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I'm on day 4 of my water fast! hunger is starting to get stronger but riding it out...energy dropped a tiny bit yesterday but I think my electrolytes were just off because I felt slightly improved after having a sugar free Powerade.

I've done water fasts before and was super duper strict and ONLY had water but this time around I'm being a bit more lenient about it. I had a cup of coffee with 15 calories of sugar free creamer twice so far and some sugar free gum a couple times a day. I do want to do this the purest way but that guy in Scotland that fasted until goal had coffee with cream and sugar occasionally....I still haven't decided if these are a good idea I might cut them out later.I still feel the spiritual benefits with these little extras but maybe I'd feel it even more without them? TBD.....anyways...

One thing I've observed so far is that my daily normal anxiety that I have is actually greatly reduced and I feel so much more "present". I googled it and apparently it is a known side effect of fasting! So cool...

I've also still been walking 8 miles a day without an issue...I'm just waiting to see if that energy goes away....we'll see.

PS: I turned down donuts (room mate brought them home at 6am and I woke up to them and he NEVER has done that EVER! and they were the biggest best looking donuts I've ever seen lol), sugar free chocolate that was a gift (also from room mate!), pizza, pesto tortellini, Italian-style salad (also a gift), and a giant warm chocolate chip cookie all in one day hahaha....was so weird how it all played out too, was totally like the universe tempting lol.

On a side note - please know that when I say "killing the flesh" while fasting and "showing my flesh who's boss" - those are my old "church day slang" LOL...it just refers to my animal instincts that are naturally self destructive and only about self gratification to the detriment of my spiritual self, NOT my physical body the way it appears. I love my body SO much and am extremely grateful for it - it's gorgeous and STRONG and healthy and I do not want to harm it. I have read SO much about fasting before beginning this - I read eeeeevery site that was for it, against it, research studies...everything. And I have continued to read while I'm doing it too.

Fasting isn't dangerous at all - many cultures do it regularly...

Watch "Facing the fat: no food for 50 days" on Netflix! It's about a man that fasted for 50 days under a doctor's supervision and the doctor monitored his fat and muscle loss...a lot of what we're taught is not true about losing muscle and fasting being dangerous....think about it...they say that while fasting your body can heal itself way better...they say fasting helps skin elasticity and it to bounce back..and I thought "Well that makes sense if it's healing itself better...maybe that's why?"

I know that I'm fully capable of losing weight without fasting...I've done it, I'm good at it...lots of experience with it.

I just want to try this - I will get the results in 40 days that I'd get in 5.6 months, losing it like I was! That is shocking and worth it to me. I've gained my weight from beginning to drink again and this fast is ending that too and giving me a fresh start. I've gained around 35lbs and this fast will take care of 2/3 of it in ONLY 40 days!

I would also contact my doctor but due to this Covid thing they're doing most appointments via video/phone here and I don't think a doctor monitoring me that way would be any benefit. I might contact a doctor after this is over...maybe around day 20 and I'd already be half way done...we'll see.

32 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Good luck! You may motivate me into doing a two week fast ('mentally' that is my limit. I am not hungry, I just want to 'chew' on something 🤣😜). When you hit the 'plateau' remember it is 'normal and expected'. Stay your 'spiritual path'. 
16 апр 20 написано членом: adefwebserver
awesome! :) - hey I just don't get it...why stop when you're already past the worst? I was reading that after 2 weeks you start to feel really good! 
16 апр 20 написано членом: Sharons Victory
@Sharons Victory - For me, it is 'totally mental'. Many (most?) people are a bit 'stronger' than me in this regard :) I also used sugar free gum. Causes diarrhea and gas but antacids help (I know TMI!). - - Anyway, water fasting was the only way I was able to 'exit obesity'. Once I did the 'exit' I had to do what I am doing now ('liquid fast during the week). It's been 2 years so far... 
16 апр 20 написано членом: adefwebserver
@Sharons Victory - ... also, I get that 'euphoria' after only 3 days. That's also where I am able to only sleep about 4 hours a night. Energy is though-the-roof. That's when it hits you that the human body can survive off of stored fat, period. Electrolytes are the only 'problem'. "food" normally handles this, but, not eating caused me to feel great one moment and then get chills and feel weak in an instant. I then started drinking water with an expensive electrolyte supplement throughout the day. I also learned to keep my water intake to a minimum because otherwise I risked flushing out the needed electrolytes.  
16 апр 20 написано членом: adefwebserver
Good luck!! Stay hydrated water is key!! Stay safe & healthy!! 🍀🍀🍀👍👍👍🌈🌈🌈 
16 апр 20 написано членом: damablack13
Once in awhile I'll fast for up to 72 hours. I feel good afterwards, like I've flushed lots of the garbage out of my system. But don't think I would/could do it longer than 3 days. Even then I usually have liquids, not just water. 
16 апр 20 написано членом: Fritzy 22
I’ve done a 7 day fast before... wouldn’t do it again. I do 60 hours and up to 72 hours every week and the healing begins when you refeed. Not during fasting. The fasting helps with insulin resistance. So when you refeed, you will absorb all the nutrients you eat. I’m doing it more for weight control than health benefits. I’ve been eating anything and everything lol cake, bread, cereals, etc during the lockdown in my country. After 4 days your digestion slows down. Be careful not to get refeeding syndrome. Depending how long you will be fasting for. Plan how you will refeed. Very important. Many have landed up in hospital refeeding incorrectly. If you already know all this. Great stuff. Good luck🍀 
17 апр 20 написано членом: Pascoal777
I'll be careful about what I eat when I come off of it. I actually grew up with a pastor that perminantly damaged his digestive system after coming off of an extended fast and eating the wrong foods.  
17 апр 20 написано членом: Sharons Victory
Be well my friend. People are going to judge your choice but keep on the path that best works for you. I have done 36 and 48 hour fasts and usually feel great. 
17 апр 20 написано членом: HCB


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