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A continuation of my "quality of life" journal from the last 2 days: we never had much money, but worked hard for many, many years. If you are raising children, it's a struggle to just stay afloat. Even before Covid, it was tough. My husband did not want me to work, and actually undercut me in my self-employment endeavors. Now that we are old, our scrimping and saving and going without many things netted us a small nest egg. We never flew anywhere on vacations, but only went camping. He told me I was not allowed to have $5.00 a week that I didn't have to report to him about. And that was when our children were 17 and 21. I mentioned yesterday in my journal "We cannot qualify for Medi-Cal since we own 1/2 of a cabin in the mountains with my sister. She will not let us "out" of it, even though she owes me more than her 1/2 is worth and I won't sue my sister." In a private message an individual asked: "The cabin you own with your sister, would she agree to sell it and split the money? That property might be a big problem." This lovely person is trying to help me, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate them. Their support is incalculable. And it has been and is a big problem. But I "feel" so negative when I think about just handing her all my money, I'm so human I don't even like myself.

My husband agreed to purchase a tiny cabin in the mountains in 1966 for $7,500. (total) with my sister. I was against being in partnership with one of my abusers, but he went ahead with it against my protests. She said we would share the expenses half and half. She was pretty smart going into it with a carpenter, in fact I think she forged the papers. It was her plans, and our work. My husband built a second story on it so now it is a one bedroom on a road that is not snow-plowed in winter. My sister kept promising to pay us but has not paid her half of the bills since before 1970 when she and her husband were making two and a half times as much money as us. She would never sell me her half, or buy my half. I listed it with a Realtor once and she would not sign the papers to sell. Eventually she owed me more than her half was worth. Even in the 1990's she would rent it for $400. for a 3 day weekend and keep all the money, but I paid for all the utilities (as we still are), and we cleaned up after her renters, and maintained it. In 1995 we had dry rot and termites in the second story and my husband and I spent 161 days up there in just that one year, doing construction to save it from falling over. It was a hazard, and we either had to repair it or demolish it. It was my husband's decision to rebuild part of it and repair it. After that, the next door neighbor's tree fell on it. We spent years with no vacations, but only maintaining that stupid cabin with no help from her, physically or financially. She told me it was good for my marriage to do all that work. When I took one hour off one Sunday to go to church, she said that made it a vacation for me. I hear a boat is a hole in the water to put money in. Real property can be too. It's worse being in partnership with a "taker" with a twisted personality. If we had sold, one half of the sale would have gone to her, and I would have had to sue her to get the money she owed us. I've never been willing to sue my own sister.

Originally she set it up that her half would go to her heirs when she died but through the years acknowledged she owed me all the money. Even though she owes us thousands of dollars, she now says it is not "God's will" for me to know if she is leaving it to me. She is warped. I would have given it to her years ago but my husband would not let me. He and I have now put 54 years of blood, sweat and tears into it and it still does not conform to safety standards. The Electric Company wants us to change the location of all the exterior electrical. My husband can no longer do the work and it would cost thousands. At 5' tall and 300 lbs. she can't use it. She uses a walker and the bathroom is upstairs. Property values near Los Angeles are about the second highest in the nation. Her half is worth about $100,000. right now before the economy and real estate market tanks. We have put a life time of work on this property. That and our damaged earthquake house is all we have to show for 60 years of marriage and work. Shouldn't it be our heritage or legacy? Should I give it to her now? No. But that cabin stops us from qualifying for California's version of Medicaid to pay for a nursing home for my husband or I, if either of us can't take care of ourselves, or each other. My sister and I don't talk about selling any more, in fact she won't talk to me about it at all. I suppose if I now offered her $100,000. (if I had it) she would accept it, but if we sold or gave it away, it would still stop our qualifying for Medicaid because of the "look-back" rule. She told me she doesn't want me to have anything without her. She also told me it was my fault our son was killed by a drunk driver. She has invited herself to my house for Christmas dinner but said she doesn't like my menu. There has to be some name for her, but I'd have to wash my mouth out with soap.

