членом: Debbie Cousins
@JustBananas, I am doing a water-only fast, except that I have a cup of hot tea (with a Tbsp. of heavy whipping cream and 2 Truvia) about 3 times a day, mostly because fasting makes you generate less heat in your extremities. Some fasting gurus (but not all) say that makes it a "dirty fast" but I don't believe that, personally. When I go off the extended fast and switch to OMAD 24-hour fasts, I will continue to have the hot tea if I feel like it warms me up. With warmer weather coming, I may not need it. Oh, there are 50 calories in my tea. 
22 мар 21 написано членом: Debbie Cousins
@ladytanker, thank you for your understanding and support. 
22 мар 21 написано членом: Debbie Cousins
Hi Debbie. I’ve never done a fast, at least not really intentionally, but we all are finding our way (ways) on this journey. It certainly sounds like you have been educating yourself on how to proceed with care. 🙂 
22 мар 21 написано членом: jdstore
Thanks, @jdstore Fasting isn't for everybody, but it has a lot of health benefits for those who DO feel it is for them. Thanks for your encouragement. 
22 мар 21 написано членом: Debbie Cousins
"But, after 9 days of silence, I really miss posting about my progress and connecting with my FS friends. I hope you will all be supportive of my INFORMED decision to continue my fast." Debbie, having a Social Media Detox and making full use of brain ketones to read 8 enriching & healthful books is indeed the wise way! I'm inspired ^^ 
25 мар 21 написано членом: Bernard.Sg


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