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I find that this journal is my lifeline at times. If I’m the only one who sees it that’s ok. If I never see this again then that’s okay too.

It’s time to make a decision. I don’t want to make a decision. By not making a decision, I’m making one by default.

I’m tired. Bone tired. Emotionally tired. Mentally tired. My ‘diet’ for some odd reason is keeping me in check. It gives me something to do. It keeps my mind off of other things.

A friend has been telling me for years it’s time to get out. Now my counselor says something has to give and I need to look at my choices and consider making a decision. My home life has been this way off an on for 14 years and fairly steady like this for almost 2. My friend reminded me today that it actually started fairly steady about May 2016 so more like 2 1/2 years.

Some is my fault if blame must be placed. I’ve changed. How could I not after moving away from everything I’ve known, being a stay at home Mom and basically detached from outside life until my kids started school... then moving again right in the middle of ‘no boundary in law land’ where my husband constantly chose the family he dislikes immensely over the kids and I. Then losing Dad, Mom and my stepdad in just under 4 years from start to finish and having an unplanned baby in that time (she saved me from suicide so I’ll never consider it a mistake or whatever. She’s my little oopsie in the best way). 3 months after the last death I found out my gene mutations and had to start considering surgical options and the following 3 years it’s been decisions, surgeries, surprise tumors found, more surgeries, treatment and trying to find and accept the new me.... with very little close support. I’ve changed. I dislike some changes. Most can’t be helped. My anxiety has worsened and they say it’s a life long thing now but controlled mostly with meds. I’m more irritable and sensitive to things around me like everyone talking at once gets overwhelming and I have to get out. It’s almost like I’ve developed a combination of ADD, OCD and PSTD that comes and goes. When I feel negative stuff coming on I explain to the family and find a distraction if possible. The oldest and hubby don’t get it. And don’t care to. They’ll push and push until I explode. She follows me around and won’t let up. He gets surly and makes sure I know that he shouldn’t have to deal with this and I need to just be ‘normal’.

Then there’s anytime I have a need. Every single surgery he picks a fight the days before and the day of and sometimes for a week after. Then one day he just denies it all. I’m imagining it. I’ve started calling a friend and telling her every detail just so when he says this I can call her, explain what I think happened and ask if that’s what I told her. She thinks he’s trying to make me think I’m crazy. Like literally crazy, need to be locked up crazy. He’s tired of a wife that sleeps on the couch most nights even though the bed makes me wake up crying. He doesn’t care because it’s fine for his back. It’s fine for his hip and he can get up off of it easily (well he didn’t have surgery last week). I give in and sleep in bed so times but like this morning, I wake surly, in pain, exhausted because I couldn’t get comfortable etc. Can they let me have a cup of coffee before everyone needs me? Nope. His daddy job is mornings. 6:20-8am. He makes sure they get up by 6:40 if they oversleep, gets a glass of milk for the youngest, checks his phone while they get ready, drives one to school and back by 7:15-7:20 and goofs off until 8. After work he farms, does a hobby, tv, phone games, naps etc except mid October to first of December and once a week then he coaches my youngests team.

Too long of a story but after surgery let’s just say that he yelled at everyone for the smallest things like speaking too loudly, needing to stop and use the restroom, having to stop and get my pain pills. His excuse? He needed to poop and was unwilling to poop anywhere other than Home. My pain meds trumps his not wanting to poop at any of the 4-5 places we went that day. Me being calm and comfortable should’ve trumped his hissy fits about Every single thing he could think of. My meds keep me calm for the most part. I have less outbursts when upset until I get overwhelmed. Asking didn’t work, telling didn’t work and telling him to shut the fuck up only managed to have him seething. 2-3 hours of constant bitching was enough. I’m still angry now. Once again I should’ve come first but he had to. Whatever his need to always make issues out to nothing and cause fights before any surgery or treatment of mine. (He did this with every single chemo as well and even told me he couldn’t take me because he had to work. Even though he gets 18+ days of vacation and I had 4 treatments I asked him to come to- he came to 2. The last was only because his family shamed him into it and he made it more miserable than it already was).