I want no revenge. I pray to the Lord that He does not "hold against her," her sins against me. She seems incapable of repentance, but says she's a Christian. I'm leaving that up to God. My own relationship with Him is enough for me to handle. I want to forgive, and sometimes I worry I don't forgive "good enough." I just want peace with God. I want to go to Heaven. My husband isn't really capable of living on his own, without me and my help. Or at least our daughter wouldn't let him. She said she couldn't leave him here with the car. She would take him him to Arizona and put him in some kind of retirement home, even against his will. She would then sell our house to pay for it. I have fractures in my lower back I was born with, that never healed, and the discs are deteriorating. I struggle with pain. Our daughter's cancer chemo is nearly $20,000. a month. What if the government stops paying? There goes my house. In this country you need to either be broke or have substantial resources. We are/have neither, we are small potatoes. Past 65 years of age, most have Medicare from the federal government instead of private insurance. When you finally need nursing care, they will pay for 100 days, just over 3 months, maximum. If you can't show Medicare you will get better they switch off Medicare sooner. After that the state Medicaid kicks in or you have to pay for it yourself. The national average for a semi-private room in a nursing home is $7,441.00 per month. Few people can afford that. And some think they can give away money, or property, or sell real property, cars or whatever else they have to qualify but the look-back period of all states except California is five years. California is three years. You can qualify with a primary home, but if it isn't in a Living Trust, California will take it after you die to repay what they consider a loan. Other states are tougher than California. It is the only state that has not complied with the federal standards. There are cases of people that ran out of money who were in nursing homes where their three months of Medicare nursing care ran out or Medicaid didn't kick in for any reason, and the nursing home personnel actually put the people out on the street? At least here in Los Angeles, maybe your town is better.

When I was younger and stronger, I hoped either my husband or I could care for one another if need be. Since I am going on 80 and am weaker, I'm losing faith in that and the alternatives scare me. I used to joke that I would go to Home Depot and pick up one of those men that stand out front to throw my husband on the toilet, if he got to the point I couldn't handle him. The other side of this complicated coin is that eight years ago when I broke my back helping my husband (after his aneurysm surgery) and I couldn't get out of bed, he brought me two slices of toast to eat for the whole day. He is no care taker! It never occurred to me before I wouldn't have to go on a hunger strike in the worst case scenario, lol. Nursing homes in Los Angeles are notoriously bad. Small town are surely better. I spoke to a pharmacist at Anthem/Blue Cross's prescription arm, and she told me her mother (a tiny little woman) was in a nursing home, and they gave her an anti-psychotic drug like they gave my husband (and tied him down) a year ago September at Holy Cross Hospital, where he almost died. When the pharmacist went in to see her mother she was unconscious, with her face down in her plate of food. Of course she took her mother out of that nursing home immediately. That time, a year ago September was when I starting binging, and I was so upset with what happened to my husband at that hospital I couldn't even write about it. I said I would, but never did. I was so upset, I was wild inside. I've gained about 4 or 5 sizes. When my husband was in UCLA hospital two months ago I spoke to a technician there and he said he left Holy Cross (and it's sister hospitals Providence in this area) because it has gone down so severely. And he agreed it is becoming a more general practice to give patients anti-psychotics in many hospitals and nursing homes. Those are suppose to be for schizophrenics and individuals with bi-polar (my husband has neither), and never for people with heart failure which my husband does have.

Our son was a passenger in a head on auto crash with a drunk driver when he was 21. He had no seat belt on, and they air lifted him to a hospital. The doctor there said there were worse things that could happen to him than dying. That was true for our son and it is true for my husband and me. Our son had brain stem damage and ultimately there was no blood supply to his brain, so I didn't have to make any decisions about pulling the plug. We donated all his body parts that could be used. My husband and I hope to donate our bodies to science, and some places are still taking them if you are Covid19 negative. Some may think I am pessimistic. but I don't think so. I have so much and I'm so grateful. I have a home to live in, a car, money to buy groceries, and there are groceries out there to buy. I still have my husband, and the strength to shop for groceries, cook, and clean up enough to make life livable. Most of us live like kings compared to much of the world. I support a boy in Guatemala and there were others before him. There are so many now with Covid growing that have lost their jobs or in danger of it. Things look pretty scary for so many. We may be calling these "the good old days" before long. Let's enjoy them to the best of our ability. To be continued...

