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IN ENGLISH BELOW (long post)

Aviso: texto largo.
He encontrado un texto en inglés que me ha encantado porque, aunque de primeras parece una cursilería, en realidad nos recuerda cosas importantes. He querido compartirlo con las muchas personas de FS a las que tengo cariño, así que lo he traducido. Espero que también os guste.

"El autocuidado es a menudo una cosa muy poco bella.

Es hacer una hoja de cálculo de tus deudas y hacerte cumplir una rutina matutina y cocinar comidas saludables y dejar de huir de tus problemas llamando solución a la distracción.

A menudo es hacer lo más feo que tienes que hacer, como sudar en otra sesión de ejercicios o decirle a un amigo tóxico que ya no quieres verlo o conseguir un segundo trabajo para que puedas tener una cuenta de ahorros o encontrar una manera de aceptarte a ti misma para que no estés constantemente agotada de tratar de serlo todo, todo el tiempo y luego tener que tomar descansos deliberados y obligatorios de la vida para hacer cosas básicas como verter un poco de aceite en el baño y leer el Marie Claire y apagar el teléfono por un día.

Un mundo en el que el autocuidado tiene que ser un tema tan de moda es un mundo enfermo. El autocuidado no debe ser algo a lo que recurrimos porque estamos tan absolutamente exhaustas que necesitamos un poco de alivio de nuestra implacable presión interna.

El verdadero cuidado personal no son los baños de sal y la tarta de chocolate, es tomar la decisión de construir una vida de la que no necesites escapar regularmente.

Y eso a menudo requiere hacer lo que menos quieres hacer.

A menudo significa mirar tus fracasos y desilusiones a los ojos y reorientar tus estrategias. No es saciar tus deseos inmediatos. Es dejar ir. Es elegir de otra manera. Es decepcionar a algunas personas. Es hacer sacrificios por otras. Es vivir de una manera que otras personas no lo harán, de modo que tal vez puedas vivir de una manera que otras personas no pueden.

Es dejarte ser normal. Estándar. No excepcional. A veces es tener una cocina sucia y decidir que tu meta final en la vida no va a ser tener abdominales y estar al día con tus falsos amigos. Es decidir cuánta de tu ansiedad proviene de no actualizar su potencial latente, y cuánta proviene de la forma en que te enseñaron a pensar antes incluso de que supieras qué estaba sucediendo.

Si te encuentras en una situación en la que te tienes que concederte regularmente autocuidado de consumo, es porque estás desconectada del autocuidado real, el cual tiene muy poco que ver con el "darte un capricho" y mucho que ver con ser como una madre para ti misma y tomar decisiones para tu bienestar a largo plazo.

Es no utilizar tu vida frenética e irracional como justificación para el autosabotaje en forma de alcohol y procrastinación. Es aprender a dejar de tratar de "repararte" y empezar a cuidarte a ti misma... y tal vez encontrar que cuidarte amorosamente se ocupa de muchos de los problemas que estabas tratando de arreglar en primer lugar.

Significa ser el héroe de tu vida, no la víctima. Significa recablear lo que tienes hasta que tu vida diaria no sea algo de lo que necesites terapia para recuperarte. Ya no se trata de elegir una vida que se vea bien por encima de una vida que se sienta bien. Es renunciar a algunas metas para que puedas preocuparte por otras. Es ser honesta incluso si eso significa que no eres universalmente querida. Es satisfacer tus propias necesidades para que no te sientas ansiosa y dependiente de otras personas.

Es convertirte en la persona que sabes que quieres y que estás destinada a ser. Alguien que sabe que los baños de sales y el pastel de chocolate son formas de disfrutar de la vida, no de escapar de ella".

-Brianna Wiest
- imagen de Yaoyao Ma


Warning: long text.
I found a text that I loved because, although at first it looks twee, it actually reminds us of important things. I wanted to share it with the many people at FS whom I cherish. I hope you like it too.

“Self-care is often a very unbeautiful thing.

