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I need some help.
I've awoken and not to sure about things.
Any help with motivation will be much appreciated.

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Morning chestnut❣️ 
01 фев 20 написано членом: moopie321
Morning hunni. What's up? 
01 фев 20 написано членом: frankie_bug
Woof Misty! Says the pup 😍 
01 фев 20 написано членом: binkytexas
Frankie I am lacking motivation.  
01 фев 20 написано членом: Chestnut63
Binky misty says hello, but I am not sure about how I feel. 
01 фев 20 написано членом: Chestnut63
Oh no! Quick, make a list of why you're doing this, as many reasons as you can think of! 
01 фев 20 написано членом: frankie_bug
Frankie thank you for your advice but I am not very good at making list, I mainly do things on a ad hoc basis. 
01 фев 20 написано членом: Chestnut63
Making a list is the way to go chestnut. Please don’t ruin the hard work you have put in. You got this x 
01 фев 20 написано членом: bubblegum14
Bubblegum I really appreciate what you and Frankie are trying to tell me, but I have a destructive nature. 
01 фев 20 написано членом: Chestnut63
Don’t do it chestnut babe. Your better and stronger this time round. Bob the builder said, Yes you can! 😁 
01 фев 20 написано членом: bubblegum14
At least you acknowledge that... now what are you gunna do? You are in control of your situation. 
01 фев 20 написано членом: ozelliex
Ozelliex thanks for your advice I am going have to find a challenge to exercise the mind, something that will stretch the mind. Any suggestions please. 
01 фев 20 написано членом: Chestnut63
Just a phase, transport yourself to future you. You know how angry and disappointed you will be and things like that can spiral very easily. Avoid it all, give the destructive nature the finger and move on 🤜🏼 
01 фев 20 написано членом: tomqsadler
@Chestnut63 I always find word games help if it’s keeping the mind busy - maybe a book? If you feel like going out, maybe take a walk? Do you need to do some errand/s that could keep you occupied for a while? If you want to try and give the list thing a go, maybe it’s about doing it somewhere else (I.e. not in the house) - favourite coffee shop maybe?  
01 фев 20 написано членом: ozelliex
what is your ultimate goal? 
01 фев 20 написано членом: newmember19
Ultimate goal to enjoy my retirement.  
01 фев 20 написано членом: Chestnut63
Chestnut the main thing is that if you are not willing to try new things and change old habits nothing will change in your life and if you are not happy with it, then you must change something. And if you don't want to change anything then no amount of advice will help.. Start by deciding what you want, what are you prepared to do to get what you want and then take friendly advice on board and do something to fix things you are not happy with. Otherwise might as well give up. I know it sounds harsh but no point complaining about stuff you are not willing to change. Sometimes we need tough love to help us see things for what they are... I could have sat on my fat arse and kept crying how unhappy I am but I decided that I want to change and now I'm working hard to get what I want. And all the other people you see on here who are getting results are also working hard to get those results. So my advice is to stop saying who you are, what you do not do and start thinking who you want to be and what you will do to get there. 
01 фев 20 написано членом: Pixi-Dust
keep it simple. just getup from the bed and walk to the nearest shop to buy anything small. fresh air will do you good. then you can think about next step 
01 фев 20 написано членом: fatchandu
Go about your day with positivity. Don’t let a moment of doubt discourage you from what you want to achieve. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and forge on knowing that you have many friends that will support you in meeting your goals. If those words aren’t the motivation you need, here’s some more that may help: snap out of it my friend! 😂 Wishing you a good day Chestnut! 🌞💛 
01 фев 20 написано членом: dlewis1234
Chestnut - so sorry to hear you are feeling miserable. Fresh air sounds good and usually helps - have you tried taking Misty for a walk???? That would keep you busy - lol. Seriously, I find that because I HAVE to take the dog out it MAKES me do something even when I dont want to - that feeling of lazing in bed, but a cold wet nose nudging me... (no I dont mean the hubby). When I get out there, no matter what the weather is doing I feel more awake and alert. Is there a park near you where you could go for a wander? Put some earphones in and have some favourite music playing, particularly if it has a fast beat then it makes you walk faster. What about the boys? Take them for a walk or even a swim - would that be possible? If getting some exercise, promise yourself a treat afterwards - just a good coffee perhaps (not loaded with syrups and cream though). I am planning to start clearing out the spare room this weekend (still at work at the mo) and that will make me feel good when it is eventually done. Thinking of you mate, and if I was closer I would drag you out to chase the dog!! 
01 фев 20 написано членом: ChrisFGL9


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