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It seems you have allowed yourself to be a victim for a very long time. Very sad. 
16 дек 20 написано членом: Kenna Morton
Hi there Snowwhite. I was able to read your last few entries. This is certainly a catharsis for you. Lots has happened and lots to be processed and come to terms with. This is a good first step to get this all out on paper where you can see it. The next step will be taking each piece and attending to it however you can to make peace with the events so you can have a calmer interior life. Look after yourself and be kind to yourself as well! 
16 дек 20 написано членом: 59Carol
Hi Snow, I read your last 3 posts. Lots of decisions to make. It's too bad you can't get your sister to sell, but I guess you just have to make decisions on the things you have control over. It's good you're getting things laid out. Something I should do and have put off too. And, this is alot of info but you're right! It's your page and people can pass on by if they want to. I agree that our emotions have a cause and effect on our weight loss. Hope you'll be able to get your decisions finalized before too long. Take care! 
16 дек 20 написано членом: bearnoggin
Thank you for your support. Bearnoggin, thank you for your thinking and encouraging me to make decisions on those things I can. About selling, I decided to write a journal entry about it, right or wrong. It has been a big part of our lives for 55 years. 59Carol you're right, this is a catharsis, and I sure do desire a calmer interior life. Thank you, thank you. 
17 дек 20 написано членом: Snowwhite100
Dear Kenna Morton, I always admired your independence and your being a nurse. Thank you for being you. I wish I could have been more like you. Yes, you are right. It is sad, what I have allowed in my life. I have been co-dependent all my life and allowed myself to be abused by my father, my sister, and my husband. Perhaps the child abuse before I was 5 contributed plus being molested as a child by my father. I have been weak, pantywaist, and mealy-mouthed. You are right, the way I have lived my life is sad, and I am very ashamed. If it wasn't for my weaknesses, my illnesses, and the vertebral fractures I was born with that never healed, I probably would have divorced my husband, and somehow tried to support our children myself. I did leave 3 times and he was determined to do "whatever" was necessary so I would not receive any money from him. But when my husband held my hand over the burner on the stove and threatened to turn the burner on, I wasn't allowing it, he was stronger than I. It was a little late by that time to leave him and I didn't think I could support myself when the discs in my back were deteriorating. If it wasn't for our children and my fear of hell, I would have committed suicide. I've often said I have lived a wasted life. I'm ashamed to stand in front of our Savior, to the extent I can hardly sleep. My life and I are very sad, indeed. Thank you for caring enough to comment, and thank you especially for writing the night before, so late at night when you were so tired.  
17 дек 20 написано членом: Snowwhite100
Snow, You've not lived a wasted life. I have a theory that since God is outside of space and time that He can see every potential outcome and has chosen to set things in motion in such a way that the final end result will accomplish his ultimate goal and ending. That said, each and every one of us a a crucial piece of this puzzle. God already knew what your life would be and He has utilized you in ways you can't comprehend. He knew what you would ask for and He knew how you would act. Of course this conversation leads to alot of other conversations but don't think you wasted your life. I know life can seem very cruel and mundane at times but there will be a glorious day when everything will be revealed to us. We all have things we are Ashamed of as we are all imperfect people. That's what this Christmas season is all about, that Jesus came to take our burdens from us and give us hope and freedom. The more you love those who aren't loving toward you, the more you are allowing God to work through you. I wouldn't normally write much about God out here on FS but I know you're a believer and I hope I can bring some encouragement to you. 
17 дек 20 написано членом: bearnoggin
Dear bearnoggin, thank you so much. I hoped I didn't say too much, I was just having a tough afternoon, and had a negative attitude. Please pray for my husband. It's hard to accept that we've been married for nearly 60 years and he doesn't believe in the Bible. The consequences are unthinkable. Thank you for your encouragement.  
17 дек 20 написано членом: Snowwhite100
You're welcome Snow!!! I hope tomorrow is a better day! I've been praying that your husband will be nicer to you. I will pray that he will give his heart to Jesus and that you both will have some peace.  
17 дек 20 написано членом: bearnoggin
Hope all is well!!! Thinking about you! 
19 дек 20 написано членом: bearnoggin


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