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Things have not been going well for me. It actually started BEFORE all the recent chaos and trials in my life, though, so I don’t guess I can blame them. I went to the Urgent Care yesterday, because I had started with a rash on Friday morning, near my elbow that looked and felt like mosquito bites. By Friday night, there were ELEVEN little welts. On Saturday morning, it was 13, and the whole area was swollen. By late yesterday afternoon, there were 20 spots, it was very red, swollen, HOT, and beginning to “weep.” Diagnosis: dermatitis and possible cellulitis. Was put on oral and topical steroids, as well as an antibiotic. It’s doing much better today.

In addition to that, a young guy in our church died in his sleep on Friday morning. The “formerly homeless” guy that lives with us, Dwayne, had become very close to him, and he took his passing really hard! As a result, he broke his 16-month sobriety and drank 12 beers. Well, actually, it was 10 months, because he had had another slip-up at the 6-month point. One of the only two conditions of him living with us was that he NOT drink (the other is no smoking in the house). I have allowed this to cause me a lot of stress, because I’m very disappointed and somewhat hurt by the betrayal – but, I also understand, because I am similarly addicted to food as a means of comfort when I’m upset, or sad, or stressed (or happy, or celebrating, etc., etc.) How can I judge him when I do the very same thing, only with a different substance?

I dread seeing what the prednisone will do to my weight! In the past, the weight gain has been immediate, as the medication makes me want to eat constantly. The doctor says it will only be water-weight gain, and that it will go away as soon as I go back to regular eating (or have a few BEERS to flush my system! This was the suggestion from the DOCTOR!!! Thankfully, I’m not the one who is the alcoholic – but I don’t drink at all, so it is really a moot point.)

So, here I am gaining AGAIN. Up to 184 again yesterday morning. Didn’t record it, or anything I’ve eating lately – which, so far, has included TWO sandwiches today (FOUR slices of regular white bread), a couple small-ISH bowls of cherries, potato chips, Cheetos, and the day’s not even over. UGH!

NO, I don’t condone or endorse not recording what you eat! In the past, someone has chided me for being such a “bad example” to the people in my groups, acting like I was encouraging everyone to do what I do. I’m a flawed human being, just like the rest of you. I fail. But, sometimes, I succeed, too. What I DO encourage people to do is to just keep getting UP when you fall. Every day is a new beginning. Hopefully, I will make the most of tomorrow. (Which immediately makes me think, “I guess I should go and finish off all those cherries … and the Pepperidge Farm cookies … and …)

I haven’t gone to the pool to get in my laps for the past three days. I have a hematologist appointment tomorrow and am planning on picking up my little grandson afterward. Usually, that is a recipe for NOT getting in my laps; but, my twin friends are going with me, so they can keep him entertained while I swim for a while. Brand new week starting. Clean slate. Hope it’s good for ALL of us!

27 Сторонников    Поддержка   

You are so wise Debbie. I wish I was half as good as processing things as you are. sorry about your issue... sounds like something that will heal soon though???? 
21 июл 19 написано членом: liv001
Sounds like a lot going on. That would make me not pay attention to my food choices. Do you know what caused the skin issue? Has it happened before? Just wondering because I've had rashes a couple times after an allergy shot but they never lasted long. 
21 июл 19 написано членом: Fritzy 22
My heart goes out to you so much, Debbie. I can't relate to all of the things you say, but I completely understand trying so hard to help and support someone who makes choices like the man you are trying so hard to help. I have been there with a young man from our church. As a pastor's family, we did absolutely everything we could to help and I took it so personally when he ended up arrested, lied to us etc... The feeling of betrayal is so difficult... And, if you still love them, which of course you do because your heart is so invested, you just want comfort. Hugs to you, sister. I've had perhaps the worst week of stress and poor eating since the new year. I'm so discouraged. All we can do is one day at a time. Hang on! 
21 июл 19 написано членом: melissatwa
You probably should not swim with the skin problem. The chlorine may irritate it; and you might spread germs into the pool. 
21 июл 19 написано членом: gz9gjg
21 июл 19 написано членом: jcmama777
Prednisone does the same thing to me, plus it makes me really irritable the whole time I’m on it. I’m sorry things are hard for you right now, and for the gentleman who drank. I’ve learned/been told/have experienced that addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful. There is no logic to it, and the heartbreak it causes is immense. It’s hard not to take things personally, especially when you want for someone so badly what they don’t seem to want for themselves. I read somewhere that “Only God can take a mess and turn it into a MESSage.” I’m praying for comfort and clarity for you, Debbie, and I’m sending hugs your way. Take care. 🥺🙏🏻 
21 июл 19 написано членом: laraae
hugs to you, it's hard to stay the course with so many stressors.  
21 июл 19 написано членом: Sarah3Allen
omgoodness, I am sorry. Big hugs!  
21 июл 19 написано членом: babayjo
How high of a dose of prednisone are you on? I take 15 mgs daily (every single day) down from 20 a couple months ago. The 'beer flush" sounds crazy but it really does work... as long as you dont binge eat with them lol.  
22 июл 19 написано членом: JennTK
I had cellulitis in 2013. I was hospitalized for two weeks and the pain in my leg was excruciating and swelled to twice the size. still have scars on my legs and skin discolouration. You have my sympathy and I hope all your troubles will fade away soon. My best wishes and kind thoughts to you. 
22 июл 19 написано членом: Jimporter
Thankfully, @Jimporter, the medications started working immediately, before it turned into full-blown cellulitis. I'm taking 50mg/day but just for five days, @JennTK. 
22 июл 19 написано членом: Debbie Cousins
So sorry you are going through all this. You have invested so much, and your heart in this man, I know it hurts you. Your other stresses affect you body too. Am praying things will get better. Hold on, the Lord is holding on to you. We just couldn't make it without Him, could we? I'm sorry someone "chided" you, that doesn't feel good. I thought that when I saw the remark. It felt stronger than a chide. I've seen before where you give others the benefit of the doubt about their intentions. In fact I have experienced that from you and appreciated it and you.  
23 июл 19 написано членом: Snowwhite100
Thanks, @Snowwhite100, for the encouragement. I appreciate it. 
23 июл 19 написано членом: Debbie Cousins


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