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My life changed yesterday. I am now finally afraid of my husband. That makes it harder to enjoy him when he is nice because I don't know when he will explode or if I can “be perfect”. He has abused me for at least 55 years. He did not, and has not, hit me in the last 50 years, but did twice before that, and one of the times I had a concussion. We were separated 3 times. He said the reason he never gave me a penny to help feed the children was so I couldn't make it on my own. With my health problems and a very bad back, when he promised to change, I went back “for the children”, plus I loved him, and believed it was the right and Christian thing to do. He didn't change. A couple of days ago he wanted me to make an appointment with the DMV for him to take the written test to renew his Driver's License, and we saw they are giving automatic 1-year extensions because of Covid. He was thrilled he wouldn't have to study for it, and neither of us knew if he could pass. He had seen the e-mail from the DMV and had asked me to change his password, and even picked out the new one. Yesterday I helped him on the computer for about an hour in 2 different sessions. I was laying down to take a nap and he again called me as he usually does to come to help him on the computer. He expects me to come running where ever he is and where ever I am, no matter the inconvenience, and it better be quick. He saw the e-mail from the DMV about the change in password, but now was confused about it, and felt he had to wake me up immediately to find out what it was. I should confess to you I sleepily said no when he called out to me. He got very angry (as usual) came into the bedroom, forcefully moved my legs to the floor, and pulled me up to drag me into the room where he has his computer, and threatened to smash my laptop. I don't understand how he expects to hear me reply to him from another room or even from another floor, it isn't logical. He is very hard of hearing even with his strong expensive hearing aids and that eventually affects anyone's brain. He now doesn't recognize most words that start with a consonant. His audiologist said in a hearing test when they turned the sound all the way up, in one ear he only has 15% hearing, and out of 25 words that started with a consonant he only understood 3. If I call back to him to whatever room he is in, he usually can't hear me and gets very angry before he starts calling the second time. He has not eaten at the table with me in perhaps 30 years, unless on rare occasions outside. If he yells for this or that from his TV, or wants help on the computer, and also if he sees anything interesting on the TV or computer, he wants me to come to see it. He basically can only do Facebook and maps, but recently learned to use YouTube.

Once, he did not acknowledge my presence for 6 months, and punishing me is just a common theme. He has always been very controlling and wanted me to treat him like God or “a god”. Now I remember many years ago he demanded I sit next to him on the couch while he was watching wrestling (which I hate) but I was not allowed to speak. Most would say I should have divorced him. Yes, I had moral grounds, but most of the Christian community would say if he wasn't “hitting”, a person should stay hoping to win him to Christ. I was in a Bible Study years ago, and one gal that was being hit went to the pastor of a church of thousands and was told she should stay as long as the children were not being hit. I disagree. She was younger and her children were young. Personally, I was abused as a child, so my husband said he was never responsible for any of my hurt feelings. I reasoned, I begged, I hoped, and I prayed. For 60 years, he said he didn't care that he hurt my feelings, but I didn't even know what Narcissism was until two weeks ago, or that it can become a mental disorder. He took part of my meager meal (2 al la carte meatballs) this week in a deli, even though he had a very big meal, and threw part of mine away rather than letting me have it back. He had breakfast, I did not. I just walked away, as I have started doing at home when he yells at me, but it's not working. At home, he grabs me if I walk away. He also said this week that I should only sleep at night after he goes to bed, whatever time that is. Part of me thinks it is escalating, and part of me just hasn't admitted how bad it has been part of the time. Of course, he doesn't see it or admit it, that is part of the illness. I have to learn to not confront him, show any defensiveness, or disagree because he just gets furious, but now it is becoming dangerous. How can I be perfect to do everything he wants? If he shoves me around I dare not resist or show displeasure. I am afraid to resist when he is overpowering me. It depresses me to think of jumping up and running after him instantly all day long, and he can't live alone. We only have one car. I get less than $500. a month Social Security. Yes, I can go to a woman's shelter if necessary. For how long? Should I leave him the car, and have none? He already throws my belongings away. I think he would throw everything of mine in the trash, and ½ of the house. If I leave our home, some legal decisions have said the “party” that leaves, abandons the home. He is very vindictive. I am afraid to leave for more than a couple of hours, or the marriage will be over.

