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Well Monday I gobbled you an extra 500 kcal. Yesterday I did better with 250 kcal under. Today is still up in the air. Rain has my allergies messed up and drainage makes me nauseous. I go between nauseous and hungry all day so far.

Plus I had a bad experience at hobby lobby this morning. They finally opened up again and my oldest and I were there early and waited to get in. Skipped the cart and went straight to the elastic following a line of people. Short story is 3-4 women my age grabbed all the elastic they could carry leaving none for anyone else waiting patiently. One lady cut the line, grabbed some and took off. One lady had enough to line the bottom of her entire cart. Found some elastic cord in another isle. While I was looking at it two more ladies came up and I stepped aside. They took all but one pack! Thankfully I’d set three aside to compare. Gave one package to a man on the phone who was talking to his wife about finding elastic for the new crib mattress but not for face masks. There were elderly people waiting and those ladies couldn’t find it in their heart to let them each have a package of elastic. Then those same ladies monopolized the entire cotton fabric section so nobody else could look at fabric. It’s like the TP hoarding all over again but with elastic. Stupid greedy people piss me off. It’s probably a good thing today because I don’t eat much when I’m angry lol.

1391 ккал Жир: 72,71г | Белк: 115,26г | Углев: 94,00г.   Обед: Ground Beef (95% Lean / 5% Fat, Crumbles, Cooked, Pan-Browned), Mission Carb Balance Soft Taco Flour Tortillas, Great Value Sharp Cheddar Cheese. Ужин: Great Value Taco Shells, Ground Beef (95% Lean / 5% Fat, Crumbles, Cooked, Pan-Browned), Great Value Sharp Cheddar Cheese. Перекус/Другое: Cadbury's Creme Egg (34g). подробнее ...
1600 ккал Упражнение: Apple Health - 24 часа. подробнее ...

