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Weigh in today - 3 pound Holiday gain. Lets see how quickly I can lose it.

Knowing I promised you guys I'd be good today, last night at 5 minutes to midnight I crept into the kitchen to sneak one last piece of cheesecake. Unfortunately DH heard me and asked what the @*#% I was doing. He just doesn't understand!

So today I got to watch him eat cheese cake while I was eating my salad. Should have asked him what the @*#% he was doing!


Ha! Being good is really hard isn't it! But we can do it now! 
29 ноя 13 написано членом: Neptunebch
Know who catches me? The damn dog. No sneaking around here at night. I'm going to second Neptunebch. We can do it. I think if I can keep my weight at the current level without gaining, that will be a plus for me. Then after the holidays, get very very serious.  
29 ноя 13 написано членом: ClassicRocker
but who can resist cheesecake?!I would've kicked my DH if he tried to eat cheesecake in front of me. 
30 ноя 13 написано членом: rockytu
Eating Cheesecake sounds like the way to go, but not so much when you think about how you feel after you eat it. You should always keep yourself an OK treat ready and handy! I love sugar free strawberry jello with Reddi Whip as my go to. I also always have Atkins Bars handy, but they are cut into 6 small pieces so I am able to control the amount I eat. Good luck and don't let other people tempt you from your desired goal.  
30 ноя 13 написано членом: Hoffner
I was up at midnight eating Breyers low carb ice cream but went WAY over the 1/2 cup portion. Who can eat half cup, I ask you? Had apple pie earlier. One piece left. Thank goodness. Hubby can have it. I didn't weigh. My scales are safely hidden. No see ... no guilt. Just have to get back to eating sensibly. :-) 
30 ноя 13 написано членом: Mom2Boxers
Never eat that low carb/ low fat/ low sugar whatever ice cream. If you're going to indulge eat the full fat Hagen Daz, then it is sooo good, you only need 1/2 a cup and the trick is to let it sit on the counter for at least 10 minutes before eating. When you eat it directly from the freezer, the taste buds on your tongue get semi frozen and you don't get the full flavour. Use a small spoon and savour each bite. close your eyes and the calories disappear ;)  
30 ноя 13 написано членом: mummydee
Bummer you got caught red-handed too! I have a whole lot of leftover cheesecake in the fridge too, calls my name now & then. What-ever-was-I-thinking making a HUGE one for just us? But, I HAD to have it, just had to I say. I made a low carb (well as low carb as it can be) pumpkin one. Fills the pumpkin pie void PLUS it IS cheesecake & totally worth every calorie & carb. Plus, if there is any left by Sunday night...in the freezer it goes! 
30 ноя 13 написано членом: gg-girl
Seems when hubby tries to eat the low fat sugar free, he inhales it. Claims it's okay, but he eats more of it. That would defeat the purpose for anyone who is trying to eat the 1/2 cup recommended. Might as well go for the gold.  
30 ноя 13 написано членом: ClassicRocker
yep and the fat is what makes you enjoy it and need to eat less, if its low fat and sugar free then its aspartame loaded! and that's a double whammy of bad.  
30 ноя 13 написано членом: mummydee
I'll bet it's off already, Buffy. 
01 дек 13 написано членом: Helewis
Helewis beat me to it. Have you weighed yourself. I'm back down to the weight I was prior to Thanksgiving. Well, the weight I didn't enter here, but on my personal log at home. NOW... if I can keep it as it is until the New Year, I'll be happy.  
01 дек 13 написано членом: ClassicRocker
I'll bet you already dropped the pounds, Buffy! It's all water. Laughing at you sneaking in to get that cheesecake...something I would do! lol Have a great week! 
01 дек 13 написано членом: ctlss
I'm in the same boat as GG....HAD to make a low-carb pumpkin cheesecake and do my darnedest to be sure there was very little left to freeze. :) 
04 дек 13 написано членом: Sandy701


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