He does little things to get me and my oldest fighting. I didn’t take the bait tonight but also couldn’t manage to be as proud as I should’ve been or praise as I should have. He has a work truck. He refuses to let me drive it saying if anyone found out he would be fired. I can’t even use it to follow him from field to field. That’s fine, I can use my suburban. Today he let my 12 year old drive it. I was on the phone with a friend and worth he kids all around us he informed me she was going to follow him and in his work truck. I offered mine thinking he would get in trouble or fired. Nope she HAD to drive his at his insistence and then looked baffled as to why I was upset. I let it go. After coming home he kept rubbing it in and r egging on her to which I told her a few times that she did well and I was proud of her for not being afraid and willing to do it. He still acted confused so after the kids finally headed to their rooms I explained about his being fired and said I didn’t appreciate that he would either lie about it for years OR pit us against each other on something so silly. He thinks I’m making stuff up yet she’s already bragging about how she got to do something he has refused to allow me for the last 5ish years. That’s is my child. She WILL bring it up until she gets a rise out of me and he knows this. Eventually she will just because I’ll get sick of hearing it and tell her to stop. He got angry and left the room after a bunch of grumbling, eye rolling and ‘whatever’s.

I’m tired. So tired that if I sit down I fall asleep. So the last few evenings I’ve let myself sleep knowing that I need it. The pressure from the binder has been waking me up and taking it off means I wake up when I roll on my side and it hurts. 3-4 hours sleep at night so since he can take a nap at lunch, one before dinner and bed by 9 I felt that I could take a 1-3 hour nap the last few days. Wrong. He woke me up at 8 pissed asking if he should cook. Uh yeah why don’t you do that since I’m not supposed to be cooking until tonight yet I have been as well as laundry, cleaning etc. I push myself but hate when someone expects me to go against restrictions because they are lazy and helpless. So he sends the kids to wake me a few times asking when I wanted dinner (it’s 8, duh cook now), what I wanted (sigh I’m sleeping and don’t plan to eat so whatever you all want), then letting me know dinner would be ready in 10 minutes, in 5 minutes, then when ready. He then gets angry because I should appreciate his willingness to cook for me and love the fact that he cooked hamburger helper. He is upset that I can’t weigh it therefore don’t eat it. He doesn’t remember what he used. He doesn’t think it’s spicy so I shouldn’t think so. He’s upset because the kids barely touched it. I got it for HIM and he knows this. He wills at over half of a box himself. Ok in all honesty he will eat the whole damn thing but he made both boxes tonight. It seems we’ve never told him they dislike it and that they don’t like spicy foods. They are 4,9&12 and he can’t remember this. He just doesn’t care.

I tried to speak with him tonight and he just got up and walked off. He went to bed without saying goodnight (he thinks this gets back at me and does it anytime he’s not happy with me).

He informed me today that I’ll need to go get the fundraiser order because he may be busy. His plans for the week were changed so he has nothing planned except to update his reports and that usually takes half a day. But he MAY be busy so he can’t help. So I get to go carry heavy boxes for the car and unload them and out away when I get home. He also can’t help relieve it because he’s sure he will be busy every day, evening and weekend until the end of the month and I shouldn’t wait that long. This... this is one reason that I push myself. If I stretch and do thighs that keep up my strength then I can lift those boxes. If I sit around for a week doing nothing then lifting those boxes is gonna pull something, rip a stitch, pull off a steri strip or whatever. I could wait until 3 and have my oldest help. However that means the two youngest would go on home. Alone. Because he already knows about this, has told me he may be busy and that means he will make sure he isn’t home. I’d rather not have them home alone because sometimes we wait for 30-60 minutes for our turn to pick up. I may be allowed to get them off the bus there but the school is coming down hard on that. They don’t even want us picking up the kids. The kids are to sue the same way Home at all times unless strictly necessary to change. Picking up fundraiser stuff isn’t what they consider necessary (they’ve been irritated when I’ve called and gotten them because I wouldn’t make it home before them and they asked if there wasn’t someone I could get to meet them wnd stay with them).