I had written March 2nd about how he angrily grabbed my clothing at my neck and swung me back and forth recently. He has threatened me for years, either to smash me in the face, throw me physically out the door, or once he said he could cut off my legs. I had written last year about an incident years ago where he very forcefully held my hand over the burner on the stove and threatened to turn it on and put my hand down on it if I didn't “listen” to him, which in his economy means to agree with him. When I told someone, they dismissed it since he didn't go through with it and later told me I was playing the victim. It seems threats, and terrible words don't count. Several years ago after one big threat, I asked our daughter if I should call the police if he hits me? She had been married to an abuser years ago and had left him. She advised that if I called the police I would suffer for it afterward, with him being vindictive. She's right, he would be. He is a narcissist, I'm guessing halfway towards NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). He has memory loss, probably due to a lack of oxygen to the brain from untreated severe sleep apnea. By the time he was willing to treat it with a c-pap machine about 6 years ago, he would stop breathing when sleeping 63 times an hour. He also may have had additional memory loss from general anesthesia from two surgeries when he was 77 years old, coronary artery disease, lung damage from having had blood clots in his lungs, and heart failure. He will be 85 in a couple of weeks. He has had many TIA's (mini-strokes), brain bleeds, and 2 “small” strokes. That can change your personality, or exacerbate ongoing problems. He is very fragile and is developing another aneurysm in the aorta near his heart. He had 2 repaired 8 years ago but cannot go under general anesthesia unless it is a life-threatening emergency. They wouldn't even give him enough anesthesia for a colonoscopy when he was bleeding rectally because of his heart failure.

I tell you all this because many here on FS have said I should leave him when I complained. I would say it's too late. My husband also uses oxygen at night and until his last hospitalization he used it some during the day. His dizziness has been a problem for at least 5 years, and he has fallen several times. As he gets weaker he is less stable on his feet but won't take physical therapy. He still drives some when he is not dizzy. I suppose with age, memory loss, strokes, needing oxygen, heart failure, COPD, emphysema, and sleep apnea his brain is deteriorating. He has been in the hospital 6 times in the last year and a half, the last time in October with severe kidney failure. I don't know how he has lived so long. The other day he felt an electric shock go through his body. This can be from not taking his meds on time, or just his heart having trouble getting oxygen to his brain. He does not help keep the house or with meals, if I'm lucky he leaves things on the kitchen counter for me. There is no way he can make it on his own. Up to yesterday I always said I can't leave, and he wouldn't allow any other help for him or the house. In August and September he was seriously talking suicide, even writing notes and leaving money for our daughter and nephew. Sure I could have him committed for 72 hours. But he would be even more dangerous when he came out. Jail would be the only thing that would hold him, and he would die very quickly. Yes, I believe he is capable of murder and suicide. Because he is so charming, almost no one knows what our life is like behind closed doors. Certainly not our nephews and families. Our daughter knows some, but has no idea of the extent of it, and couldn't wrap her head around it if she did know. Do I dare send her a copy of this? She has stage 4 cancer and lives in another state. It seems very unkind to send it to her. I haven't seen my nephews in a couple of years and am not in their lives. They know nothing of this, and their disabled, mentally ill mother died two weeks ago, and the funeral home had to scrape her off the floor. They and their wives are dealing with the house of a hoarder, and are on their 5th dumpster just with the papers. I'm thinking of sending this to one of them, but it breaks my heart. If I knew my husband would kill me, and commit suicide, I wouldn't bother them. There is no one else. Okay, I will admit it, I suppose my husband's brain is getting worse. I wasn't afraid till yesterday. Yes, you are right, I am just as sick as he is, but in a different way. I will be 80 this year and am disabled. I don't want to tell him anything to anger him, or even to depress him. It could be catastrophic. I will not tell him what I am thinking. I have two very small bank accounts and will go take his name off and put on our daughter's name with mine. I don't think I can get to any of his. Oh, that makes me want to tell you that when I was 30, my mother died and left me $20,000. He took it and put it in an account in only his name, and I was not allowed access to it. Also, he took the car I earned in a multi-level marketing business. Because he liked it. He let me borrow it sometimes. You don't know what goes on behind closed doors. And the perpetrators are so charming, you probably wouldn't believe the mental and emotional abuse. Yes, I've been to counseling. Yes, he went with me a couple of times, but he will not listen to ANYONE. Divorce is the only solution. I didn't know what it would be like to be afraid, and he would become more and more demanding. If the tone of my voice isn't perfect, or if he thinks I have a funny look on my face, he gets furious. There is no “home” that could hold him. Some probably think I am over-reacting but I have been watching Dr. Ramani on YouTube these last 2 weeks and am starting to learn what I am dealing with. Why haven't I ever heard of this before? Now I understand why he wants to commit suicide, he doesn't want to bother with old age, disability, and not being able to have relations each and every day.

