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Well, I finally told my diabetic friend he's killing himself. he said he showed up at the eye doctor confused and his blood sugar was jacked up and needed more insulin! MORE F-ING INSULIN to yoyo himself to death. ohh he's there because his eyes are now needing injections of god knows what because he's losing his sight. he's got congestive heart failure, he's a total mess. so, I give him a few more years. I couldn't be quiet anymore and finally told him to stop it. I know he won't help himself but at least I've tried over and over and never gave up. if you are a diabetic, please watch Dr Ken Berry "Diabetics Beware: ADA GUIDELINES will make your Diabetes Worse!" then cut the damn carbs and get help if you need it to transition your life. also search YouTube how type 1 diabetics can even do this. success stories. I'm tired of losing friends! I have a voice and it's time I use it! Silence kills. (was that too dramatic)

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It's so sad that some people just turn a deaf ear! I have friends and family doing the same thing! So frustrating and sad 🙁 
19 июл 18 написано членом: jenniferl12003
Jenniferl12003 doctors are criminals encouraging this. I just read an article "Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: 'Is curing patients a sustainable business model?" YUP you read that right, BIG MONEY doesn't think people getting cured is good for business. BIG PHARMA PROFIT!  
19 июл 18 написано членом: jenjabba
The one line that sticks in my head from Dr, Fung's book is "I know how to make a person fat, give them insulin". Actual doctor, actual patients, years of experience. No one denies this. Now insulin brings the blood glucose levels down, and relieves the symptoms from elevated blood sugar, but it does this by pushing glucose from the blood to the liver and muscle and fat cells (this is what makes you fat). A type 2 diabetic can prevent all this from happening by limiting the glucose in the blood in the first place. Cut the carbs, period. When you have a ton of family and friends blind and missing libs you're ready to do something different, because pumping people full of higher doses of insulin eventually stops working. 
19 июл 18 написано членом: adefwebserver
in the year before easter I lost 30 lbs. with normal dieting. On easter I started keto and lost 22 lbs before July but after about one month I was totally off insulin. A1C went from 8.5 to 6.7 DR was delighted I have several times eaten a few carbs and my blood sugars jumped up. This is definately the plan for me....... 
19 июл 18 написано членом: Peggymcm
adefwebserver I remember that clear as day! my friend is actually skinny and I don't think much of the education is addressing thin diabetics and their are many. his wife told me yesterday, he didn't need keto because he's not fat. perfect misconception. sad.  
19 июл 18 написано членом: jenjabba
Peggymcm wow! CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! inspirational! 
19 июл 18 написано членом: jenjabba
Good for you, Peggy! 
19 июл 18 написано членом: 222Patricia
Aww, it's tough when you watch someone self destruct. Hugs. They can only help themselves, you can't make them. I know it's hard though. 
19 июл 18 написано членом: Peasy3
I monitor my blood sugar regularly. I eat a McDonald's Big Mac and my blood sugar spikes and stays there until the next day. This shows that at the very least I am "insulin resistant" (blood sugar spiking high and staying there is NOT normal). I come from a family of type 2 diabetics. Most of the time now, my blood sugar is now normal. But, I have the McDonald's Big Mac my blood sugar is not normal. I tested this, same result every time. So the only way I can safely eat a Big Mac is if it is the only 'carby thing' I eat for days. Otherwise I can do what I want and eventually go blind.  
19 июл 18 написано членом: adefwebserver
@jenjabba - Yeah I see your point, the MCDonald's Big Mac will spike my blood sugar just as much now as it did when I was 35 pounds heavier. So yeah I can make myself go blind and still be thin. 
19 июл 18 написано членом: adefwebserver
I know what you mean. I have friends that is going down that road and unless they change there is nothing I can do. It breaks my heart.  
19 июл 18 написано членом: eatolive4life
I know what you mean with being tired of loosing friends, killed by their diet. Lost another short time ago. They go far too young. Was beautiful people too.  
19 июл 18 написано членом: Diddlee
I lost two to type 2 and stroke/heart attack and another has survived but damaged just in the last 4 months 
19 июл 18 написано членом: Kenna Morton
No I'm struggling with being Type 2 and I try hard every day if you care about someone you can't stay quiet if you didn't care you wouldn't be upset!  
19 июл 18 написано членом: Gale Petersen
Sadly, people don’t make change to help themselves until they’re ready to do it, but with any luck and prayers answered, your friend will change ways now, before it’s too late, and you’re a wonderful friend, dramatic and all! 
19 июл 18 написано членом: Em GI
I am a type 2 ( family history on both sides) and my husband was as well. When I was first diagnosed, I immediately lost 30lbs and cut carbs. My A1C went up, not down. Over the next 7 years it just got worse and about 3 years go I started insulin. I’ve now lost more weight and my need for insulin is still there but not as much per day. I only eat between 20 and 40 net carbs per day. Now my husband was diagnosed a couple years ago and needed insulin right away. After starting a low carb WOE with me this past April, he was off insulin within a week! My point is, each body is different. Sometimes no matter how well you eat and excersize, insulin is the only option to keep the numbers down. Just my two cents. 
19 июл 18 написано членом: tinast
Tinast! Thank you for sharing! Yup! You still might need insulin but you can greatly control the need by not eating foods that drive up blood sugar. He eats candy pieces all day and total sugar kaluah and cream drinks! Just depends on what the pancreas and cells are doing. Im so glad you both have each other for support! 
19 июл 18 написано членом: jenjabba
my dad is diabetic. he lost his foot May 2nd I started keto less than 2 weeks later. I tell everyone I care about. my sister is 5 days in... 
19 июл 18 написано членом: cynthiaaeh
@tinast - I find I have to reduce my carbs below 10 a day to lose weight now :( I was able to lose on 20-30. I am also the age my father was when he ended up in the hospital and was diagnosed with diabetes. 
19 июл 18 написано членом: adefwebserver
please please have him watch this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0eCiy3Z1ls  
19 июл 18 написано членом: biketolive


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