This is my life. Doing everything I can for my kids and one always mad, saying it ain’t enough and competing with me over every single thing. Doctors who just don’t understand how my life is and give lectures. Family that are an hour away and don’t need my stress added for theirs. Family who couldn’t give a damn. Inlaws who have no respect or boundaries and are manipulative. A husband who seems to hate me for getting cancer because I ‘once looked at him with hatred in my eyes’ after my treatments and he ‘just can’t get over that’. Perhaps I was irritated at having to cook an hour after I got home from chemo? Perhaps I was in pain? Perhaps I was tired? Or perhaps he imagined the hatred in my eyes like I imagine him not helping and starting fights when I should be calm and resting. This... this is why I try not to drink. I get addicted easily. A family of alcoholics. It would be so easy to lose myself in whiskey or beer. This stuff is why I cut. And if anyone is reading this (probably not ebcause I plan to make it where only if an see it) or if I’m reading it again. It’s fine. Cutting isn’t healthy but neither is this marriage, smoking or how I view food most of the time. It’s healthier than drugs or suicide. And you know you won’t do it because the girls need you. They can’t be allowed to feel the pain and grieve I’ve suffered in the last several years. They will never question if I love them. Well the oldest mightbht I can’t help her at this point. Even the counselor can’t. If a little pain takes the emotional pain and stress away why not. And it’s not like it’s often. A few months ago I think and not even a scratch to show that I did it.

Counselor... and friend... ask how much more I can take. Do they think me weak? I’ve dealt with a lot. The kids stuff hurts the worst. She’s my oldest and quite like me. We should be the best of friends not mean girl competitors or whatever. My husband... is it so hard to love me now? Is it so hard to accept that too much outside stimulation sends me into a panic? Is it so hard to keep the tv below volume 40, everyone take turns talking or asking me things and when I’m getting upset, to be understanding and let me have 15 minutes to calm down while taking over for me? I do everything for him after his surgeries. I’ve handled his family for years when he just couldn’t and asked me to. I have been emotionally alone for 7 years now. So perhaps their question should be considered. How much more can you take Jennifer? Really, when is enough, enough. When do you get to feel special? Loved? Beautiful even though you have scars inside and out? Worthy? Respectable? When will you be loved for who you are and more than a mother, free prostitute, maid, personal assistant... hell, he couldn’t even list you as assistant coach of the team but expects you to coach one of the teams, handle snacks, getting info to parents, getting kids for the team in the first place.. yet you aren’t worth it the assistant coach title and he verbally tells people your rent the assistant just a helper. When. Will. I. Be. Free. ?

Don’t think I’m nuts but I write these like I’m talking to someone across from me. So to whoever is looking over my shoulder or hearing my thoughts. Do YOU understand? Do you think I’m crazy? I’m not suicidal. I can’t do that to my kids but I am honest enough to admit that I consider it. I know who to call if I ever start to actually consider it rather than think about it. So is my depression that bad, is it bipolar instead, am I crazy or have I just reached the point that I don’t give a shit? Or I care too much? To top it off I have the principle mad at me because I repeated what she said and she was reprimanded for it and now trying to convince me she didn’t mean it that way. Not a big deal but she’s making it into one. My kid is afraid this will be bad for her in school and sports but agrees I did the right thing by being honest when I was asked what was said. I just can’t win.

So now I get to find something to eat. Some protein. Or just say screw it and have a snickers. Oh how easy it would be to skip back into my daily snickers habit. Don’t want the real pop, the snack cakes and all that but snickers is a habit that’s hard to break. Upset....want a smoke.... consider a drink... consider a snickers.... eat a 100 calorie treat instead (after the smoke lol) See? Even when my life is miserable I can find reasons to smile. So I cantbe as horrible and as negative as hubby says I am. Set to private post. Get food. Have a smoke. Read a chapter in my book. Think of ways to get even that I wouldn’t ever actually consider but will bring a smile to my face. Bed. That order. Don’t fall into guilt depression and crying. He can’t love and respect you but YOU can love and respect you. And those girls. The youngest two would do anything for you and you know it. Reciprocate. Don’t let them turn out like the oldest. Shield them for their dads mental games before they turn against you too and so that they don’t ever feel like you do. They deserve to stay little way longer. You lost your parents, fought cancer yet can’t leave him? Figure it out Jo. Figure it out.