I was so worried about his driving for many years, and he is so stubborn that I didn't know what to do about it. His van burned up 2 ½ years ago and I avoided replacing it. About a year ago he was getting dizzy more often and now lets me drive more than 95% of the time unless of course, he thinks I want to. Three years ago he said he would never turn his head to look in his blind spot, and he never has. He can't hear other cars honking at him when he pulls into them. For years he thinks he doesn't have to stop for stop signs if someone else is going through, he doesn't have to stop. That is not dementia, it is arrogance. He doesn't believe the rules apply to him. He will take the left-hand turn lane for the people going the opposite direction to pull into to wait for traffic. He goes through red lights. He tells me to shut the fuck up, and even to get out of the car, at 90 miles an hour if I don't like it. It terrifies me. He would drive without a license anyway if he were to lose it, and with no license, he would have no insurance. With an accident, they could take our house and everything we have.

Years ago, a small retail carpet store took our money ($3,000.00) and filed for bankruptcy the next day. When my husband went into the store to get our money back, evidently he got into a physical fight with a young man in the store who threw him to the floor. My husband was so mad, that he couldn't even talk to me for 6 months. He said he couldn't talk because he was controlling himself, to not go down and kill the young man. There is another man in our life who we only see at a distance a couple of times a year, who my husband doesn't like something the man is doing. The man is completely in the right, and my husband is in the wrong, but my husband has said numerous times that he would like to shoot him. By the way, there is no gun available. This man does not know this, and I don't think they have ever had even a little argument. I do my best to keep my husband away from him and my husband has not expressed animosity for him for a couple of years. But I know very well if my husband was around him, the problem would come right back. Is he worse? I don't know. Maybe he has less control. I'm tired, depressed, and now I am ready to die. I hope it's quick when it comes. With the Lord's help, I will not commit suicide. No, I want to go to Heaven more than anything.
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19 Сторонников    Поддержка   