It is making a spreadsheet of your debt and enforcing a morning routine and cooking yourself healthy meals and no longer just running from your problems and calling the distraction a solution.

It is often doing the ugliest thing that you have to do, like sweat through another workout or tell a toxic friend you don’t want to see them anymore or get a second job so you can have a savings account or figure out a way to accept yourself so that you’re not constantly exhausted from trying to be everything, all the time and then needing to take deliberate, mandated breaks from living to do basic things like drop some oil into a bath and read Marie Claire and turn your phone off for the day.

A world in which self-care has to be such a trendy topic is a world that is sick. Self-care should not be something we resort to because we are so absolutely exhausted that we need some reprieve from our own relentless internal pressure.

True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from.

And that often takes doing the thing you least want to do.

It often means looking your failures and disappointments square in the eye and re-strategizing. It is not satiating your immediate desires. It is letting go. It is choosing new. It is disappointing some people. It is making sacrifices for others. It is living a way that other people won’t, so maybe you can live in a way that other people can’t.

It is letting yourself be normal. Regular. Unexceptional. It is sometimes having a dirty kitchen and deciding your ultimate goal in life isn’t going to be having abs and keeping up with your fake friends. It is deciding how much of your anxiety comes from not actualizing your latent potential, and how much comes from the way you were being trained to think before you even knew what was happening.

If you find yourself having to regularly indulge in consumer self-care, it’s because you are disconnected from actual self-care, which has very little to do with “treating yourself” and a whole lot do with parenting yourself and making choices for your long-term wellness.

It is no longer using your hectic and unreasonable life as justification for self-sabotage in the form of liquor and procrastination. It is learning how to stop trying to “fix yourself” and start trying to take care of yourself… and maybe finding that taking care lovingly attends to a lot of the problems you were trying to fix in the first place.

It means being the hero of your life, not the victim. It means rewiring what you have until your everyday life isn’t something you need therapy to recover from. It is no longer choosing a life that looks good over a life that feels good. It is giving the hell up on some goals so you can care about others. It is being honest even if that means you aren’t universally liked. It is meeting your own needs so you aren’t anxious and dependent on other people.

It is becoming the person you know you want and are meant to be. Someone who knows that salt baths and chocolate cake are ways to enjoy life – not escape from it.”
-Brianna Wiest
-Illustration by Yaoyao Ma