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4 Сторонников    Поддержка   

I hope you didn't cut. I hope you had your Snickers. One Snicker's ain't gonna kill you or ruin your figure (a 5 pack might not be too good for the figure... but one will do just fine). :) And I hope you get things sorted out... I cannot advise, I know nothing about your marriage, how it normally is, how you both normally are, individually or together... all I know is that even on the days I hate my husband, I still love him. Maybe you guys are going through some tough years, maybe its time to go in different directions... do you still love him (even when you want to wring his neck, or throw him out the door)? If so... it's time to talk to eachother (possibly with a councellor)... if not, it's time to think (can you love him again? What would be the best options if not? What will make YOU happy?) 
04 окт 18 написано членом: FioLog
I’m across from you, and I understand. No, you’re not crazy. You’re so lucid. So clear. Before I met my husband, I was in a relationship where the guy was trying to convince me I was crazy. Like clinically crazy- which in my case was probably true- but when someone does this in attempt to control you, it’s called gas lighting. It’s a form of mental emotional abuse. 
04 окт 18 написано членом: KayBuckaroo
Peeper. I’m sending lots of love your way. I’m right there with you. You’re not crazy I agree 💯 with Kay; you’re lucid and very much clear and concise on your path and your feelings. I often wonder why I have done the things I have as well. I can fight and get better from lymphoma but I’m going to let a relationship fill me with doubt about myself. This is the inconsistency of my mind and it’s horrible. You’re a strong woman and you do not deserve to be treated with disrespect. It’s the little things everyday that no one sees. How hard we struggle to not drink or be negative. To constantly look within ourselves to find that little extra to push through. 
04 окт 18 написано членом: g_ortegam
Thank you all! No I didn’t cut. Usually I can just run my fingernail along my forearm or pinch my leg and that works. It worked this time ;). I ended up having ramen noodles, an apple and some protein chips. I knew I was in for a binge (unusual for me unless it’s candy) so I dug through cabinets looking for things that would fit he least amount of damage. Ramen was the only thing that wasn’t nutritious but it was filling. Took me over an hour to eat it all. 
04 окт 18 написано членом: peeperjj
@Fio unfortunately this is how we are together now. A good example is it’s hubbys chore to put away stuff after dinner. He usually puts up the food and leaves everything else for me. Tonight I said ‘hey honey you missed the lettuce’ as I was headed back to get the kiddos in bed. His response was ‘so? Your welcome for doing all the rest.’ He literally put the meat back in the container I had there and put 1/2 a cup of tomatoes in a baggie. I put up the tortillas, shells, lettuce, dirty dishes etc. If I say anything he says I’m too critical but I was in a good mood and didn’t mean it bad at all. I’d already thanked him for putting it up when we started putting the meat away but it wasn’t enough. I do love him but I do hate him now. It’s just really hard being a full time mom, housewife, farm wife, volunteer and basketball coach and also having to do 90% of the parenting, animals, garden etc. He’s too tired to do anything now. He had his gall bladder out and now he’s milking it. Since Jan 3rd of this year (10 months ago) yet he refused to let me take a nap when we got home after surgery. He was the one that had to drive and deal with the kids alone for the 2 hours I was in there so he was the one that deserved the nap. I’m just sick of having a husband who is more like my spoiled son. 
04 окт 18 написано членом: peeperjj
@kay, I’ll have to google gas lighting. It seems familiar but that may be because we have the gaslight theater here ;). I have a feeling if he would come to counseling with me that we would find we are both emotionally abusive to each other at this point. When I’ve had enough I don’t hold back. Like when he said I look at him with hatred in my eyes. Or when he keeps going on about how I’m a bitch because I need 15 minutes to myself upon waking. Who jumps out fo bed and is happy to immediately have 4 people talking tot hen at once demanding lunches be made, wanting all plans for every person listed because they can’t look at the calendar by the table they are sitting at or the phone in their hand, who wants to know why there’s no milk because he decided to have two glasses before bed not caring that the kids wouldn’t all be able to have cereal the next morning. I should KNOW he would drink that milk (1/2 gallon at a sitting) and should’ve run to town the day before even though HE was at the store that day. I just can’t handle it anymore after chemo. It changed my brain I guess. I’m overwhelmed easier, frustrated easier and have a harder time not telling him where to go when he is being a disrespectful prick. And I tell him he’s a prick after he starts calling me names. My oldest is learning from him unfortunately. She’s also now learning from me that it’s okay to be bitchy back 😖. Some days he’s perfect but 29 out of 30 days a month he’s horrible to live with or we basically don’t even see him because he’s sleeping or watching tv and can’t be interrupted or he throws a fit (and we have DVR-he has over 100 hours of