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Yesterday morning, Sunday, I expected to hear from the hospital or a doctor about how my husband was doing, or what was wrong with him, or even that he had passed away after leaving him at the Emergency entrance of the hospital about midnight. It's strange now with Covid 19 to just have to leave your loved ones at the door of the hospital. At 4am I finally went to bed and slept till 7am, which I considered a victory since I figured I probably would not see him again. Now I am optimistic he will come home eventually.
About noon I called and spoke to my husband's nurse, then to him. They said he is better and he sounded better. They have ordered a C.T. Scan and other tests to look at his lungs and heart, including pneumonia or other infection. He has no fever, which is a good sign. His own cardiologist from UCLA came in while I was on the phone with him. He said he wasn't to have much water. Perhaps he has fluid around his heart or lungs and will probably need to go on a diuretic to get rid of excess fluid. When the heart doesn't pump good enough, it tends to build up. Now that I think about it, he was coughing on the way to the hospital. He routinely has refused to wash his hands after being out in public, even though Covid 19 is high here. He had a flu shot on Thursday, could he get something from that? He sure is getting more vulnerable. He vomited on the way to the hospital, boy I was sure glad I was able to pull over and get him out fast, rather than “in” our car. I bet that last a looong time. After speaking to him then our daughter in Arizona, I drove to the hospital to take him his needed personal things that he wouldn't let me have time to grab, like his C-Pap machine for sleep apnea, glasses, and my pre-paid cell phone.
We have kept the house windows closed up 24/7 since the Bobcat fire started September 6, near us. It has been unusually hot this summer, and the fires have been brutal. With twenty-one straight days of air conditioning in the house, our bill is going to cost a fortune. Since it cools off at night in Southern California, we usually open the windows to cool off the house in the late evening and night, but it's been too smokey to do so with his COPD/Emphysema lung disease. You see why I say I live very grateful. Our house is safe so far, and we are not part of the riots or looting.
I am eternally grateful for the support and many prayers of all the responders to my FS Journal. It may be that your prayers are what saved his life. He was talking about not making it.
Regarding eating, I ate whatever I wanted and started my 1 day Yom Kippur fast at sundown. This is somewhat new to me, because I've never gone 24 hours without feeling quite faint, plus it includes water, which I only tried once, unsuccessfully. I hope to concentrate on spiritual things today and will be easy on myself regarding the fast.

18 Сторонников    Поддержка   

This is beyond TMI for a weight loss site.  
28 сен 20 написано членом: cacarter1984
Glad to hear he is improving. Please take care of yourself also during this time 🙏 
28 сен 20 написано членом: raineybird
Dear cacarter1984, I am so sorry I have offended you by getting my problems off my chest. I have read several other comments over the last year of others that thought a weight loss program was "only" a place where we should share what we are eating and how it is working for us to achieve our goals. But there have been some that have shared their problems as an outlet whether or not they have developed some level of relationship with other FS members. Issues of life tend to affect the eating habits of many of us. Sometimes a gal has been told she has cancer or other ailment. My own daughter has Stage 4 cancer. Sometimes people have trouble with their children. It's common for our problems to drive us to binge. Mine do. It may seem strange that I am here on FS with a normal weight but sugar and high carbs are a real problem for me, and negatively affect my brain function. I need to get back on the wagon if I intend to try to stay independent. It is crucial for me. I don't do Facebook or other sites. I feel I need to be anonymous as my husband has been abusive. Because of him, my social world has shrunk more and more so I really do not have a support system. Some people here have said that one's Journal is their own and to go ahead and share whatever is on their heart. Should I go away so my Journals do not confront others with wasted space or negative content? It is true that I have a great deal of negativity, and some self-pity, and I am ashamed of it. I wish I were a better person, and I do try. There sure are a lot of people here with a lot of problems. All the pictures of sugary high carb foods affect me negatively but I just pass them by. If they made it not worth being here, then I would have gone away. Last year I was developing relationships with some FS members, and they meant a lot to me. Many have prayed for me and supported me and I really appreciate them. Should I give that up? Being anonymous has given me the opportunity to be more real than I have ever had in my life. I'm grieved that I have been inappropriate by giving “too much information”, and it was important enough to you to let me know it. I will think about that, consider it, and pray about it. While I am praying is there anything I can pray about for you? Since you may not come back to this site, I will post this apology to you as a private message also. 
29 сен 20 написано членом: Snowwhite100
Snowwhite...please continue to write your feelings. I find that putting them down in black and white helps immensely. You will find much support here and it helps to not feel so alone. Whether someone reads a post or not is THEIR decision. No one is forcing us to read and certainly commenting negatively is of no help at all to anyone. What a loving and kind response you've given. Please take care of yourself...prayers sent all around 
29 сен 20 написано членом: Rckc
Please keep using this for a sounding board. We all need that outlet and sometimes we don't have anyone locally. I experienced that leaving my husband at the hospital for 3 hours not long ago. I have never felt so lost waiting outside by myself. Hope to not experience that again.  
29 сен 20 написано членом: jan-e333
glad to hear the good news. will continue to pray for him and for you. 
29 сен 20 написано членом: carol655
Praying for you and your husband Snowm 
29 сен 20 написано членом: rcguenth
Your journal is YOURS. Write or post whatever you want. “Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about” applies to people who share everything or nothing about their lives. Sending ☀️ and 🌈 your way!! 
29 сен 20 написано членом: GibJig
It's your journal and the one b*tching about it has one person they're following and it's you. Ignore them. You can also contact the admins about booting them as a follower. Sad people out there.  
29 сен 20 написано членом: Katsolo
Oh, so sorry Prayers 
29 сен 20 написано членом: TinaAG
29 сен 20 написано членом: me,myselfandi
I could just cry reading this. I am so sorry that all this has been happening to you. I admire your strength and attitude! Thank you for sharing!  
29 сен 20 написано членом: Horseshu1
Snowwhite, the crises in your life are part of your struggle to maintain a healthy way of eating, so of course your post is appropriate. I am holding you and your husband in my heart. Let me assure you that if you end up alone you will be able to make it. I am 77 and have lived alone for 31 years now. I sold my house and live in an apartment so that I don't have to deal with home maintainance; when something malfunctions, I pick up the phone and someone comes to fix it. Take care of yourself and know that we are here for you each and every day. 💛💜💚 
30 сен 20 написано членом: shirfleur 1
Your acceptance of me and your support overwhelms me. I am so grateful for all your prayers. Your kind words make me want to cry. I have not lived a life feeling accepted, and I don't quite know what to do with it. It feels like basking in the sun on a nippy day. Thank you my kind FS friends. My fast went fine. I didn't really get hungry till about hour 22, then laid down and took a nap. All of a sudden I had gone 25 hours and was pleased. 
30 сен 20 написано членом: Snowwhite100
Praying for you and your hubby 🙏 
30 сен 20 написано членом: CharlieLovesChaplin


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