17 Сторонников    Поддержка   

They piss me off too. I can't believe how selfish some people are. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm right there with you on the rain. I hope your day is getting a little better. 
22 апр 20 написано членом: tatauu22
It is amazing isn't it? 
22 апр 20 написано членом: HCB
Yeah that is too bad. How weird we are in crisis... 
22 апр 20 написано членом: liv001
disgusting people! My patience is gone for the hoarders.... 
22 апр 20 написано членом: Little Red Fox
That makes me upset too peeper Jen friend 😩  
22 апр 20 написано членом: jcmama777
It’s like people just lose their brain and are afraid they’ll not get more of something. I would be considered a TP hoarder I bet. I ALWAYS keep about 1-2 weeks on hand. With 5 of us, if us adults get sick we couldn’t go get more. I’m talking a stomach virus lol. I’ve kept 1-2 weeks worth ever since I became an adult and started buying my own. Right now I pick up a 6-12 pack once every week or two. Whatever the store has. But I know some people would be jealous of my toilet paper cabinet lol. (Who knew 3 girls could go through a whole roll or more in a day! Of course they also blow their nose with it I think.)  
22 апр 20 написано членом: peeperjj
I lucked out and found some Lysol wipes the other day. Limit 2 so I grabbed two. I don’t need them yet but I’ve been picking up stuff for my MIL and she hasn’t asked for any yet so I think she will soon. If not then my SIL has her own clinic and has been having horrible luck being able to find hand sanitizer, masks, gloves, Lysol and Clorox products. So I can send them to her if my MIL doesn’t need them (or my two great aunts when I meet them next week to give them the one elastic I was able to find). Her supplier keeps saying they are out. In my down time (let’s be real here, when I need a break from the kids) I’ve been looking for her stuff online. Found a US seller on eBay today with masks. She will get some and see if they are up to standard.  
22 апр 20 написано членом: peeperjj
I'm so sorry you had that experience. What rotten selfish people. I am so grateful that when i was working on making masks for my family, dhatura gave me tightly woven, cotton fabric and elastic! She is my newly discovered FS neighbor. We live 15 minutes apart. How grateful I was not to have to even go to the store to scramble for supplies. I am glad there are kind and unselfish people in the world and some of them are right here! Thank you for sharing with those people at the store. I am sure you were feeling absolutely so upset by the horrifying selfishness you witnessed.  
22 апр 20 написано членом: melissatwa
Forget the elastic for masks. Sew the ties from matching fabric. 20” ling. 
23 апр 20 написано членом: KLRichatd
Oh Peeper, that behavior is so ugly! Even though their bad behavior is one them and very disappointing (I am being nice) it does mess up your day. On the other hand, it provides opportunity for blessings. You giving that man some elastic is what that experience was all about. ❤ If you really need elastic or something of the like, you can use hair ties or those thin black hair bands or t-shirt strips. I used the t-shirt ties for the masks that I made for my sister and her co-workers. Also, when I was looking for disinfectant wipes and couldn't find them, I bought those Swifter mop pad thingys. They are the disinfectant kind too. Anyway, all that you are doing for others does not go unnoticed. ❤👍😊 
23 апр 20 написано членом: Becc@
Love reading your stuff Peeps. You always make me chuckle with your stories. Love ya!! 😘 
23 апр 20 написано членом: wifey9707
Are they making face masks with this stuff?! 
23 апр 20 написано членом: Gcd234
I myself am not making masks. With three kids at home and having to help the little for 4-5 hours a day I really don’t have a lot of time to just sit and sew. My great aunts an hour away from me are sewing the masks for area hospitals and a group home for the mentally challenged. Neither they or their ladies group (at least a dozen women) have had luck finding elastic so I’m contributing by finding them elastic and taking it over. Thankfully my oldest was in a scrunchii making phase for awhile so I had probably 15 yards or so on hand that I took them last week. They are doing the ties when elastic runs out but have been told the elastic loops are wanted over the ties. Plus these ladies range in age from around 60-90. Some are having trouble turning the ties right side out (assuming arthritis). The ties also take longer I’m told. I myself would prefer the little elastic cord I found which is why, when I get an hour to myself during the day, I’ll try making one with it. Will be hard to catch in the stitches because it’s maybe 1/8” thick but I can hand sew it if necessary. I know one of my great aunts will be able to hand sew as well. Now OU down in OKC has requested 1 MILLION masks!  
23 апр 20 написано членом: peeperjj
Found out my great aunts don’t need the Lysol wipes as they are still having their house cleaner come. The aunts are neighbors so hang out with each other while their house keeper cleans. Still cook her lunch but they set at opposite ends of a 12’ table now. Neither aunt gets out except for essential food and medicine and to deliver the masks. Me going to all the stores looking for supplies means they stay healthier. I’d do anything to keep them from getting sick. They neither one can breathe well in cloth masks so I bought a pack of surgical masks which should be delivered next week. I’m going to give them some and insist that they were them when delivering the masks. If they refuse then I’ll kindly remind them that without the elastic I’m trying to find it’ll take longer to make masks which means they won’t be getting out so much to deliver them ;). Kinda funny to turn it around on them. Of course it’s ingrained in me to respect my elders so I’ll be very nice about it and will probably be told to butt out haha. One aunt can be a bit fiesty as she ages. They will be 76 & 78 this year.  
23 апр 20 написано членом: peeperjj
GCD, If you are talking about the ladies who grabbed all the elastic then I don’t know. I would assume so since one lady mentioned the smaller elastic was easier on the ears. There’s a group in town that have made 2000 masks for our two local hospitals. One hospital has asked for more because they are giving them away to patients. When asked if I wanted masks from my aunts group to donate here I declined when I heard the hospitals were handing them out to the public. I feel that the health care workers around the state need them before the general public. The public can make their own, buy one etc. Lots of people in my town are selling them on Facebook so those ladies could be making them to sell or donate or keep. No way to know. I do know over 230 yards were taken by those 3-4 women. That would make 630+ masks between them (@6.5” Per ear loop). My guess is to sell or donate.  
23 апр 20 написано членом: peeperjj
I found some elastic on eBay from a US seller. $30 plus shipping for 200 yards. A great deal if anyone is looking for elastic. I bought one and will see if it works. If so I’ll buy the ladies more. The seller had more than 30 in stock last night.  
23 апр 20 написано членом: peeperjj


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