recordings not including his 8 shows per week that he watches). Oh and the hour show every weekday at lunch when he’s home. My counselor says she’s 90% sure after spending half an hour with him that he’s depressed, in denial and takes it out on everyone else because he can’t with his clients and coworkers. If he would just seek talk therapy or meds I’d be understanding but to deny anything’s wrong and say I’m a basket case and will turn our kids into crazies... well I just can’t sit and keep my mouth shut. I’m old fashioned mostly but not that old fashioned. Sad thing is that if my parents were alive this wouldn’t be happening. He never wanted them upset with him and knew they’d take me and the kids in a heartbeat if they even thought he was acting this way. Now he just laughs and says I have nowhere to go and no job or money. Don’t care about that but it’s like he’s rubbing it in that my parents are deceased. 
04 окт 18 написано членом: peeperjj
@g thanks :). I’ve often wondered if I’m crazy but the counselor assured me I not lol. She says I’m just under too much stress. So much that cancer and chemo didn’t phase me because everything else was too much. Chemo was easy because everything else was hard. She’s got a point I guess but I do still wonder. I totally understand about fighting disease yet relationships having us question ourselves. My family says I’m strong. I’m not. I can be strong for others like when I had no choice but to hand feed, force feed my mom as the dr said or when my kid got hurt and I had to stay calm and deal with that, get the horses out up first and also deal with two other kids. If someone else expects strength or needs it then I’m strong. But I’m not strong for myself. I consider myself a realist with pessimistic tendencies lol. Always say plan for the worst, Hope for the best. I’ve been adding lately to have no expectations but that’s easier said than done. Not drinking is easy until I get upset, angry or depressed. I would be a closet drinker I think. I have a few on occasion but I make it happy times. When I’m upset I’ll just drink until it’s all gone or I’m sick. So now I buy it only for special things like a party or every few years for my birthday. Kind of a test and to prove to myself that I can have one and stop, unlike most of my family. Seeing how they are when drinking helps! Counselor advised no alcohol and a nurse last week explained that people with depression tended to have addictions and became addicted easier than someone who has never been depressed. Wonder why nobody had mentioned it before now? She said I should be proud for handling pain and refusing narcotics because I didn’t realize just how easy I could become addicted to them. On a lighter note... it’d kinda be nice to be happy and high all the time lol. I sure don’t care about the little stuff or even the big stuff when I come out of surgery. It’s just when the negativity and yelling become too much that it gets to me and works its way through the happy surgery meds. They should really sell whatever it is that makes you all happy and dreamy eyes after surgery lol. 
04 окт 18 написано членом: peeperjj
Peep, I sure hope this gets all worked out. My heart goes out to you. No advice, I don't think you need any nor asking for any. Right now I wish for you to have peace, rest, comfort. <3 
04 окт 18 написано членом: Becc@
Thanks Becc@! Advice is always welcome but not always followed ;). At this point my counselor agrees that I’m doing what I can and it’s time to stop giving in. He will change or he won’t. He’s not the same man I married-not even close these last few years. She says to think hard on what I want and what I’m willing to keep putting up with. Peace rest and comfort sound great right now! I’d settle for just peace at the moment if I can only have one ;). But rest is the one I’ll get lol. If nothing else a friend has offered her couch to me for a long nap if needed while the kids are in school. He doesn’t like her so won’t ask what we did if I go visit her🤫.  
04 окт 18 написано членом: peeperjj
It's good to have friends and guidance when you're in a situation like this. ❤ Stay well. 
04 окт 18 написано членом: Becc@
will read it when I get a chance Gangsta. did read the first bit and I 100% get that having something stable(in both our cases it's a "diet" for lack of a better term even though I don't feel I diet I just don't eat shit hahaha) is so important for so many reasons. I know that so much is out of my control but what I eat is not! I feel I know ya pretty well on some level now and your a ledgend 👍 remember you have at least 1 fan hahaha 
04 окт 18 написано членом: keith george cooke
@Becc@, yes it does! It’s also wonderful to have the support of all of you wonderful people on FS! My counselor wanted me to drop down to once a month or so. Now she wants me to keep to once a week just to get it all out even if there’s nothing we can do.  
05 окт 18 написано членом: peeperjj
Aww Keith thank you :). To me the word diet means your food intake. Dieting means you are adjusting your diet to be healthier or lower calorie. So I’ve needs on a diet since birth with some periods of dieting :). It’s like when you dr asks ‘tell me about your diet.’ He’s not wanting to know the last time you cut calories but rather what you eat most of the time. (I would hope you don’t eat shit. I doubt it’s very nutritious or appetizing 🤣).  
05 окт 18 написано членом: peeperjj


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