28 Сторонников    Поддержка   

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Que bonita reflexión  
05 дек 19 написано членом: Isa Álvarez Manoja
Muy buena Eva. Muy profunda. Entras en dilemas profundos personales, porque aunque te sientas solo, eres un ser social. No hay cosa más jodida que estar rodeado de gente y sentirte sol@.Le tengo que dar otra vuelta, pero me gustan estas reflexiones.  
05 дек 19 написано членом: siempre aprendiendo
Me alegra que os haya gustado. Hay algún punto que yo no pondría, pero he preferido mantener el texto íntegro y dejar que cada cual aproveche lo que le resulte más útil. Abrazos, vecin@s, y buenas noches. 
05 дек 19 написано членом: EvaSieteTres
Gracias por tu esfuerzo, por supuesto. 😘 
05 дек 19 написано членом: siempre aprendiendo
precioso Eva 😍😍😍 
05 дек 19 написано членом: Silvi-es+
Thank you for translating. You are so wise❣️ self love isn’t more stuff, it’s creating the life you love... removing yourself from toxicity. 💕💕💕 Self-care is about doing things that brings fulfillment. I may be wrong but I think many people overeat to satisfy a hunger that food cannot satiate. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
05 дек 19 написано членом: moopie321
I absolutely LOVE this! ❤️❤️❤️ 
05 дек 19 написано членом: davidsprincess
Thank you Eva for posting this with an English translation. What a shockingly good thing to read. When I was young, I traveled obsessively, searching for a true home, desperately looking for the love I needed and did not have. I found that home in my husband, though it was and is still work to have a good marriage. I would love to travel more again, the see the world as it is, rather than as a person scrambling for escape. Moopie, you are right for me at least; I frequently eat to escape my feelings, or situations where I can’t yet be fully free of toxic people. But I don’t want to flee my own life anymore and that has taken a great deal of unglamorous work. Thank you again for this. The clarity is impressive. 
05 дек 19 написано членом: adultosaur
Words of wisdom. I posted a short quote from this piece on Facebook awhile back. Thank you for sharing it in it's entirety. ❤ 
05 дек 19 написано членом: Becc@
Anna, Silvi, Sonia: me alegra que os haya gustado! La ilustración estaba también con el texto en un grupo de FB en el que estoy, me ha parecido muy adecuada. Feliz puente, amigas! 
06 дек 19 написано членом: EvaSieteTres
Becca, Adultosaur, Princess, Keyten, Moo: I am so pleased you enjoyed the text! It struck a chord with me, and I thought I might be revealing also for other people. As it was in English in the original version I found, I decided to translate it for my FS Spain friends and share the English original with all of you. 
06 дек 19 написано членом: EvaSieteTres
muy bonito texto 
06 дек 19 написано членом: Juanón
Eva - this brought tears to my eyes, and I'm not easily moved. So inspiring and such a great reminder. I love this line most: It means being the hero of your life, not the victim. There is something about confusing modesty and humility with being overly self effacing and I think that denigrates into being a victim. At least, it has for me at times.  
09 дек 19 написано членом: FullaBella
And, I noticed this many years ago - some people seem to behave as if being stressed is a sign of accomplishment. I found myself being 'judged' for being calm. Showing up on time. Not forgetting scheduled things. It was as if 'if you have all this free time to do this thing right.. you must not be putting forth much effort like me'. But it was the opposite. I had specific days for things and by honoring my schedules I didn't get behind.  
09 дек 19 написано членом: FullaBella
I'm prattling .. sorry... I think it began with the 'no pain, no gain' era. As a society we have been brainwashed into thinking 'if it isn't a struggle, you're being complacent.' If we don't talk at the speed of an auctioneer on cocaine or walk like we're being chased.. we're considered 'slow, old, unmotivated.' At least, that is the way it is here in the USA.  
09 дек 19 написано членом: FullaBella
I've actually said 'I'm getting a massage this evening' and be asked, "Why, what's going on?" as if there has to be something wrong, something stressful, etc, to justify the expense of a self caring massage. Anyway... LOVE this so much! I'm going to save it. Somewhere. But if I lose it I may ask you for it again sometimes. 
09 дек 19 написано членом: FullaBella
Bells, you know what? I thought of several FS friends when I read this text, and one of them was you. By what you share with us, I think you are showing progression in authentic self-care, but sometimes you sound like you are not aware of it, or you don't really believe you are making progress. Sorry if I am wrongly attributing these ideas to you, I just wanted to be sure you realize that self-care is present in most of what you write about your choices.  
09 дек 19 написано членом: EvaSieteTres
My favorite lines" True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from. And that often takes doing the thing you least want to do." That might sound like "no pain, no gain", but I link it more to the idea of self-parenting that is mentioned later, meaning, for me, that my actions result from thinking in my own long term good. I absolutely agree about the bad consequences of that sentence used as a mantra. I guess it's been more pronounced in the USA than in Spain, but the culture of "busy-ness" is spreading here too. However, I think that it's also caused by a real increase in workloads that people are having difficulty to manage. Just for the record: I have never seen you prattle. And please ask for the text as much as you need it! It will serve as a reminder for me too. 
09 дек 19 написано членом: EvaSieteTres
Eva...that was my favorite line too! ❤️ 
09 дек 19 написано членом: davidsprincess
Princess! Yes, that line gives so much food for thought, and it resonates so strongly against the current culture of commercial/consumer self-care, which I think is pushed on women in a particularly intense way. 
09 дек 19 написано членом: EvaSieteTres


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