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Three Members in the House of the Living Dead! I’m starting this journal entry at 7:08am. I just got home from 7 hours at the hospital - not for myself, but with the formerly-homeless-guy-turned-family-member who lives with us. SEVERE hives – the kind that would send a little kid running crying to his mother. He went to bed at 8pm with severe body aches, alternating hot and cold, and dizziness, and woke up about 11:30pm looking like Sylvester Stallone after being beaten to a pulp in Rocky! I was afraid to take him to the hospital myself because of his dizziness, so I called 9-1-1 and followed the rescue squad vehicle. Basically, they don’t know what caused it, and I have to take him to an allergist on Monday to show them the pictures I took of how bad he looked.

I don’t think I’ve put in my journal that for the past 8 days, I’ve been staying home, taking care of my husband who has a severely pinched nerve in his neck. He, too, has been very dizzy, so I have to follow him around making sure he doesn’t fall. He is in a neck brace and not supposed to turn his head, so I’m preparing all his meals, tucking him into bed, preparing heating packs for him, etc. I’m going to take him BACK to the doctor on Monday, also, because he is not any better than he was before they put the neck brace on him and before he took all the medications which were prescribed for the pain. (In another post sometime, I’ll explain why he is in constant pain every day of his life.)

I posted day before yesterday that I had been feeling dizzy, and weird, and tired and basically BLAH. On Friday night, I actually passed out when I got up to go to the bathroom during the night. I made it to the bathroom doorframe, and held on, and then gently fell into the piled up basked of clothes next to the door. Thankfully, I wasn’t hurt in the fall. Tonight, when I was driving home from the hospital, I had another VERY weird experience! All of the road signs that are supposed to be white or yellow were NEON GREEN. Well, they were neon green TO ME (not to my passenger!) When I got home, the porch light was also neon green (to me). Very strange phenomenon!

At my doctor’s office, if you call precisely at 8am on any weekday morning, you can get a “same day” appointment. That’s what I’m going to do for me and my husband. We’ll have to call to schedule an allergist appointment for Dwayne.

On a brighter note, I did well on my eating and drinking water today. EVEN while sitting in a hospital waiting room staring right at the snack machines and soda machines for six hours.

My twin friends are being kind enough to go and pick up the prescriptions for Dwayne (which we went to get, but weren’t going to be ready for an hour). As soon as they get here, so he can take his meds, I’m going to bed!!! I never went to bed last night at all.

I do have what my Christian friends will understand as an “unspoken prayer request” regarding a relationship strain. Believe it or not, THAT is the most discouraging thing to me right now, in the midst of all this other chaos.

I appreciate all you fine people who are so supportive and encouraging. It is HELPING! The fact that I stayed within my macros today was something I was beginning to think I’d never see again. Miracles DO happen, even in the midst of trials! Praise the Lord!

29 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Many blessings to you and your family at this time. We will pray for you. 
24 фев 19 написано членом: overcommer
Debbie, such a tough week. Hope nothing serious with you seeing neon green and dizzy. That is weird. Maybe eat a little more, maybe your body is telling you it's short on something. I understand the neck issue, been there. They ended up doing a 3 level cervical fusion. Have they tried physical therapy or cervical steroid injections, those were the first steps with me.  
24 фев 19 написано членом: wholefoodnut
Glad you are going to see the doctor. Seems like some tests may be in order. Hope your friend will be well again. Hang in there.  
24 фев 19 написано членом: liv001
2 months ago I had a pinched nerve in my neck. I was in severe pain. I went to doc a and same brace thing, suggested surgery, ( which I didn't want to do), I couldn't function. I thought about a chiropractor ( I never believed in them). I made an appt with one and cancelled 3 times. Finally the pain was so unbearable that I went. OMG, I am so glad I did. When I got home the severity of the pain was already better. I went 3 more times and pain has been gone since. You just never know what's going to work. 
24 фев 19 написано членом: choate5
Glad you’re all home safely, and Dr visits in the future. Hang in there and said a prayer for you.  
24 фев 19 написано членом: jaime30024
Wow...and I thought I had a bad week...Hang in there! Prayers coming your way! 
24 фев 19 написано членом: iulani
On a lighter note, thank god for dirty laundry. Please keep us posted 
24 фев 19 написано членом: Nana Ellen
yum yum 
24 фев 19 написано членом: eatolive4life
choate, correct different options work for different people. I worked for a chiro. for years and saw lots of success, there are limits though depending on other health issues.  
24 фев 19 написано членом: wholefoodnut
Dear Debbie, don't even have words to Express myself 😢😢😢I hope and pray that tomorrow will be a better and bless day for you and your hubby 🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌please know that you can text me or message anytime that you just want to communicate with me, I will be praying for you guys!! take care love ya❤❤❤❤ 
24 фев 19 написано членом: Holygirl57
Wow clearly having a very tough time caring for everyone !! If your husband has a pinched nerve, please google Esther Gokhale's videos and get her book, she teaches you how to sit, stand and sleep, I have cured many people of sciatica and slipped disc, and neck pain using the Esther Gokhale's methods. They're simple and she makes it easy to follow with good examples. 
25 фев 19 написано членом: carolynph
Debbie, I'm sorry you are having such a rough time, and will be holding you up in prayer. Carolynph, I am looking on google tomorrow for Esther, since I have a pinched nerve in my back. Also I may consider the chiro. My daughter goes for various issues, but it doesn't really help her pinched nerve. 
25 фев 19 написано членом: Snowwhite100
Wow Debbie, can't imagine what mayhem it has been at your house. So glad you didn't hurt yourself and was able to help your husband and Dwayne. Keeping you in my prayers. Hope they figure out what's happing with the hives. And maybe the neon green color in your vision is something with your blood pressure. Do you check it? Be safe! 
25 фев 19 написано членом: Pixie68
I'm praying for you, your husband and Dwayne. One note: allergies don't cause severe body aches, hot and cold. Did he have fever? Infections like Rocky Mountain spotted fever can do that. 
25 фев 19 написано членом: metamora
Dear Debbie, I had no idea of your troubles when I made the request of you. I'm so sorry you are going through all this. Holding you up in prayer. 
25 фев 19 написано членом: Snowwhite100
Check for Carbon Monoxide fumes. You can't smell them, but they do cause dizziness, etc. 
25 фев 19 написано членом: 1nbritner
Dear Debbie, what a rough time you're going through and how incredibly well you're coping. Sending my best wishes to you. you continue to be an inspiration. xxxx 
28 фев 19 написано членом: shubedoo


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