I hate your husband. What a disgusting piece of shit. Also- You desperately need a new church. I could not imagine being told that by my pastor.  
07 мар 21 написано членом: davidsprincess
With your pain level and age, you are being abused & vulnerable. Report him to social services & move out. get out!  
07 мар 21 написано членом: LadyBecSel90
I'm a Christian and I know God would not expect you to stay with a man like that. Once a man puts his hands on you, they'll keep doing it. My opinion is you need to leave him and divorce him. You've taken his psychological, emotional, physical and financial abuse long enough. He is not going to change as you see and your not getting any younger. I feel like it's in your best interest to get you a little condo or apt away from him and don't tell him where you moving. If you have to move when he's not home or get the police to be present while you get your stuff and leave. 
07 мар 21 написано членом: RN16
Do you have anyone to help you move? Will your daughter help and get her friends to help you? 
07 мар 21 написано членом: RN16
I have never realized that other people were living my life until I read your story. However I DID leave. I was afraid I would end up dead by his hand or... he would at mine. It was so very hard to start over but I did. I still worry that he will turn up at my home but I am prepared for that. I got out 4 years ago at the age of 54. After 33 years of trying and dealing with so many of the same things you are going through now. My heart goes out to you. You must not continue living in fear. You must save yourself. Don’t give in to the belief that you are helpless. ReneeJoan has good advise as so many others. Don’t feel bad about having negative days.. Lord knows I had those too. 
07 мар 21 написано членом: joan.hudson45
Fat Secret is for weight loss. If you would like to get help to leave your abuser, call the National Domestic Violence hotline at 1-800-799-7233 and let them know about your financial & living situation. They've heard it all, can get you resources, and have helped many. If you have zero intention on leaving him and are just on FS to complain post after post, a better forum would be on Quora.com, and just search up "Domestic Violence and Abuse." There are many people on there journaling their situations and you can feel free to interact as you do here.  
07 мар 21 написано членом: JustBananas
Hang in there, I know it’s hard but if you can find the strength contact your family. I know they have their own struggles too but you will need their support too. You must leave, God wants what’s best for you, not suffering. 
08 мар 21 написано членом: SatsumaQueen
Snow, I've read your journal entries for some time now and not wanted to pipe up. Your life is yours to live, and your decisions are your own. It is very clear that your loyalty and your integrity are your most important values. I'm glad you're learning about Narcissism, though, because you will find that Narcissists feed off of people exactly like you. You are a good Christian. He is a predator and a lost cause. It is time to get away. You have given more to this man than anyone could expect of you - do not let him take your life from you, too. It isn't too late. Take what's in your bank account, get in your car, and go. Get a new cell phone (even just one of the prepaid phones at 7-11 would work), transfer any important contacts, and then get rid of your old one. Are there shelters in your area you can go to? He will be livid, but it doesn't sound like he's physically capable of going after you with much success. Do not go back. There are different kinds of temptations in this world - manipulation and fear are just as powerful as luring someone in with promises of happiness. As a Christian, you know you need not be lead to temptation, nor would God want you to be. Get out of there.  
08 мар 21 написано членом: she_loves
Too late to change anything. When you were young you should leave him for ever. Or if you wanted to stay with him then you should punch him hard at his face without fear each time he abused you. Such personalities most probably are nothing but terrible cowards. And if that was not enough to make him stop then you should leave. For now my opinion is what katsolo wrote. 
08 мар 21 написано членом: Tassos67
When you were young you should either leave (the best option) or punch him hard and fearless at his face when he abused you. Such persons are most probably cowards and he would stop abusing you. But he would never be a better person. Now it is too late. I agree with katsolo. 
08 мар 21 написано членом: Tassos67
I wish I hadn’t read because I can’t stand how you are suffering and staying. Why? What’s one good reason to put your life at risk? Or his, as someone said? What if you snap and kill him? You will be locked up! Seriously, you need to leave for BOTH your sakes. Stop speaking death, sleeping in the car, on the street. Come on. Do you know God? Do you believe He can make a way for you? Think clear. Think straight. Put on the mind of Christ.  
08 мар 21 написано членом: wifey9707
And I’m with DP! Change your church. No man of God tells a wife that garbage. I’m getting so angry. Ugh snowwhite, what kind of church do you attend? 
08 мар 21 написано членом: wifey9707
Just leave and start anew. You are the only person who can really help you. You have to be the one to ask for help, and follow through with your plan. Make a plan and just leave him. Anything will be better than living the way you do. Don't ever let someone tell you this is your fault. EVER! 
08 мар 21 написано членом: lorielundgren
My father-in-law became very abusive toward my mother-in-law before he passed away, despite them saying he did not have dementia or Alzheimer's. He did. He finally was put in a nursing home where he became abusive to the staff and even other patients! He didn't last much longer, just a very few months. They over medicated him to keep him sedated and to prevent the abusiveness, until his body just gave out. But it ended his abusiveness, that's for sure. Don't over think it, or try to reason it out. It's not his fault or yours, it's his age and mental health. It doesn't have to be your burden. It is what it is. If you can't live with him, then ask for someone else to take care of him. If you have to, for your safety, then leave. No shame in that. Leave for your safety, and keep contact with him as much as safely possible, but you do not have to be his care provider any longer. The state will have to be responsible. Praying for you and your husband.  
08 мар 21 написано членом: DLynneGarner
Your situation, to an outsider, is pretty horrific. But even as you detailed all of the trauma and hardship you go through, there’s a certain sense of comfort. You know what to expect. You’ve had years upon years of this, and you can anticipate that your husband will be unreasonable, and brace yourself. You’ve built your life and identity on being someone who has endured through this. Change is hard. Change is scary. A lot of people endure abuse, because uncertainty and change is almost unthinkable, is almost too terrifying in comparison. You justify to yourself, in terms of age, money, comfort, and even on how he’ll manage to go on without you. And you know what? -to an extent, you’re right. If you manage to outlive him, you’re free without lifting a finger. If he kills you, you’re free. Right now it’s just a waiting game. From someone who can relate, let me share some thoughts. His treatment of you may absolutely be a result of narcissism. However, without doing bedside psychology, I might also suggest that he feels powerless in his deteriorating body, and is gaining back control by dominating you. As he becomes more powerless, he will become more demanding and unreasonable with you and your boundaries. Resources at shelters aren’t super plentiful, especially when you aren’t able to leave with much. Women who escape sometimes end up on the street, where they end up dealing with more abuse. It’s awful, but you are definitely wise to consider this angle. Your doctor may be the best ally you have. Schedule an appointment for yourself or for your husband. At some point, leave him to “go to the bathroom”, and leave a pre-written letter describing his actual functional status, including his hearing impacting his life, his risk-seeking behaviors (driving), and his cognitive degeneration. Bluntly state that he is a risk to himself and to others. Ask for the doctor to test to test him, with the hope that he may be a candidate to go into assisted living/nursing home. I would also mention the psychological and emotional abuse in this letter, and ask for the doctor’s discretion. Even if he recommends a caregiver, that’s at least one person to put a buffer between you and your husband. As for cost, sometimes doctors can arrange for the state to gain legal control of the ailing individual and pay for nursing home costs. The quality of care isn’t too good, but he’d be taken care of, and you’d be free. As for money, I would recommend beginning to use cash at all of your transactions. It’s easier to hide away coins and then discretely deposit them into your separate account, than it is to transfer from one account to another. If withdrawing cash isn’t an option, you can do a “cash back” option at checkout, or ask the cashier to charge $5 more for you to take from the drawer in bills. Small increments of money are easier to hide, and harder for him to track. This might be too much for you. You may think it’s easier to just continue to endure. Some people do make that choice. If you do, then for your own sake I hope you can find even one thing to give you joy- a hobby, music, prayer, t.v., walks, whatever. If you don’t choose to stay stuck, then best of luck to you. It’ll be hard, but ultimately worth it. 
09 мар 21 написано членом: FocacciaBread


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